DivanteLtd / magento1-vsbridge-indexer

This is an official, native Vue Storefront data indexer for Magento 1.9

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Taxrates are being omitted

cyzeal opened this issue · comments



Taxrates are fetched with Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface::fetchAssoc() in src/app/code/community/Divante/VueStorefrontIndexer/Model/Resource/Tax/Rates.php - this method uses the first result column as array keys. However, the first column values (tax_calculation_rule_id) will not be unique in rules with multiple country-based rates, which results in missing tax rates.

See https://framework.zend.com/manual/1.10/en/zend.db.adapter.html#zend.db.adapter.select.fetchassoc


Use Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface::fetchAll() instead.