DirtyHairy / async-mutex

A mutex for synchronizing async workflows in Javascript

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Is there a way to implement a RWLock ontop of async-mutex?

CMCDragonkai opened this issue · comments

Seems like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Readers%E2%80%93writer_lock could be done on top of async-mutex.

A RW lock is a possibility, but would most likely by a separate mutex class. Do you have a usecase in mind?

This was my attempt using async-mutex. It's read-preferring.

Sorry for my late response, life came in the way and I forgot to reply 😏 Yes, that implementation looks fine and valid. Actually, I like it better than the thought of adding it to the library. If that is fine for you I'll close the issue.

I was wondering how to do a write-preferring RWLock, the wikipedia article gives an method using condition variables, but we don't have this here.

A write-preferring one should mean that when a write call is done, it should block and queue up all the reads.

That's an interesting exercise 😏 I think the following algorithm with two mutexes and two counters should work:


  1. Lock write mutex
  2. Check read counter, lock read mutex if it is zero
  3. Increment read counter
  4. Release write mutex
  5. ... [do async stuff]
  6. Decrement read counter
  7. Check read counter, release read mutex if it is zero


  1. Check write counter, lock write mutex if it is zero
  2. Increment write counter
  3. Lock read mutex
  4. ... [do async stuff]
  5. Release read mutex
  6. Decrement write counter
  7. Check write counter, release write mutex if it zero