DioxusLabs / example-projects

Featured Dioxus projects on how to build clean user interfaces in Rust

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How to run?

magick93 opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to find how to run the examples, but it isnt clear.

Steps To Reproduce


  • I added some comments to #15


The readme says:

Run the following commands to serve the application...

npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./public/tailwind.css --watch
cargo watch -x 'run --release'

This actually two commands. Each should be run in a new terminal.
However, cargo watch -x 'run --release' results in:

error: no such command: `watch`

        Did you mean `fetch`?

        View all installed commands with `cargo --list`

Running either dx build or dx serve results in:

[WARN] You appear to be creating a Dioxus project from scratch; we will use the default config
[INFO] 🚅 Running build command...
Error: 🚫 Serving project failed: error: the wasm*-unknown-unknown targets are not supported by default, you may need to enable the "js" feature. For more information see: https://docs.rs/getrandom/#webassembly-support
   --> /home/anton/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/getrandom-0.2.11/src/lib.rs:290:9
290 | / ...   compile_error!("the wasm*-unknown-unknown targets are not supported by \
291 | | ...                   default, you may need to enable the \"js\" feature. \
292 | | ...                   For more information see: \
293 | | ...                   https://docs.rs/getrandom/#webassembly-support");
    | |______________________________________________________________________^


  • I'm interested in fixing this myself but don't know where to start

I'm beginning my rust journey, so I'm not sure of what commands are the correct ones. However, I'm familiar with good, clear, concise getting started guides. So maybe I can help

Cargo watch is a different package: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-watch. Now that dx supports different platforms we should replace the watch command with dx serve --platform desktop which does the same thing without a new cli. The commands should be run in different terminals