DinoDevs / GladiatusCrazyAddon

This was "A browser addon for the Gladiatus browser game."

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Problem loading gca_resources on Firefox

amauryblin opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
At least the gold and exp data cannot work on Firefox due to an error in the path while loading gca_resources.
The path seems hard-coded to look for the resources folder on chrome-extension, so on other browsers that won't work.

From the source code in source/core/source/gca.info.js
var gca_resources = { "folder": "chrome-extension://" + gca_extension.id + "/core/resources/", "audio": "chrome-extension://" + gca_extension.id + "/core/resources/audio/" };

Screenshots (optional)

2022-11-19 21_44_01-Window

Console errors (optional)
(see screenshot)

Browser info (optional)

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Version: 106.0.5
  • Installed GCA version: 4.3.7

Thanks for the report.

I think this might be related to manifest problems, it's probably gonna be wise, to wait for Thanos for his answer...

( This could be related, or it completely isn't #389 (comment) )

1ba2c4f Yeah, this is definitely related to the manifest changes:


... this is the public Firefox version, Firefox is using moz-extension://.

We have to wait for @GramThanos anyways, for the version release, so this is the first priority and then we can most likely (if no other bugs found) get a new version out, when Thanos has time, of course.

Let's close this. On my tests, Firefox works ok.