DinoChiesa / Apigee-Powershell-Admin

a Powershell module to tickle the administrative interface of Apigee Edge

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Apigee Powershell Admin module

This is a Windows Powershell module for managing Apigee.

With this module, Powershell scripts can do these things:

entity type actions
org query, update properties
environment list, query
apis list, query, inquire revisions, inquire deployment status, import, export, delete, delete revision, deploy, undeploy
sharedflows list, query, inquire revisions, inquire deployment status, import, export, delete, delete revision, deploy, undeploy
flowhooks ??
apiproducts list, query, create, delete, change quota, modify public/private, modify description, modify approvalType, modify scopes, add or remove proxy, modify custom attrs
developers list, query, create, delete, make active or inactive, modify custom attrs
developer app list, query, create, delete, revoke, approve, add new credential, remove credential, modify custom attrs
credential list, revoke, approve, add apiproduct, remove apiproduct, revoke apiproduct, approve apiproduct
kvm list, query, create, delete, update, get all entries, get entry, add entry, modify entry, remove entry
cache list, query, create, delete, clear
keystore list, query, create, delete, import cert
keystore alias list, query
reference list, query, create, delete
virtualhost list, query, create, delete

Not in scope:

  • OAuth2.0 tokens - Listing, Querying, Approving, Revoking, Deleting, or Updating
  • TargetServers: list, create, edit, etc
  • data masks
  • apimodels
  • retrieving analytics or data from custom reports
  • DebugSessions (trace)
  • anything in BaaS
  • OPDK-specific things. such as: starting or stopping services, manipulating pods, adding servers into environments, etc.

These items may be added later as interest warrants.

This is not an official Google product

This PS module is not an official Google product, nor is it part of an official Google product. Support is available on a best-effort basis via github or community.apigee.com .

A Quick Tour

Quick Tour n

Pre-Requisites to use

You need Windows, and Powershell v3.0 or later. If you're running Windows 10, then you have Powershell 5.0, so you're good.


This project is a work-in-progress. Here's the status:

entity type implemented not implemented yet
org query update properties
apis list, query, inquire revisions, inquire deployment status, import, export, delete, delete revision, deploy, undeploy
sharedflows list, query, inquire revisions, inquire deployment status, import, export, deploy, undeploy delete, delete revision
apiproducts list, query, create, delete, modify description, modify approvalType, modify scopes, add or remove proxy, add or remove custom attrs, modify public/private, change quota
developers list, query, make active or inactive, create, delete, modify custom attrs
developer app list, query, create, delete, revoke, approve, add new credential, remove credential modify custom attrs
credential list, revoke, approve, add apiproduct, remove apiproduct, revoke apiproduct, approve apiproduct
kvm list, query, create, delete, update, get all entries, get entry, add entry, modify entry, remove entry
cache list, query, create, delete, clear
keystore list, query, create, delete, import cert
keystore alias list, query
reference list, query, create, delete
virtualhost list, query create, delete
environment list, query

Pull requests are welcomed.

Get PSApigee Edge

You have two options. You need to use only one of these options.

Option A: install from the Powershell Gallery

This will get you the latest "Released" version of the module.

  1. As administrator, start powershell: powershell

  2. Run install-module

PS C:\dev\ps> Install-Module PSApigeeEdge

Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its
InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): Y

You will need to do this just once, ever, for the machine. To upgrade, you can remove-module PSApigeeEdge and then run the Install-Module step again.

Option B: Clone from Github

This will get you the latest source. Usually these are the same.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:DinoChiesa/Edge-Powershell-Admin.git

  2. Start powershell: powershell

  3. import the module, like this:

PS> Import-Module c:\path\to\PSApigeeEdge

Then, you can run the cmdlets provided by this module.

You will need to run steps 2 and 3, for every powershell instance that uses PSApigeeEdge function.

The First Thing - Setting your Connection

The first thing you need to do, when using the module, is set the connection information. Do this with the Set-EdgeConnection cmdlet. This allows you to specify the credentials to use when authenticating to the Apigee Edge administrative APIs. You need to do this only once during a Powershell session.

If you are connecting to the Apigee-managed Edge SaaS, the Set-EdgeConnection command will attempt to obtain an OAuth token for the admin API, via a POST request to https://login.apigee.com/oauth/token , or the SsoUrl that you specify, as documented on this page. (This behavior was introduced in v0.2.14 of the module)

The Set-EdgeConnection will possibly look for a stashed token, which it stores in a file called .apigee-edge-tokens in the TEMP directory of your machine. This is the logic:

  • if you specify the -NoToken option, it will authenticate directly with the credentials you provide; otherwise, it will try to obtain an oauth token with those credentials.
  • if it finds a stashed, un-expired token for the user you specify, it will use that.
  • if it finds a stashed, expired token for the user you specify, it will attempt to refresh the token.
  • if that does not work, it will fall back to requiring a password to obtain a new token.

Normally tokens live for 30 minutes. It's possible that a PS script will find an un-expired token in the stash, and then during the course of the run, the token may expire. In that case the module is designed to refresh the token automatically.

Here's an example:

PS C:\dev\ps> Set-EdgeConnection -Org cap500 -User dchiesa@google.com
Please enter the password for dino@apigee.com: ***********

All commands that interact with Apigee Edge rely on this connection information. You need to do this only once during a Powershell session. If you wish to connect as a different user, you should run this command again.

By default, the module will attempt to connect to the Apigee-managed cloud Edge service, which is available at https://api.enterprise.apigee.com . To connect to a self-managed Apigee Edge, specify the base URL of the Edge management server, using the MgmtUri parameter:

PS C:\dev\ps> Set-EdgeConnection -Org cap500 -User dino@apigee.com -MgmtUri
Please enter the password for dino@apigee.com: ***********

If you employ the module from a script that runs without user interaction, you will want to specify the encrypted password, like so:

Set-EdgeConnection -Org $Connection.org -User $Connection.User -EncryptedPassword $Connection.password

Or, of course you can splat the connection information, like this:

$connection = @{
   Org = 'myorg'
   User = 'dino@example.com'
   MgmtUri = ''
   EncryptedPassword = '003093039039...xx'
Set-EdgeConnection @connection

To get the encrypted password, for safe storage on the machine, you can do this:

   $SecurePass = Read-Host -assecurestring "Please enter the password"
   $encryptedPassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString $SecurePass

By the way, this secure string and encrypted secure string stuff is just basic Powershell; it's not special to this module.

Please note: The encryption of secure strings in Powershell is machine-specific. This means if you copy the encrypted string to another machine and try to authenticate using it, authentication will fail.

There's also an option to set the connection information from a file:

Set-EdgeConnection -File .\ConnectionData-myorg.json

...and in this case the file must be JSON format, and should look like this:

  "Org" : "myorg",
  "User" : "dchiesa@google.com",
  "EncryptedPassword" : "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7....."

You can use any of the parameters describe above in this file. We recommend you do not store the password in cleartext, but use the encrypted password form.

And finally, you can use Single-sign-on, if you have that set up on your Apigee Org:

Set-EdgeConnection -SsoOneTimePasscode bBE8wL -Debug -SsoUrl https://google.login.e2e.apigee.net -Org vportal -MgmtUri https://api.e2e.apigee.net -User dchiesa@google.com

You will need to get a passcode from the /passcode URL.

After setting the connection information, you can run any of the commands shown below without re-entering credentials.


  • The stash can contain multiple tokens. They're indexed by user name (email address).
  • Access to the token stash in your TEMP directory (usually C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp) will imply the ability to connect to Apigee Edge. If you want to prevent storage of tokens, you can delete the .apigee-edge-tokens file in that directory, after your PS script completes.

Usage Examples

After you set the connection information, you can perform the tasks you really want. Following are some examples. This is not a complete list! Check the contents of the Public directory for the full list of functions available in this module. Each one is documented.

List the commands provided by the module

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-Command -Module PSApigeeEdge

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Delete-EdgeApi                                     0.0.1      PSApigeeEdge
Function        Delete-EdgeObject                                  0.0.1      PSApigeeEdge
Function        Deploy-EdgeApi                                     0.0.1      PSApigeeEdge
Function        Export-EdgeApi                                     0.0.1      PSApigeeEdge

NB: The above list is not complete.

List Developers

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeDeveloper
PS C:\dev\ps>

List Developers Verbosely

PS C:\dev\ps> (Get-EdgeDeveloper -Params @{ expand = 'true' }).developer | Format-List

apps             : {my-hospitality-app-oauth, my-hospitality-app}
companies        : {}
email            : mpalmer@example.org
developerId      : 0wYm1ALhbLl3er5G
firstName        : Matt
lastName         : Palmer
userName         : mpalmer
organizationName : cap500
status           : active
attributes       : {}
createdAt        : 1470173119147
createdBy        : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com
lastModifiedAt   : 1470174224727
lastModifiedBy   : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com

apps             : {dpc1, dpc2, dpc3, DPC4...}
companies        : {}
email            : dchiesa@example.org
developerId      : IiwTHAerQeO1OAqG
firstName        : Dino
lastName         : Chiesa
userName         : DC
organizationName : cap500
status           : active
attributes       : {}
createdAt        : 1469831492534
createdBy        : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com
lastModifiedAt   : 1469831492534
lastModifiedBy   : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com


List API Products Verbosely

PS C:\dev\ps> (Get-EdgeApiProduct -Params @{ expand = 'true' }).apiProduct | Format-List

apiResources   : {}
approvalType   : auto
attributes     : {@{name=access; value=public}}
createdAt      : 1469813885881
createdBy      : DChiesa@apigee.com
description    : API Bundle for a basic Hospitality App.
displayName    : DPC Hospitality Basic Product
environments   : {test}
lastModifiedAt : 1470151304300
lastModifiedBy : DChiesa@apigee.com
name           : DPC Hospitality Basic Product
proxies        : {dpc_hotels, dpc_hotels_oauth, oauth2-pwd-cc}
scopes         : {read, write, delete}


List API Products Succinctly

PS C:\dev\ps> get-edgeapiproduct
mcp_Hospitality Basic Product
Aircraft Maintenance
Stock Quote Product
DPC Hospitality Basic Product

List API Proxies

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeApi

Get Details of an API Proxy Revision

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeApi -Name oauth2-pwd-cc -Revision 2

configurationVersion : @{majorVersion=4; minorVersion=0}
contextInfo          : Revision 2 of application oauth2-pwd-cc, in organization cap500
createdAt            : 1470082739958
createdBy            : DChiesa@apigee.com
description          : Dispense OAuth v2.0 Bearer tokens for password and client_credentials grant_types. In this proxy, the user authentication is
                       handled by a mock service.
displayName          : oauth2-pwd-cc
lastModifiedAt       : 1470082739958
lastModifiedBy       : DChiesa@apigee.com
name                 : oauth2-pwd-cc
policies             : {AE-ConsumerKey, AM-CleanResponseHeaders, AM-NoContent, BasicAuth-1...}
proxyEndpoints       : {oauth-dispensary, resource}
resourceFiles        : @{resourceFile=System.Object[]}
resources            : {jsc://dateFormat.js, jsc://groomTokenResponse.js, jsc://mapRolesToScopes.js, jsc://maybeFormatFault.js...}
revision             : 2
targetEndpoints      : {}
targetServers        : {}
type                 : Application

Get Deployment status of an API

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeApiDeployment -Name oauth2-pwd-cc

name revision
---- --------
test {@{configuration=; name=8; server=System.Object[]; state=deployed}}

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeApiDeployment -Name oauth2-pwd-cc | Format-List

name     : test
revision : {@{configuration=; name=8; server=System.Object[]; state=deployed}}

Deploy an API Proxy

PS C:\dev\ps> Deploy-EdgeApi -Name oauth2-pwd-cc -Environment test -Revision 8

aPIProxy      : oauth2-pwd-cc
configuration : @{basePath=/; steps=System.Object[]}
environment   : test
name          : 8
organization  : cap500
revision      : 8
server        : {@{status=deployed; type=System.Object[]; uUID=a4850e3b-6ce9-482a-9521-d9869be8482e}, @{status=deployed; type=System.Object[];
                uUID=647de67b-1142-4c07-8b22-c5d6f85616a4}, @{status=deployed; type=System.Object[]; uUID=6b4a729b-16e2-45c0-8560-51eb37f50ece},
                @{status=deployed; type=System.Object[]; uUID=589aa4f0-0a1b-492c-be1a-da3e295cf44d}...}
state         : deployed

Undeploy an API Proxy

PS C:\dev\ps> UnDeploy-EdgeApi -Name oauth2-pwd-cc -Environment test -Revision 8

aPIProxy      : oauth2-pwd-cc
configuration : @{basePath=/; steps=System.Object[]}
environment   : test
name          : 8
organization  : cap500
revision      : 8
server        : {@{status=undeployed; type=System.Object[]; uUID=a4850e3b-6ce9-482a-9521-d9869be8482e}, @{status=undeployed; type=System.Object[];
                uUID=647de67b-1142-4c07-8b22-c5d6f85616a4}, @{status=undeployed; type=System.Object[]; uUID=6b4a729b-16e2-45c0-8560-51eb37f50ece},
                @{status=undeployed; type=System.Object[]; uUID=589aa4f0-0a1b-492c-be1a-da3e295cf44d}...}
state         : undeployed

Export an API Proxy

This creates a zip file with the contents of the API Proxy.

PS C:\dev\ps> Export-EdgeApi -Name oauth2-pwd-cc -Revision 8

Import an API Proxy

You can use a zipfile as a source, or a directory that contains an "Exploded" apiproxy tree.

Import a Proxy from a ZipFile

PS C:\dev\ps> Import-EdgeApi -Name dino-test-6 -Source oauth2-pwd-cc-r8-20160805-175438.zip

configurationVersion : @{majorVersion=4; minorVersion=0}
contextInfo          : Revision 1 of application dino-test-6, in organization cap500
createdAt            : 1470444956300
createdBy            : dino@apigee.com
description          : Dispense OAuth v2.0 Bearer tokens for password and client_credentials grant_types. In this proxy, the user authentication is
                       handled by a mock service.
displayName          : oauth2-pwd-cc
lastModifiedAt       : 1470444956300
lastModifiedBy       : dino@apigee.com
name                 : dino-test-6
policies             : {AE-ConsumerKey, AM-CleanResponseHeaders, AM-NoContent, AM-Response...}
proxyEndpoints       : {oauth-dispensary, resource}
resourceFiles        : @{resourceFile=System.Object[]}
resources            : {jsc://dateFormat.js, jsc://groomTokenResponse.js, jsc://mapRolesToScopes.js, jsc://maybeFormatFault.js...}
revision             : 1
targetEndpoints      : {}
targetServers        : {}
type                 : Application

Note: I have seen situations in which an access denied error prevents this command from succeeding, if the source ZIP file is Read-only. Needs further investigation. Until that is resolved, make sure your zip file is writeable. The command does not modify the zip, but for now it appears that the zip needs to be writable.

Import a Proxy from a Directory

PS C:\dev\ps> Import-EdgeApi -Name dino-test-6 -Source c:\my\directory

Delete an API Proxy

PS C:\dev\ps> Delete-EdgeApi dino-test-4

configurationVersion : @{majorVersion=4; minorVersion=0}
contextInfo          : Revision null of application -NA-, in organization -NA-
name                 : dino-test-4
policies             : {}
proxyEndpoints       : {}
resourceFiles        : @{resourceFile=System.Object[]}
resources            : {}
targetEndpoints      : {}
targetServers        : {}
type                 : Application

Delete a revision of an API Proxy

PS C:\dev\ps> Delete-EdgeApi -Name oauth2-pwd-cc -Revision 3

configurationVersion : @{majorVersion=4; minorVersion=0}
contextInfo          : Revision 3 of application oauth2-pwd-cc, in organization cap500
createdAt            : 1470082789542
createdBy            : DChiesa@apigee.com
description          : Dispense OAuth v2.0 Bearer tokens for password and client_credentials grant_types. In this proxy, the user authentication is
                       handled by a mock service.
displayName          : oauth2-pwd-cc
lastModifiedAt       : 1470082789542
lastModifiedBy       : DChiesa@apigee.com
name                 : oauth2-pwd-cc
policies             : {}
proxyEndpoints       : {}
resourceFiles        : @{resourceFile=System.Object[]}
resources            : {}
revision             : 3
targetEndpoints      : {}
targetServers        : {}
type                 : Application

Import a SharedFlow

PS C:\dev\ps> Import-EdgeSharedFlow -Name log-to-splunk -Source .\sharedflows\log-to-splunk

Export a SharedFlow

PS C:\dev\ps> Export-EdgeSharedFlow -Name log-to-splunk -Revision 1

Deploy a SharedFlow

PS C:\dev\ps> Deploy-EdgeSharedFlow -Name log-to-splunk -Revision 1 -Environment env1

List Environments

PS C:\dev\ps> get-EdgeEnvironment

Query an Environment by Name

PS C:\dev\ps> get-EdgeEnvironment -name test

createdAt      : 1408425529572
createdBy      : lyeo@apigee.com
lastModifiedAt : 1464341439395
lastModifiedBy : sanjoy@apigee.com
name           : test
properties     : @{property=System.Object[]}

List Developer Apps for a Developer

PS C:\dev\ps\PSApigeeEdge> (Get-EdgeDevApp -Developer mpalmgre@example.org -Params @{ expand = 'true' }).app

accessType     : read
appFamily      : default
appId          : cc631102-80cd-4491-a99a-121cec08e0bb
attributes     : {@{name=DisplayName; value=My Hospitality App oauth}, @{name=lastModified; value=2016-08-02 22:07 PM}, @{name=lastModifier;
                 value=mpalmgre@example.org}, @{name=creationDate; value=2016-08-02 22:07 PM}}
callbackUrl    :
createdAt      : 1470175621212
createdBy      : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com
credentials    : {@{apiProducts=System.Object[]; attributes=System.Object[]; consumerKey=9893938398398dddddddjj;
                 consumerSecret=982kedkjdkdjdkj; expiresAt=1485727621253; issuedAt=1470175621253; scopes=System.Object[]; status=approved}}
developerId    : 0wYm1ALhbLl3er5G
lastModifiedAt : 1470175621212
lastModifiedBy : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com
name           : my-hospitality-app-oauth
scopes         : {}
status         : approved

accessType     : read
appFamily      : default
appId          : ddb7d94b-c389-4df4-a5fb-34a31e9508f7
attributes     : {@{name=DisplayName; value=My Hospitality App}, @{name=lastModified; value=2016-08-02 21:27 PM}, @{name=lastModifier;
                 value=mpalmgre@example.org}, @{name=creationDate; value=2016-08-02 21:27 PM}}
callbackUrl    :
createdAt      : 1470173267571
createdBy      : dchiesa+devportal@apigee.com
credentials    : {@{apiProducts=System.Object[]; attributes=System.Object[]; consumerKey=dkjdkjdkjdkjdk88181;
                 consumerSecret=xyxyyxyyxy; expiresAt=-1; issuedAt=1470173903609; scopes=System.Object[]; status=approved}}
developerId    : 0wYm1ALhbLl3er5G
lastModifiedAt : 1470173903384
lastModifiedBy : mpalmgre@example.org
name           : my-hospitality-app
scopes         : {}
status         : approved

Revoke a Developer App

PS C:\dev\ps> Update-EdgeDevAppStatus  -Developer developer1@example.org -AppName Devapp-Dinotest-20170322 -Action revoke

Approve a Developer App

PS C:\dev\ps> Update-EdgeDevAppStatus  -Developer developer1@example.org -AppName Devapp-Dinotest-20170322 -Action approve

Approve a Specific Credential on a Developer App

PS C:\dev\ps> Update-EdgeDevAppStatus  -Developer developer1@example.org -AppName Devapp-Dinotest-20170322 =Key 18919ukjdjd -Action approve

Approve a Specific Product for a Credential on a Developer App

PS C:\dev\ps> Update-EdgeDevAppStatus  -Developer developer1@example.org -AppName Devapp-Dinotest-20170322 =Key 18919ukjdjd -ApiProduct Product123 -Action approve

Create a Key Value Map (KVM)

You can create a named KeyValueMap. KVMs apply to org scope, environment scope, or proxy scope. The module supports any of those.

Creating a KVM in Organization scope, the command uses the organization you specified in Set-EdgeConnection.

PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1

You can override that with the -Org parameter.

PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Org anotherorg

Creating a KVM in Environment scope looks like this:

PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Environment env1

Creating a KVM in Proxy scope looks like this:

PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Proxy apiproxy1

Regardless of the scope you use, you can also specify the initial values to place into the KVM, via a Hashtable of key/value names:

PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Environment env1 -Values @{
                 key1 = 'value1'
                 key2 = 'value2'
                 key3 = 'CEBF0408-F5BF-4A6E-B841-FBF107BB3B60'

Using the -Source option allows you to load the initial values from a JSON file. The JSON can be a simple hash with no nesting, only top-level properties, like so:

PS C:\dev\ps> type .\data.json
  "threshold" : 1780,
  "allowErrors" : true,
  "header-name" : "X-Client-ID",
  "targetUrl" : ""
PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Environment env1 -Source .\data.json

The JSON can also include nested properties, like so:

PS C:\dev\ps> type .\data.json
  "threshold" : 5280,
  "alertEmail" : "opdk@apigee.com",
  "targetUrl" : "",
  "settings" : {
     "one" : 1,
     "two" : 2,
     "three" : true
PS C:\dev\ps> Create-EdgeKvm -Name kvm2 -Environment env1 -Source .\data.json

In this case, the value associated to a key with a nested hash, will be a string, containing the JSON-stringified version of the nested hash. In the above, the key 'settings' will be associated with the string '{"one":1,"two":2,"three":true}'.

Update a Key Value Map (KVM)

You can update an existing KVM with new values. This removes all of the old values and replaces them with a new set of values, with perhaps different names.

PS C:\dev\ps> Update-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Environment env1 -Values @{
                 newkey1 = 'new value1'
                 key2 = 'value2-now-modified'
                 key3 = '42'

And you can use an external JSON file for the source of the properties, like this:

PS C:\dev\ps> type .\updated-values.json
  "threshold" : 2100,
  "allowErrors" : false,
  "header-name" : "not-used",
  "targetUrl" : ""
PS C:\dev\ps> Update-EdgeKvm -Name kvm1 -Environment env1 -Source .\updated-values.json

Managing Keystores and Truststores

List keystores:

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeKeystore -Environment env1

Get information about a particular keystore:

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeKeystore -Environment env1 -Name keystore1

Import a Certificate and Key into a keystore:

PS C:\dev\ps> Import-EdgeKeyAndCert -Environment env1 -Keystore keystore1 -Alias alias1 -CertFile .\TLS\example.cert -KeyFile .\TLS\example.key

Import a Certificate and Key into a Truststore

PS C:\dev\ps> Import-EdgeCert -Environment env1 -Truststore truststore1 -Alias alias1 -CertFile .\TLS\example.cert

Inquire Aliases in a Keystore or Truststore

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeAlias -Environment env1 -Truststore truststore1
PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeAlias -Environment env1 -Keystore keystore1

Get Detail on a particular alias:

PS C:\dev\ps> Get-EdgeAlias -Environment env1 -Truststore truststore1 -Alias alias1

Regarding TLS

Connecting to the management interfaces for Apigee Edge SaaS requires TLS1.2, which means your powershell sessions and scripts need to use TLS1.2. Powershell can sometimes default to using TLS1.0, within Invoke-RestMethod. This will result in an error like the following:

The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

You will be able to see this by examining $_.Errordetails.message, for example:

Try {
Catch {
  $ErrorMessage = $.Errordetails.Message
  $FailedItem = $ErrorMessage | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -expand cause | foreach {$.message}
  write-host ...

To avoid this problem, force TLS1.2, like this:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

You need to do this once in your script or session, before invoking any calls in the PSApigeeEdge module that connect with the management server.

For more information, see this stackoverflow question

Running Tests

The tests for this module rely with Pester.

To run the tests:

  PS C:\dev\ps> cd Edge-Powershell-Admin
  PS C:\dev\ps\Edge-Powershell-Admin> invoke-pester

You will need a file named ConnectionData.json, which is not provided in this source repo. It should have this structure:

  "Org" : "myorg",
  "MgmtUri" : "",
  "User" : "dino@example.org",
  "Password" : "Secret123"

If you wish to not store your password in a file in plaintext, you can convert the string to a secure string and then an encrypted string, like this:

 $SecurePass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force
 ConvertFrom-SecureString $SecurePass

... and store the value like so in the ConnectionData.json file:

  "Org" : "myorg",
  "MgmtUri" : "https://api.enterprise.apigee.com",
  "User" : "dino@example.org",
  "EncryptedPassword" : "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297e....6e0b49de4241b4b01e8f"

You can connect to a different Edge using different Connection files:

  Invoke-Pester -Script @{
    Path = '.\Tests\PSApigeeEdge.Tests.ps1'
    Parameters = @{Connection = 'MyCustomConnectionData.json'}

To run a subset of the tests:

Invoke-Pester -Script @{
    Path = '.\Tests\*.Tests.ps1'
    Parameters = @{Connection = 'ConnectionData.json'}
  } -TestName Set-EdgeConnection,Create-Kvm-1,Update-Kvm-1

Other Notes

This module is available on the Powershell Gallery

License and Copyright

This material is Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Google LLC, and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 source license.


  • The tests are incomplete.


See also, this Nodejs module


a Powershell module to tickle the administrative interface of Apigee Edge

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:PowerShell 100.0%