Dimillian / RedditOS

The product name is Curiosity, a SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS Big Sur

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

App getting slow, crashing after some time.

detrophy opened this issue · comments

Attached the Log from the crash handler.

I've opened the app, opened a few threads. Scrolled up and down and tried to zoom into a picture.

Date/Time: 2021-09-06 12:40:38.392 +0200
End time: 2021-09-06 12:40:39.396 +0200
OS Version: macOS 11.5.2 (Build 20G95)
Architecture: arm64e
Report Version: 32
Share With Devs: Yes

Data Source: Stackshots
Shared Cache: 74867C57-7C81-38D6-BB42-68EC05B7B3CB slid base address 0x183f30000, slide 0x3f30000
Shared Cache: 27F6DF85-5F9B-3963-A9A2-9106536EC7F6 slid base address 0x7fff2004c000, slide 0x4c000

Command: Curiosity
Path: /private/var/folders/*/Curiosity-2.app/Contents/MacOS/Curiosity
Identifier: com.thomasricouard.curiosity
Version: 0.5.4 (19052021)
PID: 26820
Time Since Fork: 576s
Note: Translocated

Event: hang
Duration: 1.00s
Steps: 11 (100ms sampling interval)

Hardware model: MacBookAir10,1
Active cpus: 8

Time Awake Since Boot: 128168s
Time Since Wake: 800s

Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically
Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting

Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process:
10 start + 4 (libdyld.dylib + 99376) [0x184239430]
10 ??? (Curiosity + 40416) [0x104f15de0]
10 static App.main() + 128 (SwiftUI + 4326912) [0x1a4ef1600]
10 runApp(:) + 220 (SwiftUI + 8874340) [0x1a5347964]
10 specialized runApp(
:) + 96 (SwiftUI + 208728) [0x1a4b03f58]
10 NSApplicationMain + 1064 (AppKit + 14456) [0x186acb878]
10 -[NSApplication run] + 596 (AppKit + 204364) [0x186af9e4c]
10 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1292 (AppKit + 262144) [0x186b08000]
10 DPSNextEvent + 836 (AppKit + 267872) [0x186b09660]
10 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 72 (HIToolbox + 196020) [0x18c23cdb4]
10 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 552 (HIToolbox + 196596) [0x18c23cff4]
10 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 (HIToolbox + 197248) [0x18c23d280]
10 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 684 (CoreFoundation + 533996) [0x1843185ec]
10 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 572 (CoreFoundation + 539332) [0x184319ac4]
10 CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION + 36 (CoreFoundation + 539768) [0x184319c78]
10 @objc closure #1 in static NSRunLoop.addObserver(
:) + 56 (SwiftUI + 9067744) [0x1a5376ce0]
10 closure #1 in static NSRunLoop.addObserver(
:) + 64 (SwiftUI + 9067648) [0x1a5376c80]
10 autoreleasepool
(invoking:) + 64 (libswiftObjectiveC.dylib + 6836) [0x1968cdab4]
10 specialized thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> (@error @owned Error) + 24 (SwiftUI + 9050588) [0x1a53729dc]
10 closure #1 in closure #1 in static NSRunLoop.addObserver(
:) + 16 (SwiftUI + 9067680) [0x1a5376ca0]
10 static NSRunLoop.flushObservers() + 144 (SwiftUI + 9057592) [0x1a5374538]
10 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () + 28 (SwiftUI + 2483760) [0x1a4d2f630]
10 closure #1 in GraphHost.init(data:) + 156 (SwiftUI + 10033932) [0x1a5462b0c]
10 ViewGraphDelegate.updateGraph(body:) + 80 (SwiftUI + 2461872) [0x1a4d2a0b0]
10 ViewRendererHost.updateViewGraph(body:) + 76 (SwiftUI + 8674416) [0x1a5316c70]
10 closure #1 in ViewRendererHost.updateViewGraph(body:) + 108 (SwiftUI + 8681456) [0x1a53187f0]
10 partial apply for closure #1 in ViewGraphDelegate.updateGraph(body:) + 28 (SwiftUI + 2477968) [0x1a4d2df90]
10 closure #1 in closure #1 in GraphHost.asyncTransaction(:mutation:style:) + 24 (SwiftUI + 10033980) [0x1a5462b3c]
10 GraphHost.flushTransactions() + 172 (SwiftUI + 10030588) [0x1a5461dfc]
10 GraphHost.runTransaction(
:) + 92 (SwiftUI + 10034152) [0x1a5462be8]
10 GraphHost.runTransaction() + 176 (SwiftUI + 10028424) [0x1a5461588]
10 AG::Subgraph::update(unsigned int) + 884 (AttributeGraph + 61584) [0x1a5668090]
10 AG::Graph::update_attribute(AG::data::ptrAG::Node, bool) + 332 (AttributeGraph + 24192) [0x1a565ee80]
10 AG::Graph::UpdateStack::update() + 492 (AttributeGraph + 23112) [0x1a565ea48]
10 partial apply for implicit closure #2 in implicit closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #1 in Attribute.init(:) + 32 (SwiftUI + 1296364) [0x1a4c0d7ec]
10 PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 620 (SwiftUI + 8356428) [0x1a52c924c]
5 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 2616 (SwiftUI + 8359876) [0x1a52c9fc4]
5 closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 84 (SwiftUI + 8364968) [0x1a52cb3a8]
5 ViewRendererHost.performExternalUpdate(
:) + 192 (SwiftUI + 8678420) [0x1a5317c14]
5 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 204 (SwiftUI + 8365240) [0x1a52cb4b8]
5 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 480 (SwiftUI + 8365840) [0x1a52cb710]
5 PlatformViewRepresentableAdaptor.updateViewProvider(:context:) + 440 (SwiftUI + 1508268) [0x1a4c413ac]
3 ??? (Curiosity + 1697124) [0x1050aa564]
3 EnvironmentValues.truncationMode.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239588) [0x1a53a0c24]
3 EnvironmentValues.textCase.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239660) [0x1a53a0c6c]
2 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 184 (SwiftUI + 4826168) [0x1a4f6b438]
1 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_13 + 0 (SwiftUI + 4872696) [0x1a4f769f8]

Process: Curiosity [26820]
UUID: 310A7E93-65D6-3BF0-9F26-6C29486D1529
Shared Cache: 74867C57-7C81-38D6-BB42-68EC05B7B3CB slid base address 0x183f30000, slide 0x3f30000
App Version: 0.5.4
Build Version: 19052021
Path: /private/var/folders/*/Curiosity-2.app/Contents/MacOS/Curiosity
Architecture: arm64
Footprint: 1635.30 MB
Time Since Fork: 576s
Num samples: 11 (1-11)
CPU Time: 1.000s (3.2G cycles, 7.2G instructions, 0.45c/i)
Note: Translocated
Note: Suspended for 1 sample
Note: Terminated (zombie) for 1 sample
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted

Thread 0x13fc37 DispatchQueue "com.apple.main-thread"(1),none 11 samples (1-11) priority 31-47 (base 31-47) cpu time 0.999s (3.2G cycles, 7.2G instructions, 0.45c/i)
<DispatchQueue "com.apple.main-thread"(1), process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [349], IO tier 0, priority 47 (47)>
10 start + 4 (libdyld.dylib + 99376) [0x184239430] 1-10
10 ??? (Curiosity + 40416) [0x104f15de0] 1-10
10 static App.main() + 128 (SwiftUI + 4326912) [0x1a4ef1600] 1-10
10 runApp(:) + 220 (SwiftUI + 8874340) [0x1a5347964] 1-10
10 specialized runApp(
:) + 96 (SwiftUI + 208728) [0x1a4b03f58] 1-10
10 NSApplicationMain + 1064 (AppKit + 14456) [0x186acb878] 1-10
10 -[NSApplication run] + 596 (AppKit + 204364) [0x186af9e4c] 1-10
10 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1292 (AppKit + 262144) [0x186b08000] 1-10
10 DPSNextEvent + 836 (AppKit + 267872) [0x186b09660] 1-10
10 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 72 (HIToolbox + 196020) [0x18c23cdb4] 1-10
10 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 552 (HIToolbox + 196596) [0x18c23cff4] 1-10
10 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 (HIToolbox + 197248) [0x18c23d280] 1-10
10 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 684 (CoreFoundation + 533996) [0x1843185ec] 1-10
10 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 572 (CoreFoundation + 539332) [0x184319ac4] 1-10
10 CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION + 36 (CoreFoundation + 539768) [0x184319c78] 1-10
10 @objc closure #1 in static NSRunLoop.addObserver(
:) + 56 (SwiftUI + 9067744) [0x1a5376ce0] 1-10
10 closure #1 in static NSRunLoop.addObserver(
:) + 64 (SwiftUI + 9067648) [0x1a5376c80] 1-10
10 autoreleasepool
(invoking:) + 64 (libswiftObjectiveC.dylib + 6836) [0x1968cdab4] 1-10
10 specialized thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> (@error @owned Error) + 24 (SwiftUI + 9050588) [0x1a53729dc] 1-10
10 closure #1 in closure #1 in static NSRunLoop.addObserver(
:) + 16 (SwiftUI + 9067680) [0x1a5376ca0] 1-10
10 static NSRunLoop.flushObservers() + 144 (SwiftUI + 9057592) [0x1a5374538] 1-10
10 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () + 28 (SwiftUI + 2483760) [0x1a4d2f630] 1-10
10 closure #1 in GraphHost.init(data:) + 156 (SwiftUI + 10033932) [0x1a5462b0c] 1-10
10 ViewGraphDelegate.updateGraph(body:) + 80 (SwiftUI + 2461872) [0x1a4d2a0b0] 1-10
10 ViewRendererHost.updateViewGraph(body:) + 76 (SwiftUI + 8674416) [0x1a5316c70] 1-10
10 closure #1 in ViewRendererHost.updateViewGraph(body:) + 108 (SwiftUI + 8681456) [0x1a53187f0] 1-10
10 partial apply for closure #1 in ViewGraphDelegate.updateGraph(body:) + 28 (SwiftUI + 2477968) [0x1a4d2df90] 1-10
10 closure #1 in closure #1 in GraphHost.asyncTransaction(:mutation:style:) + 24 (SwiftUI + 10033980) [0x1a5462b3c] 1-10
10 GraphHost.flushTransactions() + 172 (SwiftUI + 10030588) [0x1a5461dfc] 1-10
10 GraphHost.runTransaction(
:) + 92 (SwiftUI + 10034152) [0x1a5462be8] 1-10
10 GraphHost.runTransaction() + 176 (SwiftUI + 10028424) [0x1a5461588] 1-10
10 AG::Subgraph::update(unsigned int) + 884 (AttributeGraph + 61584) [0x1a5668090] 1-10
10 AG::Graph::update_attribute(AG::data::ptrAG::Node, bool) + 332 (AttributeGraph + 24192) [0x1a565ee80] 1-10
10 AG::Graph::UpdateStack::update() + 492 (AttributeGraph + 23112) [0x1a565ea48] 1-10
10 partial apply for implicit closure #2 in implicit closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #1 in Attribute.init(:) + 32 (SwiftUI + 1296364) [0x1a4c0d7ec] 1-10
10 PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 620 (SwiftUI + 8356428) [0x1a52c924c] 1-10
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 2616 (SwiftUI + 8359876) [0x1a52c9fc4] 1
1 closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 84 (SwiftUI + 8364968) [0x1a52cb3a8] 1
1 ViewRendererHost.performExternalUpdate(
:) + 192 (SwiftUI + 8678420) [0x1a5317c14] 1
1 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 204 (SwiftUI + 8365240) [0x1a52cb4b8] 1
1 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 480 (SwiftUI + 8365840) [0x1a52cb710] 1
1 PlatformViewRepresentableAdaptor.updateViewProvider(:context:) + 440 (SwiftUI + 1508268) [0x1a4c413ac] 1
1 ??? (Curiosity + 1697124) [0x1050aa564] 1
1 EnvironmentValues.truncationMode.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239588) [0x1a53a0c24] 1
1 EnvironmentValues.textCase.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239660) [0x1a53a0c6c] 1
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 184 (SwiftUI + 4826168) [0x1a4f6b438] 1
1 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_13 + 0 (SwiftUI + 4872696) [0x1a4f769f8] (running) 1
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 1740 (SwiftUI + 8359000) [0x1a52c9c58] 2
1 closure #3 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 120 (SwiftUI + 8363432) [0x1a52cada8] 2
1 PlatformViewHost.updateEnvironment(:viewPhase:focusedValues:) + 1344 (SwiftUI + 8364808) [0x1a52cb308] 2
1 NSView.adoptEnvironment(
:hostedSubview:) + 232 (SwiftUI + 5423220) [0x1a4ffd074] 2
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 160 (SwiftUI + 4825552) [0x1a4f6b1d0] 2
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 160 (SwiftUI + 4825552) [0x1a4f6b1d0] (running) 2
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 2616 (SwiftUI + 8359876) [0x1a52c9fc4] 3
1 closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 84 (SwiftUI + 8364968) [0x1a52cb3a8] 3
1 ViewRendererHost.performExternalUpdate(:) + 192 (SwiftUI + 8678420) [0x1a5317c14] 3
1 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 204 (SwiftUI + 8365240) [0x1a52cb4b8] 3
1 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 480 (SwiftUI + 8365840) [0x1a52cb710] 3
1 PlatformViewRepresentableAdaptor.updateViewProvider(
:context:) + 440 (SwiftUI + 1508268) [0x1a4c413ac] 3
1 ??? (Curiosity + 1697124) [0x1050aa564] 3
1 EnvironmentValues.truncationMode.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239588) [0x1a53a0c24] 3
1 EnvironmentValues.textCase.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239660) [0x1a53a0c6c] 3
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 184 (SwiftUI + 4826168) [0x1a4f6b438] 3
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 168 (SwiftUI + 4826152) [0x1a4f6b428] (running) 3
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 1740 (SwiftUI + 8359000) [0x1a52c9c58] 4
1 closure #3 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 120 (SwiftUI + 8363432) [0x1a52cada8] 4
1 PlatformViewHost.updateEnvironment(:viewPhase:focusedValues:) + 1344 (SwiftUI + 8364808) [0x1a52cb308] 4
1 NSView.adoptEnvironment(
:hostedSubview:) + 232 (SwiftUI + 5423220) [0x1a4ffd074] 4
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 160 (SwiftUI + 4825552) [0x1a4f6b1d0] 4
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 160 (SwiftUI + 4825552) [0x1a4f6b1d0] (running) 4
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 2616 (SwiftUI + 8359876) [0x1a52c9fc4] 5
1 closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 84 (SwiftUI + 8364968) [0x1a52cb3a8] 5
1 ViewRendererHost.performExternalUpdate(:) + 192 (SwiftUI + 8678420) [0x1a5317c14] 5
1 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 204 (SwiftUI + 8365240) [0x1a52cb4b8] 5
1 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 480 (SwiftUI + 8365840) [0x1a52cb710] 5
1 PlatformViewRepresentableAdaptor.updateViewProvider(
:context:) + 440 (SwiftUI + 1508268) [0x1a4c413ac] 5
1 ??? (Curiosity + 1697124) [0x1050aa564] 5
1 EnvironmentValues.truncationMode.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239588) [0x1a53a0c24] 5
1 EnvironmentValues.textCase.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 9239660) [0x1a53a0c6c] 5
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 176 (SwiftUI + 4826160) [0x1a4f6b430] 5
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 176 (SwiftUI + 4826160) [0x1a4f6b430] (running) 5
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 1740 (SwiftUI + 8359000) [0x1a52c9c58] 6
1 closure #3 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 120 (SwiftUI + 8363432) [0x1a52cada8] 6
1 PlatformViewHost.updateEnvironment(:viewPhase:focusedValues:) + 1344 (SwiftUI + 8364808) [0x1a52cb308] 6
1 NSView.adoptEnvironment(
:hostedSubview:) + 232 (SwiftUI + 5423220) [0x1a4ffd074] 6
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 168 (SwiftUI + 4825560) [0x1a4f6b1d8] 6
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 168 (SwiftUI + 4825560) [0x1a4f6b1d8] (running) 6
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 2616 (SwiftUI + 8359876) [0x1a52c9fc4] 7
1 closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 84 (SwiftUI + 8364968) [0x1a52cb3a8] 7
1 ViewRendererHost.performExternalUpdate(:) + 192 (SwiftUI + 8678420) [0x1a5317c14] 7
1 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 204 (SwiftUI + 8365240) [0x1a52cb4b8] 7
1 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 480 (SwiftUI + 8365840) [0x1a52cb710] 7
1 PlatformViewRepresentableAdaptor.updateViewProvider(
:context:) + 440 (SwiftUI + 1508268) [0x1a4c413ac] 7
1 ??? (Curiosity + 1697508) [0x1050aa6e4] 7
1 EnvironmentValues.openURL.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 1742156) [0x1a4c7a54c] 7
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 208 (SwiftUI + 4830596) [0x1a4f6c584] 7
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 208 (SwiftUI + 4830596) [0x1a4f6c584] (running) 7
2 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 1740 (SwiftUI + 8359000) [0x1a52c9c58] 8-9
2 closure #3 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 120 (SwiftUI + 8363432) [0x1a52cada8] 8-9
2 PlatformViewHost.updateEnvironment(:viewPhase:focusedValues:) + 1344 (SwiftUI + 8364808) [0x1a52cb308] 8-9
1 NSView.adoptEnvironment(
:hostedSubview:) + 264 (SwiftUI + 5423252) [0x1a4ffd094] 8
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 160 (SwiftUI + 4825552) [0x1a4f6b1d0] 8
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 160 (SwiftUI + 4825552) [0x1a4f6b1d0] (running) 8
1 NSView.adoptEnvironment(:hostedSubview:) + 232 (SwiftUI + 5423220) [0x1a4ffd074] 9
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 168 (SwiftUI + 4825560) [0x1a4f6b1d8] 9
1 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_13 + 0 (SwiftUI + 4872696) [0x1a4f769f8] (running) 9
1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 2616 (SwiftUI + 8359876) [0x1a52c9fc4] 10
1 closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 84 (SwiftUI + 8364968) [0x1a52cb3a8] 10
1 ViewRendererHost.performExternalUpdate(:) + 192 (SwiftUI + 8678420) [0x1a5317c14] 10
1 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 204 (SwiftUI + 8365240) [0x1a52cb4b8] 10
1 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 480 (SwiftUI + 8365840) [0x1a52cb710] 10
1 PlatformViewRepresentableAdaptor.updateViewProvider(
:context:) + 440 (SwiftUI + 1508268) [0x1a4c413ac] 10
1 ??? (Curiosity + 1697508) [0x1050aa6e4] 10
1 EnvironmentValues.openURL.getter + 64 (SwiftUI + 1742156) [0x1a4c7a54c] 10
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value(:for:) + 200 (SwiftUI + 4830588) [0x1a4f6c57c] 10
1 specialized PropertyList.Tracker.value
(:for:) + 200 (SwiftUI + 4830588) [0x1a4f6c57c] (running) 10
<DispatchQueue none, thread QoS unspecified, process dropped importance donation from WindowServer [349], priority 31 (31)>
1 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 31516) [0xfffffe0007c1fb1c] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 32072) [0xfffffe0007c1fd48] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 295276) [0xfffffe0007c6016c] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5636932) [0xfffffe0008178344] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5635676) [0xfffffe0008177e5c] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5512584) [0xfffffe0008159d88] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 534900) [0xfffffe0007c9a974] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 999872) [0xfffffe0007d0c1c0] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 983696) [0xfffffe0007d08290] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1070744) [0xfffffe0007d1d698] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1074280) [0xfffffe0007d1e468] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1069396) [0xfffffe0007d1d154] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1069396) [0xfffffe0007d1d154] (suspended, running) 11

Thread 0x13fce1 Thread name "com.apple.NSEventThread" 10 samples (1-10) priority 47 (base 47) cpu time 0.001s (3.2M cycles, 3.5M instructions, 0.92c/i)
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [349], IO tier 0>
10 thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 9696) [0x1842165e0] 1-10
10 _pthread_start + 320 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 30840) [0x18421b878] 1-10
10 _NSEventThread + 196 (AppKit + 1835828) [0x186c88334] 1-10
10 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600 (CoreFoundation + 533912) [0x184318598] 1-10
10 __CFRunLoopRun + 1212 (CoreFoundation + 537036) [0x1843191cc] 1-10
10 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 372 (CoreFoundation + 544000) [0x18431ad00] 1-10
10 mach_msg + 76 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 4484) [0x1841e1184] 1-10
10 mach_msg_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 3540) [0x1841e0dd4] 1-10
*10 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 200964) [0xfffffe0007c49104] 1-10

Thread 0x13fcf8 Thread name "com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader" 10 samples (1-10) priority 31 (base 31)
<process frontmost, thread QoS default (requested default), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [349], IO tier 0>
10 thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 9696) [0x1842165e0] 1-10
10 _pthread_start + 320 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 30840) [0x18421b878] 1-10
10 NSThread__start + 864 (Foundation + 380032) [0x1850bac80] 1-10
10 ??? (CFNetwork + 2404596) [0x18880f0f4] 1-10
10 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600 (CoreFoundation + 533912) [0x184318598] 1-10
10 __CFRunLoopRun + 1212 (CoreFoundation + 537036) [0x1843191cc] 1-10
10 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 372 (CoreFoundation + 544000) [0x18431ad00] 1-10
10 mach_msg + 76 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 4484) [0x1841e1184] 1-10
10 mach_msg_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 3540) [0x1841e0dd4] 1-10
*10 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 200964) [0xfffffe0007c49104] 1-10

Binary Images:
0x104f0c000 - 0x10515ffff com.thomasricouard.curiosity 0.5.4 (19052021) <310A7E93-65D6-3BF0-9F26-6C29486D1529> /private/var/folders/*/Curiosity-2.app/Contents/MacOS/Curiosity
0x1841e0000 - 0x184213fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (7195.141.2) <1E1E6F44-01BC-3994-A907-61288C3D7BFD> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x184214000 - 0x184220fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (454.120.2) <85E14929-1F9B-3E79-ABDE-06EB161F9574> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x184221000 - 0x184262fff libdyld.dylib (852.2) /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x184296000 - 0x184744fff com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.9 (1777.103) <0EE241E3-3A80-3F15-AB1E-B5C18CA7E4B1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x18505e000 - 0x1853eafff com.apple.Foundation 6.9 (1777.103) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x186ac8000 - 0x187809fff com.apple.AppKit 6.9 (2022.60.128) /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x1885c4000 - 0x188a4cfff com.apple.CFNetwork 1240.0.4 (1240.0.4) <496FEA2B-9B13-3881-ADB8-AACE980425D7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x18c20d000 - 0x18c517fff com.apple.HIToolbox 2.1.1 (1062) <6DB35C0F-E17F-3B6E-B532-3B49236D1501> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x1968cc000 - 0x1968cefff libswiftObjectiveC.dylib (3) /usr/lib/swift/libswiftObjectiveC.dylib
0x1a4ad1000 - 0x1a5658fff com.apple.SwiftUI 135 (135) <222FAC7C-00F8-3EAD-BB5B-AEA93B4B7121> /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUI.framework/Versions/A/SwiftUI
0x1a5659000 - 0x1a5688fff com.apple.AttributeGraph 81 (81) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AttributeGraph.framework/Versions/A/AttributeGraph
*0xfffffe0007c18000 - 0xfffffe000841ffff kernel.release.t8101 (7195.141.2) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t8101

Process: kernel_task [0]
UUID: AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9
Path: /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t8101
Architecture: arm64e
UID: 0
Version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Wed Jun 23 00:26:27 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.141.2~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101
Footprint: 42.42 MB
Time Since Fork: 772215s
Num samples: 11 (1-11)
CPU Time: 0.097s (197.8M cycles, 127.8M instructions, 1.55c/i)

Thread 0x65 Thread name "VM_pageout_scan" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91) cpu time 0.013s (26.8M cycles, 19.3M instructions, 1.39c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1125536) [0xfffffe0007d2aca0] 1-11

Thread 0x66 Thread name "idle #0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.441s (52.6M cycles, 24.7M instructions, 2.13c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 1
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 2
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 2
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 2
*2 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 3-4
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 5
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 5
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 5
*6 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 6-11

Thread 0x67 Thread name "sched_maintenance_thread" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95) cpu time <0.001s (147.0K cycles, 109.9K instructions, 1.34c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 486928) [0xfffffe0007c8ee10] 1-11

Thread 0x68 Thread name "daemon.deferred-deallocation" 11 samples (1-11) priority 80 (base 80) cpu time <0.001s (1577.3K cycles, 1548.3K instructions, 1.02c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 426840) [0xfffffe0007c80358] 1-11

Thread 0x69 Thread name "daemon.thread-stack" 11 samples (1-11) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 426840) [0xfffffe0007c80358] 1-11

Thread 0x6a Thread name "daemon.thread-exception" 11 samples (1-11) priority 80 (base 80)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 426840) [0xfffffe0007c80358] 1-11

Thread 0x6b Thread name "z_replenish(Reserved VM map entries)" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 710808) [0xfffffe0007cc5898] 1-11

Thread 0x6c Thread name "z_replenish(VM map holes)" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 710808) [0xfffffe0007cc5898] 1-11

Thread 0x6d Thread name "thread_call_daemon" 11 samples (1-11) priority 94 (base 94)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 608708) [0xfffffe0007cac9c4] 1-11

Thread 0x6e Thread name "IOServiceTerminateThread" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (1018.5K cycles, 793.7K instructions, 1.28c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*10 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 7312680) [0xfffffe0008311528] 1-10
*10 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-10
*10 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-10
*10 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-10
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 7312632) [0xfffffe00083114f8] 11
*1 IOService::terminateWorker(unsigned int) + 1256 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7216420) [0xfffffe00082f9d24] 11
1 IORegistryEntry::getChildIterator(IORegistryPlane const) const + 436 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7175576) [0xfffffe00082efd98] 11
*1 OSArray::initWithCapacity(unsigned int) + 80 (kernel.release.t8101 + 6683776) [0xfffffe0008277c80] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 393408) [0xfffffe0007c780c0] 11
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 700772) [0xfffffe0007cc3164] (running) 11

Thread 0x70 Thread name "AUC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (19.3K cycles, 9.1K instructions, 2.12c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x73 Thread name "IOPMrootDomain" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x8e Thread name "AppleT8103PCIe" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x8f Thread name "IOGraphicsSystem" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x90 Thread name "AppleCredentialManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x91 Thread name "AUC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x92 Thread name "IOAsynchronousScheduler" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x94 Thread name "AppleSandDollar" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x99 Thread name "AppleIPDormancyHandler" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x9b Thread name "AppleKeyStore" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x9d Thread name "AppleSSE" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x9f Thread name "CoreAnalyticsHub" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xa1 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 Thread<WorkQueue>::threadEntry(void
, int) + 136 (EndpointSecurity + 265764) [0xfffffe0009710e24] 1-11
*11 invocation function for block in WorkQueue::create(void (ScopedPointer&&) block_pointer) + 132 (EndpointSecurity + 264208) [0xfffffe0009710810] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xa4 Thread name "IOBluetoothHCIController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xa5 Thread name "IOBluetoothHCIController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xa6 Thread name "IOBluetoothPacketLogger" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xab Thread name "VM_io_reprioritize_thread" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1067840) [0xfffffe0007d1cb40] 1-11

Thread 0xac 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642532) [0xfffffe0008179924] 1-11

Thread 0xad Thread name "AppleARMBacklight" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xae Thread name "AppleM68Buttons" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xaf Thread name "AppleARMSlowAdaptiveClockingManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd3 Thread name "AppleSPIMCController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd4 Thread name "AppleSPIMCController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (273.5K cycles, 293.7K instructions, 0.93c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd5 Thread name "AppleSPIMCController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd6 Thread name "AppleS5L8940XI2CController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd7 Thread name "AppleS5L8940XI2CController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd9 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xda Thread name "AppleARMPWMDevice" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xdc Thread name "AppleLEAPController_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xdf Thread name "AppleBCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.001s (1901.4K cycles, 1185.9K instructions, 1.60c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xe3 Thread name "AppleBluetoothModule" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xe4 Thread name "ApplePIODMAPCIeCT8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xe5 Thread name "AppleThunderboltHALType5" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xe6 Thread name "ApplePIODMAPCIeCT8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xe7 Thread name "AppleThunderboltHALType5" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xe8 Thread name "AppleDisplayCrossbar" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xeb Thread name "AppleATCDPINAdapterPort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xec Thread name "AppleATCDPINAdapterPort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xee Thread name "AppleATCDPINAdapterPort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xef Thread name "AppleT8103MemCacheController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xf5 Thread name "AppleUSBHostResourcesTypeC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xf9 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xfc Thread name "AppleATCDPINAdapterPort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x15f 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x160 Thread name "AppleT8103PMGR" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x163 Thread name "AppleSamsungSerial" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x164 Thread name "AppleSPIMCController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x165 Thread name "AppleS5L8940XI2CController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x166 Thread name "AudioDMAController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x167 Thread name "AudioDMAController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x168 Thread name "AppleT8103USBXDCI" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x169 Thread name "AppleT8103USBXDCI" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x16a Thread name "AppleT8101SPMIController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x16b Thread name "AppleT8101SPMIController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x16c Thread name "AppleT8101SPMIController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x16d Thread name "AppleCLCD2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x16e Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x16f Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x170 Thread name "DCPAVSACController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x172 Thread name "AppleCLCD2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x173 Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x174 Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x175 Thread name "AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x176 Thread name "AppleJPEGDriver" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x177 Thread name "AppleAVE2Driver" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x179 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x17a Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x17b Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x17c Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x17d Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x17e Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x17f Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x180 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x181 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x182 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x183 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x184 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x185 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x186 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x187 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x188 Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x189 Thread name "AppleMCA2Switch" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x18a Thread name "AppleMCA2Cluster_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x18b Thread name "AppleMCA2Cluster_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x18c Thread name "AppleMCA2Cluster_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x18d Thread name "AppleT8020MTRTempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x190 Thread name "AppleT8020MTRTempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x193 Thread name "AppleSMCSensorDispatcher" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x197 Thread name "AppleCLPC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95) cpu time 0.010s (19.9M cycles, 8.1M instructions, 2.45c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 AppleCLPCWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (AppleT8103CLPCv3 + 812) [0xfffffe00091ec32c] 1-11

Thread 0x199 Thread name "ApplePassthroughPPM" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x19a Thread name "AppleT8015TempSensor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1c4 Thread name "idle #1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.707s (113.6M cycles, 74.3M instructions, 1.53c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 1
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 1
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 2
*6 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 3-8
*6 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 3-8
*6 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 3-8
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 9
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 10
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 10
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 10
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 11

Thread 0x1c8 Thread name "idle #2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.764s (91.6M cycles, 43.8M instructions, 2.09c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*4 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 1-4
*5 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 5-9
*5 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 5-9
*5 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 5-9
*2 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 10-11

Thread 0x1cc Thread name "idle #5" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.996s (70.1M cycles, 138.6M instructions, 0.51c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 1-11

Thread 0x1ce Thread name "idle #4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.035s (311.8K cycles, 186.0K instructions, 1.68c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 1-11

Thread 0x1d1 Thread name "idle #3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.776s (64.7M cycles, 27.3M instructions, 2.37c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 1
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 2
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 2
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 2
*6 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 3-8
*2 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 9-10
*2 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 9-10
*2 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 9-10
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498716) [0xfffffe0007c91c1c] (runnable) 11

Thread 0x1d4 Thread name "idle #6" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.301s (32.2M cycles, 64.0M instructions, 0.50c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 1-11

Thread 0x1d6 Thread name "idle #7" 11 samples (1-11) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.264s (32.0M cycles, 63.9M instructions, 0.50c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498792) [0xfffffe0007c91c68] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 498268) [0xfffffe0007c91a5c] (runnable) 1-11

Thread 0x1d9 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1da Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1db Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1dc Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1dd Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1de Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1df Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e0 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e1 Thread name "AppleMCA2Controller_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e2 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e3 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e5 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e6 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e7 Thread name "AppleAVD" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e8 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1e9 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1ea Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1ed Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1f0 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1f1 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1fa Thread name "AppleStockholmSPMI" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1fb Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1fc Thread name "AppleMCA2Controller_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1fe Thread name "AppleMCA2Controller_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1ff Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x200 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x202 Thread name "AppleT8020DART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x216 Thread name "AppleDialogSPMIPMU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x217 Thread name "AppleDialogSPMIPMU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x23b Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x23c Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x24f Thread name "AppleHPMBusController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x257 Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x259 Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x25a Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (10.0K cycles, 8.7K instructions, 1.14c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x25d Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x26a Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x278 Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x27b Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x281 Thread name "AudioDMAChannel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x28f Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.002s (3.8M cycles, 3.0M instructions, 1.28c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x290 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x291 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x292 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x293 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x294 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.002s (4.9M cycles, 2.1M instructions, 2.36c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x295 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x296 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x297 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x29b Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x29f Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (9.3K cycles, 6.5K instructions, 1.44c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x2a0 Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2a3 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2a8 Thread name "AppleS8000AESAccelerator" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x2a9 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 2725820) [0xfffffe0007eb17bc] 1-11

Thread 0x2aa 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.006s (13.3M cycles, 11.9M instructions, 1.12c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 2724948) [0xfffffe0007eb1454] 1-11

Thread 0x2ac 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5869204) [0xfffffe00081b0e94] 1-11

Thread 0x2ad 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5248688) [0xfffffe00081196b0] 1-11

Thread 0x2ae 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5316764) [0xfffffe000812a09c] 1-11

Thread 0x2af 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5316764) [0xfffffe000812a09c] 1-11

Thread 0x2b0 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5316764) [0xfffffe000812a09c] 1-11

Thread 0x2b1 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5316764) [0xfffffe000812a09c] 1-11

Thread 0x2b2 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (7.7K cycles, 4.8K instructions, 1.62c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642532) [0xfffffe0008179924] 1-11

Thread 0x2b3 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (12.9K cycles, 7.0K instructions, 1.85c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642532) [0xfffffe0008179924] 1-11

Thread 0x2b4 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642532) [0xfffffe0008179924] 1-11

Thread 0x2b5 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3196488) [0xfffffe0007f24648] 1-11

Thread 0x2b6 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3179316) [0xfffffe0007f20334] 1-11

Thread 0x2b7 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2b8 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642532) [0xfffffe0008179924] 1-11

Thread 0x2b9 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642532) [0xfffffe0008179924] 1-11

Thread 0x2ba Thread name "VM_memorystatus_1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5671192) [0xfffffe0008180918] 1-11

Thread 0x2bb Thread name "VM_memorystatus_2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5671192) [0xfffffe0008180918] 1-11

Thread 0x2bc Thread name "VM_memorystatus_3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5671192) [0xfffffe0008180918] 1-11

Thread 0x2c1 Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2c2 Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x2c7 Thread name "AudioDMAChannel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2c8 Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x2ca 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2d7 Thread name "AppleDCPExpert" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2d9 Thread name "AppleH13CamIn" 11 samples (1-11) priority 97 (base 97)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2db 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2dd 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2df Thread name "AudioDMAChannel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2e1 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2e3 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2e6 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2ea 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2ed 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2f1 Thread name "AudioDMAChannel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2f4 Thread name "dlil_input_gif0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x2f6 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2fa 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2fc 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x2fe 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x301 Thread name "CFIL_UPD_GC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 4024648) [0xfffffe0007fee948] 1-11

Thread 0x302 Thread name "CFIL_STATS_REPORT" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 4021564) [0xfffffe0007fedd3c] 1-11

Thread 0x304 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 sockwall_gc_thread + 0 (ALF + 23052) [0xfffffe00084cda0c] 1-11

Thread 0x307 Thread name "dlil_input_stf0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x308 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x309 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x30a Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x30b Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x30c Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x30d Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x30e Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x311 Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x315 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x317 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x319 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x31b 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x31d 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x31f 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x321 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x323 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x325 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x327 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x329 Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x32a Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x32b Thread name "AppleDCPLinkServiceSoC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x32c Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x32d Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x32e Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x32f Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x331 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x332 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x333 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x334 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x335 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x336 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x338 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x339 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x33a Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x33b Thread name "AGXFirmwareKextG13RTBuddy" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x33f 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x340 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x342 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x344 Thread name "AudioDMAChannel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x346 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x348 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x34a 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x34c 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x361 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x362 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x370 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x375 Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (1468.1K cycles, 725.2K instructions, 2.02c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x376 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x377 Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x37a Thread name "AppleMCA2Controller_T8103" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x37e 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x380 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x381 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x382 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x388 Thread name "AppleCS42L83Audio" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x38b Thread name "AppleSMC" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (257.7K cycles, 207.7K instructions, 1.24c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x391 Thread name "IOHIDResourceDeviceUserClient" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x393 Thread name "IOHIDSystem" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x396 Thread name "AudioDMAChannel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x397 Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x398 Thread name "AppleTAS5770LAmp" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x39c 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x39e 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3a0 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3a2 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3a5 Thread name "RTBuddyV2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (7.7K cycles, 7.0K instructions, 1.10c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x3a9 Thread name "ApplePMP" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3ab Thread name "RTBuddyService" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3b0 Thread name "AppleSmartIODMAController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3b2 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3b4 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3b6 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3b8 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3ba 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3bc 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3be 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3c0 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3c2 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3c4 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3c6 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3c8 Thread name "IOSurfaceRoot" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.004s (7.1M cycles, 5.1M instructions, 1.40c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3ca Thread name "AppleDCPExpert" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3de 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3e0 Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3e1 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 pppisr_thread + 380 (PPP + 16480) [0xfffffe000a648060] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x3e4 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (16.4K cycles, 11.6K instructions, 1.42c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 l2tp_timer + 108 (L2TP + 3136) [0xfffffe000a638c40] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5641804) [0xfffffe000817964c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep_deadline + 132 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409492) [0xfffffe0007c7bf94] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x3e8 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3ea Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3eb Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3ee Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3ef Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3f0 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3f3 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3f5 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3f6 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3f7 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3f8 Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3fb Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3fc Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x3fe Thread name "DCPEndpoint" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x400 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x401 Thread name "AppleANS3NVMeController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.014s (27.3M cycles, 24.1M instructions, 1.13c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x402 Thread name "AppleANS3NVMeController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 332 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497936) [0xfffffe000833e8d0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x409 Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x413 Thread name "AppleHIDTransportDeviceSPI" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.013s (26.8M cycles, 12.8M instructions, 2.10c/i)
<IO tier 0>
3 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-3
1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 4
1 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 120 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497724) [0xfffffe000833e7fc] 4
1 IOWorkLoop::runEventSources() + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494252) [0xfffffe000833da6c] 4
1 IOInterruptEventSource::checkForWork() + 220 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7510512) [0xfffffe00083419f0] 4
1 AppleHIDTransportProtocolHIDSPI::handleInterrupt() + 484 (AppleHIDTransportSPI + 124732) [0xfffffe0008d1273c] 4
1 HSMTransferDevice::handleInterrupt() + 1144 (AppleHIDTransportSPI + 144364) [0xfffffe0008d173ec] 4
1 AppleHIDTransportProtocolHIDSPI::transferData(HSBuffer, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSBuffer
, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) + 272 (AppleHIDTransportSPI + 122756) [0xfffffe0008d11f84] 4
1 AppleHIDTransportProtocolHIDSPI::transferData(void, IOMemoryDescriptor
, unsigned long, unsigned long, void
, IOMemoryDescriptor
, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) + 316 (AppleHIDTransportSPI + 123120) [0xfffffe0008d120f0] 4
1 AppleHIDTransportDeviceSPI::transferData(void, IOMemoryDescriptor
, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, void
, IOMemoryDescriptor
, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, bool, bool) + 688 (AppleHIDTransportSPI + 210780) [0xfffffe0008d2775c] 4
1 AppleARMSPIDevice::transferData(IOMemoryDescriptor, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, IOMemoryDescriptor*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, AppleARMSPICompletion*, unsigned long long) + 108 (AppleARMPlatform + 171432) [0xfffffe000859dda8] 4
1 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 4
1 AppleARMSPIController::enqueueSPICommandGated(AppleARMSPICommand) + 640 (AppleARMPlatform + 165616) [0xfffffe000859c6f0] 4
1 AppleSPIMCController::setSPIControllerActive(bool) + 92 (AppleSPIMC + 3532) [0xfffffe00090c0dcc] 4
1 ApplePMGRFunctionClockGate::callFunction(void, void
, void*) + 60 (ApplePMGR + 164660) [0xfffffe0008f6c334] 4
1 ApplePMGR::_enableDevice(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 172 (ApplePMGR + 141008) [0xfffffe0008f666d0] 4
1 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 4
*1 ApplePMGR::_enableDeviceGated(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 764 (ApplePMGR + 141852) [0xfffffe0008f66a1c] (running) 4
*7 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 5-11

Thread 0x414 Thread name "IOSlowAdaptiveClockingDomain" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x415 Thread name "IOSlowAdaptiveClockingDomain" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x418 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x424 Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x425 Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x426 Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x42b Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (168.6K cycles, 49.9K instructions, 3.38c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x42d Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x42e Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x431 Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x433 Thread name "AppleSPU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x449 Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x451 Thread name "InterruptEventSourceBridge" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x463 Thread name "AppleAOPVoiceTriggerController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x468 Thread name "AppleAOPAudioController" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x469 Thread name "AppleSPUProfileDriver" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x4ac 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void, int) + 628 (apfs + 247000) [0xfffffe000a7f44d8] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x4ad 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void, int) + 628 (apfs + 247000) [0xfffffe000a7f44d8] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x4ae 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void, int) + 628 (apfs + 247000) [0xfffffe000a7f44d8] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x4af 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void, int) + 628 (apfs + 247000) [0xfffffe000a7f44d8] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x51d Thread name "H11ANEIn" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x522 Thread name "AppleImage4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x523 Thread name "IOGPU Default WorkLoop" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x524 Thread name "IOGPU Submission" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x525 Thread name "IOGPU Completion" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.003s (6.5M cycles, 6.8M instructions, 0.94c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x526 Thread name "AGXAcceleratorG13G_B0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.005s (9.8M cycles, 6.7M instructions, 1.45c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x528 Thread name "AGXAcceleratorG13G_B0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x52d Thread name "AppleMobileApNonce" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x534 Thread name "IOHDIXHDDriveInKernel" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x541 Thread name "AppleSMCPMU" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x542 Thread name "AppleATCDPAltModePort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x553 Thread name "AppleSmartBatteryManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x55e Thread name "AppleATCDPAltModePort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x565 Thread name "AppleT8103USBXHCI@00000000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x584 Thread name "AppleMultiFunctionManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x586 Thread name "AppleBCMWLANPortInterfacePCIeAMFM" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x58a Thread name "BTDebug" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x590 Thread name "AppleConvergedIPCOLYBTControl" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x592 Thread name "AppleT8103USBXHCI@01000000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x594 Thread name "AppleT8103USB20XHCITypeCPort@00100000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x598 Thread name "AppleT8103USB40XHCITypeCPort@00200000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x59d Thread name "AppleT8103USB20XHCITypeCPort@01100000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x59e Thread name "AppleSeraBTM" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x5a2 Thread name "AppleT8103USB40XHCITypeCPort@01200000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x5ba Thread name "dlil_input_anpi0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x5bb Thread name "ifnet_start_anpi0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x5bd Thread name "dlil_input_anpi1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x5bf Thread name "ifnet_start_anpi1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x5c3 Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_anpi0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x5c4 Thread name "skywalk_anpi0_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x5c6 Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_anpi1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (16.8K cycles, 23.5K instructions, 0.71c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x5c7 Thread name "skywalk_anpi1_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x5ce Thread name "VM_pageout_external_iothread" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1130572) [0xfffffe0007d2c04c] 1-11

Thread 0x5cf Thread name "VM_pageout_garbage_collect" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001s (927.6K cycles, 916.1K instructions, 1.01c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1124904) [0xfffffe0007d2aa28] 1-11

Thread 0x5d0 Thread name "VM_pressure" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1124736) [0xfffffe0007d2a980] 1-11

Thread 0x5d1 Thread name "VM_object_reaper_thread" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1068252) [0xfffffe0007d1ccdc] 1-11

Thread 0x5d2 Thread name "VM_cswap_trigger" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 854380) [0xfffffe0007ce896c] 1-11

Thread 0x5d3 Thread name "VM_compressor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91) cpu time 0.007s (14.7M cycles, 5.8M instructions, 2.52c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1125920) [0xfffffe0007d2ae20] 1-11

Thread 0x5d4 Thread name "VM_compressor" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91) cpu time 0.004s (8.7M cycles, 3.3M instructions, 2.62c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 1125920) [0xfffffe0007d2ae20] 1-11

Thread 0x5d5 Thread name "VM_swapout" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 886488) [0xfffffe0007cf06d8] 1-11

Thread 0x5d6 Thread name "VM_swapfile_create" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 884376) [0xfffffe0007cefe98] 1-11

Thread 0x5d7 Thread name "VM_swapfile_gc" 11 samples (1-11) priority 91 (base 91)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 879368) [0xfffffe0007ceeb08] 1-11

Thread 0x5e8 Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x5e9 Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x5ea Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x5ec Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x5ed Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x5ee Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x5f6 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x5fc Thread name "CoreKDLDriver" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x5ff Thread name "AppleTrustedAccessoryManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x600 Thread name "AppleTrustedAccessoryAnalytics" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x601 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x603 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x605 Thread name "AppleSEPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x624 Thread name "AppleBCMWLANChipUART" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x625 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 AppleBCMWLANChipUART::serialThread() + 936 (AppleBCMWLANCore + 1642376) [0xfffffe0008888f88] 1-11
11 AppleSimpleUARTSync::dequeueData(unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int
, unsigned int) + 196 (AppleOnboardSerial + 38992) [0xfffffe0008f31850] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
11 AppleSimpleUARTSync::rxDataGated(unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int) + 1028 (AppleOnboardSerial + 40148) [0xfffffe0008f31cd4] 1-11
*11 IOConditionGate::conditionSleep(unsigned long long, int) + 412 (AppleOnboardSerial + 60844) [0xfffffe0008f36dac] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x62e 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6116340) [0xfffffe00081ed3f4] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x632 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 H11ANEIn::MemoryPressureMonitorThread(void) + 48 (AppleH11ANEInterface + 67516) [0xfffffe0008bfc7bc] 1-11
*11 mach_vm_pressure_level_monitor + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 1128412) [0xfffffe0007d2b7dc] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x634 Thread name "AppleH13CamIn_MemoryPressureMonitorThread" 11 samples (1-11) priority 97 (base 97)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 AppleH13CamIn::MemoryPressureMonitorThread(void) + 172 (AppleH13CameraInterface + 171348) [0xfffffe0008c61d54] 1-11
*11 mach_vm_pressure_level_monitor + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 1128412) [0xfffffe0007d2b7dc] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x67c Thread name "thread call user #1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001s (239.9K cycles, 160.4K instructions, 1.50c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x74f 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x750 Thread name "IOTimeSyncTranslationPMGR" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (295.0K cycles, 71.5K instructions, 4.13c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x863 Thread name "dlil_input_en3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x864 Thread name "ifnet_start_en3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x866 Thread name "dlil_input_en4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x867 Thread name "ifnet_start_en4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x869 Thread name "dlil_input_en1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x86a Thread name "ifnet_start_en1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x86c Thread name "dlil_input_en2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x86d Thread name "ifnet_start_en2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x876 Thread name "dlil_input_bridge0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x877 Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_en1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (17.3K cycles, 22.7K instructions, 0.76c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x878 Thread name "skywalk_en1_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x879 Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_en2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (17.2K cycles, 22.6K instructions, 0.76c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x87a Thread name "skywalk_en2_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x87b Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_en4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (16.7K cycles, 22.7K instructions, 0.74c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x87c Thread name "skywalk_en4_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x87e Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_en3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (16.6K cycles, 22.7K instructions, 0.73c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x87f Thread name "skywalk_en3_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x8e9 Thread name "dlil_input_ap1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x8ea Thread name "ifnet_start_ap1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x8f5 Thread name "dlil_input_en0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (424.8K cycles, 153.0K instructions, 2.78c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x8f6 Thread name "ifnet_start_en0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82) cpu time <0.001s (267.1K cycles, 101.7K instructions, 2.63c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x900 Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_en0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (27.3K cycles, 23.7K instructions, 1.15c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x901 Thread name "skywalk_en0_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (90.3K cycles, 49.4K instructions, 1.83c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x946 Thread name "dlil_input_awdl0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x947 Thread name "ifnet_start_awdl0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x967 Thread name "dlil_input_llw0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x968 Thread name "skywalk_doorbell_llw0_tx" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x96a Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_awdl0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (16.5K cycles, 22.6K instructions, 0.73c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0x96b Thread name "skywalk_awdl0_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x9c0 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
*11 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSeparateThreadWL() + 992 (IOBluetoothFamily + 368392) [0xfffffe0009bcdf08] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x9c1 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
11 IOBluetoothPacketLoggerWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSingleThreadAction(OSObject, void*, void*, void*, void*) + 96 (IOBluetoothPacketLogger + 7048) [0xfffffe0009c5db88] 1-11
*11 IOBluetoothPacketLoggerWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSingleThreadWL() + 416 (IOBluetoothPacketLogger + 7484) [0xfffffe0009c5dd3c] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x9c8 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
*11 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSeparateThreadWL() + 992 (IOBluetoothFamily + 368392) [0xfffffe0009bcdf08] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x9ce Thread name "IOBluetoothSerialManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xa09 Thread name "AppleActuatorDevice" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xa0d Thread name "AppleMultitouchTrackpadHIDEventDriver" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xae6 Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0xc74 Thread name "IOTimeSyncgPTPManager" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (952.1K cycles, 188.3K instructions, 5.06c/i)
<IO tier 0>
5 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-5
1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 6
1 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 120 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497724) [0xfffffe000833e7fc] 6
1 IOWorkLoop::runEventSources() + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494252) [0xfffffe000833da6c] 6
1 IOTimerEventSource::checkForWork() + 116 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7537660) [0xfffffe00083483fc] 6
1 IOTimeSyncgPTPManager::temperatureTimer(IOTimerEventSource) + 104 (IOgPTPPlugin + 278680) [0xfffffe000a2fc098] 6
1 AppleARMPMUTempSensor::copyEvent(unsigned int, IOHIDEvent, unsigned int) + 76 (AppleEmbeddedTempSensor + 28368) [0xfffffe0008aeeed0] 6
1 AppleSMC::_sensorADCRCallback(AppleARMPMUSensor, unsigned int, long long
) + 104 (AppleSMC + 58044) [0xfffffe00090a22bc] 6
1 AppleSMC::smcReadPKeyWithSMC(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned long long, void, unsigned long long, void
) + 188 (AppleSMC + 47492) [0xfffffe000909f984] 6
1 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void
, void
, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 6
1 AppleSMC::_readPKeyGated(void, void*, void*) + 336 (AppleSMC + 47856) [0xfffffe000909faf0] 6
1 AppleSMC::_sendKeyMsgAndWaitForResponse(ApcKeyMsg) + 224 (AppleSMC + 45380) [0xfffffe000909f144] 6
1 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 6
1 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 6
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 6
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 6
*1 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 6
*5 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 7-11

Thread 0xc81 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xc82 Thread name "IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xf40 Thread name "skywalk_fsw_reap_ap1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s (16.7K cycles, 23.3K instructions, 0.72c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6425548) [0xfffffe0008238bcc] 1-11

Thread 0xf41 Thread name "skywalk_ap1_rx_0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6540252) [0xfffffe0008254bdc] 1-11

Thread 0x13c7 Thread name "dlil_input_utun0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x13c8 Thread name "ifnet_start_utun0" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x1413 Thread name "dlil_input_utun1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x1414 Thread name "ifnet_start_utun1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x162c Thread name "thread call low #1" 11 samples (1-11) priority 4 (base 4)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x19e8 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
*11 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSeparateThreadWL() + 992 (IOBluetoothFamily + 368392) [0xfffffe0009bcdf08] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x25d7 Thread name "dlil_input_utun2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x25d8 Thread name "ifnet_start_utun2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x25db Thread name "dlil_input_utun3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x25dc Thread name "ifnet_start_utun3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x27ba Thread name "dlil_input_utun4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x27bb Thread name "ifnet_start_utun4" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x28f6 Thread name "dlil_input_utun5" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3192744) [0xfffffe0007f237a8] 1-11

Thread 0x28f7 Thread name "ifnet_start_utun5" 11 samples (1-11) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 3225412) [0xfffffe0007f2b744] 1-11

Thread 0x1555f 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15560 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15561 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15562 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15563 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15564 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15565 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x15566 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_rw_thread + 184 (smbfs + 257044) [0xfffffe000aa02c14] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x1a702 Thread name "purgatory_cleaner" 11 samples (1-11) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO tier 0>
*11 apfs_cleanup_purgatory_continuation + 0 (apfs + 521208) [0xfffffe000a8373f8] 1-11

Thread 0x1e6dc 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
*11 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSeparateThreadWL() + 992 (IOBluetoothFamily + 368392) [0xfffffe0009bcdf08] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x24de6 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
*11 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSeparateThreadWL() + 992 (IOBluetoothFamily + 368392) [0xfffffe0009bcdf08] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xa28af Thread name "AppleUSB20HubPort@00140000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xa560a Thread name "IOAVB17221EntityDiscovery" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0xd15e4 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
11 IOCommandGate::runAction(int ()(OSObject
, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 268 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7515080) [0xfffffe0008342bc8] 1-11
*11 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSeparateThreadWL() + 992 (IOBluetoothFamily + 368392) [0xfffffe0009bcdf08] 1-11
11 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 136 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7507600) [0xfffffe0008340e90] 1-11
11 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void, unsigned int) + 280 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7494972) [0xfffffe000833dd3c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xde833 Thread name "thread call qos-ui #2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 47 (base 47)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0xea0c0 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_iod_thread + 5668 (smbfs + 225532) [0xfffffe000a9fb0fc] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642084) [0xfffffe0008179764] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xea0c1 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_session_lease_thread + 244 (smbfs + 192528) [0xfffffe000a9f3010] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642084) [0xfffffe0008179764] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xea0c2 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 smb_iod_read_thread + 324 (smbfs + 232092) [0xfffffe000a9fca9c] 1-11
*11 smb_nbst_recv + 60 (smbfs + 258860) [0xfffffe000aa0332c] 1-11
*11 nbssn_recv + 224 (smbfs + 261468) [0xfffffe000aa03d5c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 6111592) [0xfffffe00081ec168] 1-11
*11 soreceive + 1876 (kernel.release.t8101 + 5950452) [0xfffffe00081c4bf4] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5990524) [0xfffffe00081ce87c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xea10b 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 notify_main + 2756 (smbfs + 281072) [0xfffffe000aa089f0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642084) [0xfffffe0008179764] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0xea150 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 notify_main + 2756 (smbfs + 281072) [0xfffffe000aa089f0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642084) [0xfffffe0008179764] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x12e566 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 pfkur_roll_all_inodes_ + 68 (apfs + 417152) [0xfffffe000a81dd80] 1-11
*11 pfkur_roll_all_inodes + 760 (apfs + 417932) [0xfffffe000a81e08c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5642148) [0xfffffe00081797a4] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep + 128 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409040) [0xfffffe0007c7bdd0] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x135519 Thread name "AppleUSB20HubPort@00110000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x13551b Thread name "AppleUSB20HubPort@00140000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x13551e Thread name "AppleUSB20HubPort@00120000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x135520 Thread name "AppleUSB20HubPort@00130000" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1356ee Thread name "AppleDCPDPTXRemoteHDCPAuthSessionProxy" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x1356f0 Thread name "AppleDCPDPTXRemoteHDCPAuthSessionProxy" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x13640f Thread name "AppleDCPDPTXRemoteHDCPAuthSessionProxy" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x136411 Thread name "AppleDCPDPTXRemoteHDCPAuthSessionProxy" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*11 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel.release.t8101 + 7497604) [0xfffffe000833e784] 1-11

Thread 0x13f10d Thread name "thread call high #42" 11 samples (1-11) priority 93 (base 93) cpu time 0.003s (6.7M cycles, 6.9M instructions, 0.98c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x13f12e Thread name "thread call high #7" 11 samples (1-11) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x13f13e Thread name "thread call high #23" 11 samples (1-11) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x13f14a Thread name "thread call high #35" 11 samples (1-11) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x1406e8 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 68664) [0xfffffe0007c28c38] 1-11
*11 tx_flush_thread + 540 (apfs + 1102448) [0xfffffe000a8c5270] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 5641804) [0xfffffe000817964c] 1-11
*11 lck_mtx_sleep_deadline + 132 (kernel.release.t8101 + 409492) [0xfffffe0007c7bf94] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 477292) [0xfffffe0007c8c86c] 1-11
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 482696) [0xfffffe0007c8dd88] 1-11

Thread 0x14094d Thread name "thread call kernel #2" 11 samples (1-11) priority 81 (base 81) cpu time 0.005s (10.1M cycles, 4.5M instructions, 2.24c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x14098d Thread name "thread call kernel-high #3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 92 (base 92) cpu time <0.001s (50.5K cycles, 11.6K instructions, 4.34c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Thread 0x1409c8 Thread name "thread call kernel-high #3" 11 samples (1-11) priority 92 (base 92) cpu time <0.001s (1058.0K cycles, 481.3K instructions, 2.20c/i)
<IO tier 0>
*11 ??? (kernel.release.t8101 + 609556) [0xfffffe0007cacd14] 1-11

Binary Images:
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*0xfffffe00084c8000 - 0xfffffe00084cffff com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall 5.0 (311) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/ALF.kext/Contents/MacOS/ALF
*0xfffffe0008574000 - 0xfffffe00085c3fff com.apple.driver.AppleARMPlatform 1.0.2 (1.0.2) <5E9CCC2E-8DAD-3602-9B36-6A976B6F7995>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleARMPlatform.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleARMPlatform
*0xfffffe00086f8000 - 0xfffffe000888ffff com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANCore 1.0.0 (1.0.0) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleBCMWLANCore.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleBCMWLANCore
*0xfffffe0008ae8000 - 0xfffffe0008b03fff com.apple.driver.AppleEmbeddedTempSensor 1.0.0 (1.0.0) <16C69E2D-543C-36A8-A5E2-6DD13BEB50C1>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleEmbeddedTempSensor.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleEmbeddedTempSensor
*0xfffffe0008b30000 - 0xfffffe0008b33fff com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless 125 (1.0.0d1) <25688C39-3B14-3886-8D6B-D42DCCBBE1EB>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless
*0xfffffe0008b34000 - 0xfffffe0008b3ffff com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib 125 (1.0.0) <29F03802-1812-3C91-943E-037624A257CA>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib
*0xfffffe0008bec000 - 0xfffffe0008c37fff com.apple.driver.AppleH11ANEInterface 4.75.0 (4.75.0) <660CBD3E-2C54-30EA-8113-44C49859764D>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleH11ANEInterface.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleH11ANEInterface
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*0xfffffe0008cf4000 - 0xfffffe0008d37fff com.apple.driver.AppleHIDTransportSPI 4400.35 (4400.35) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHIDTransport.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHIDTransportSPI.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleHIDTransportSPI
*0xfffffe0008f28000 - 0xfffffe0008f3bfff com.apple.driver.AppleOnboardSerial 1.0 (1.0) <801A3710-D4DE-378D-A41D-A23B0410B7E8>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleOnboardSerial.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleOnboardSerial
*0xfffffe0008f44000 - 0xfffffe0008f7ffff com.apple.driver.ApplePMGR 1.0 (1) <5AE074DE-9313-34A2-A16E-854B40FB4625>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePMGR.kext/Contents/MacOS/ApplePMGR
*0xfffffe0009094000 - 0xfffffe00090bffff com.apple.driver.AppleSMC 3.1.9 (3.1.9) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleSMC
*0xfffffe00090c0000 - 0xfffffe00090c7fff com.apple.driver.AppleSPIMC 1.0 (1) <12572745-EF13-3F73-B274-3AE0D81E1C77>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSPIMC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleSPIMC
*0xfffffe00091ec000 - 0xfffffe000921ffff com.apple.driver.AppleT8103CLPCv3 1.0 (1) <87EC4A6E-F110-3054-8106-3FCBFF333A59>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/AppleT8103CLPCv3.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleT8103CLPCv3
*0xfffffe00096d0000 - 0xfffffe000971bfff com.apple.iokit.EndpointSecurity 1.0 (1) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/EndpointSecurity.kext/Contents/MacOS/EndpointSecurity
*0xfffffe000983c000 - 0xfffffe0009987fff com.apple.iokit.IO80211FamilyV2 12.0 (1200.12.2b1) <73CCA844-78F1-3EC5-BD70-F7B42E535230>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211FamilyV2.kext/Contents/MacOS/IO80211FamilyV2
*0xfffffe0009b74000 - 0xfffffe0009c1ffff com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily 8.0.5 (8.0.5d7) <57076FD2-32D2-3C0F-B51B-F5E229FBDAC1>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOBluetoothFamily
*0xfffffe0009c5c000 - 0xfffffe0009c63fff com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothPacketLogger 8.0.5 (8.0.5d7) <83D23D29-0812-3B33-8D13-B50157988894>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOBluetoothPacketLogger.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOBluetoothPacketLogger
*0xfffffe000a2b8000 - 0xfffffe000a31ffff com.apple.plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 985.2 (985.2) <6D5438D1-5724-3535-A5DB-AC627F9CA479>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/IOTimeSyncFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOgPTPPlugin.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOgPTPPlugin
*0xfffffe000a638000 - 0xfffffe000a63ffff com.apple.nke.l2tp 1.9 (1.9) <75B29A1F-7718-32F3-8C1A-B3BF79410580>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/L2TP.kext/Contents/MacOS/L2TP
*0xfffffe000a644000 - 0xfffffe000a64bfff com.apple.nke.ppp 1.9 (1.9) <7EE15C8B-9D45-3D08-B625-F997D15F89BF>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/PPP.kext/Contents/MacOS/PPP
*0xfffffe000a7b8000 - 0xfffffe000a8cbfff com.apple.filesystems.apfs 1677.141.1 (1677.141.1) __TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/apfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/apfs
*0xfffffe000a9bc000 - 0xfffffe000a9c3fff com.apple.kec.pthread 1.0 (1) <7CCDFFD6-67EF-381F-8C77-9D12A9534B4D>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xfffffe000a9c4000 - 0xfffffe000aa27fff com.apple.filesystems.smbfs 3.6 (3.6) <103B2CE5-0DAB-35DA-907A-317301CFF066>__TEXT_EXEC /System/Library/Extensions/smbfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/smbfs
*0xfffffe000c17f000 - 0xfffffe000c18afff com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily 2.1 (2.1) __LINKINFO /System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOStorageFamily

Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) UUID
1 201 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.bsd (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
2 11 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.dsep (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
3 227 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.iokit (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
4 228 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.libkern (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
5 212 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.mach (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
6 124 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.private (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
7 140 0 0 0 com.apple.kpi.unsupported (20.6.0) AC4A14A7-8A8E-3AE6-85A6-55E6B2502BF9 <>
8 0 0xfffffe00079e8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.kec.InvalidateHmac (1) BBABFC27-84CC-3F4F-A3E0-04339BFA01B9 <7 6 5 4 3>
9 7 0xfffffe00079f8000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.kec.Libm (1) 6655447E-7F98-322A-A310-6E1F0203833A <4>
10 17 0xfffffe0007ad4000 0x1c000 0x1c000 com.apple.kec.corecrypto (11.1) 7740FC9A-DE55-35F9-99FB-46C0F386BB51 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
11 0 0xfffffe0007b1c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.kec.pthread (1) 7CCDFFD6-67EF-381F-8C77-9D12A9534B4D <7 6 5 4 3 1>
12 0 0xfffffe0007020000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall (311) BED1E9E6-A65A-361D-97B9-AD8AFBD66FE9 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
13 28 0xfffffe00078c4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOReportFamily (47) 11A4640E-66CF-399D-BD06-F13C57BF7D16 <5 4 3>
14 1 0xfffffe00078ec000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOSlowAdaptiveClockingFamily (1.0.0) F90674AA-7961-3209-AA32-824D52A0D44D <7 6 5 4 3 1>
15 16 0xfffffe00078f0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily (2.1) A41978E8-2B18-341C-8935-2AACD1565F0F <7 6 5 4 3 1>
16 90 0xfffffe0007050000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.AppleARMPlatform (1.0.2) 5E9CCC2E-8DAD-3602-9B36-6A976B6F7995 <15 14 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
17 5 0xfffffe0007810000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOCryptoAcceleratorFamily (1.0.1) 3AA63909-80FB-36B0-B161-487A683EDA48 <7 5 4 3 1>
18 1 0xfffffe00073a0000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.security.AppleImage4 (3.0.0) B261561C-4940-35D4-B346-5874C945D1E9 <17 16 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
19 1 0xfffffe0007668000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.kext.CoreTrust (1) BEB48C14-7C72-3594-89FE-1599B08EE4BB <10 4>
20 14 0xfffffe0007424000 0x14000 0x14000 com.apple.driver.AppleMobileFileIntegrity (1.0.5) 67BB9BF7-94BC-3B1D-90BC-6A8E9EADD1A9 <19 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
21 2 0xfffffe00073fc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.kext.AppleMatch (1.0.0d1) 240EAEE4-D9DA-395F-8609-AE0C8AE8F1CE <4 1>
22 2 0xfffffe0007a18000 0x1c000 0x1c000 com.apple.security.sandbox (300.0) DA17E091-EED2-3583-AE8D-D63E2BA59AD2 <21 20 15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
23 2 0xfffffe0007a08000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.security.quarantine (4) 67104E13-161F-31FE-A133-0780671EC2AB <22 21 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
24 0 0xfffffe0007524000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.AppleSystemPolicy (2.0.0) 1644508E-0E67-34F1-A734-9B44A6D1C4BD <23 22 20 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
25 3 0xfffffe0007814000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.IODARTFamily (1) E5C341EF-A949-33A0-81DE-3CB3C94381E2 <16 6 5 4 3 1>
26 14 0xfffffe00078f8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOSurface (290.8.1) E1A3CC6B-7556-3503-BB75-53264C4F53AA <7 6 5 4 3 1>
27 4 0xfffffe00073c0000 0x2c000 0x2c000 com.apple.driver.AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver (265.0.0) 9BAE37A1-B6BF-3E86-A2AB-8248F77A9287 <26 25 16 7 5 4 3 1>
28 4 0xfffffe0007328000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleFirmwareUpdateKext (1) 35016240-9859-342C-BC9E-93735487B5F8 <18 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
29 5 0xfffffe00072d8000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleEmbeddedAudioLibs (1.17) 68644A0C-4527-3482-9B26-6825735D7AB4 <28 16 7 5 4 3 1>
30 7 0xfffffe000779c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOAudio2Family (1.0) 26651231-2463-3EB6-8707-2DFA83F35502 <5 4 3 1>
31 2 0xfffffe000780c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOCECFamily (1) E33D6248-DF8B-3D18-A352-7C4CE636BABB <4 3>
32 4 0xfffffe000784c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOHDCPFamily (1.0.0) ECE24F14-4853-3378-96A7-685D52001AE4 <5 4 3>
33 11 0xfffffe0007760000 0x24000 0x24000 com.apple.iokit.IOAVFamily (1.0.0) 216D7ADB-245D-36D7-A1A6-0506204DE4F5 <32 31 30 29 16 9 7 6 5 4 3 1>
34 1 0xfffffe0007024000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.AUC (1.0) CFF3D9C2-DDF6-3917-BBC1-C587171E88A9 <33 27 26 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
35 27 0xfffffe000786c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily (2.0.0) DB1AFDAD-1056-36F5-8B3A-5F0B444E2064 <13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
36 1 0xfffffe000723c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleBiometricSensor (2) 62F03611-7CF2-3DD5-831A-2A9CAF683F56 <35 16 13 7 5 4 3 1>
37 22 0xfffffe00078e8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.IOSlaveProcessor (1) FA9635B7-E467-3387-B05F-22565A3EEBB0 <4 3>
38 9 0xfffffe0007028000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleA7IOP (1.0.2) 8A51F7A7-BB06-3C30-B000-D2847A384C05 <37 16 5 4 3 1>
39 10 0xfffffe00074a8000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.AppleSEPManager (1.0.1) 225B3B10-0C14-391B-A0E5-905AA2B4A15D <38 37 16 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
40 7 0xfffffe00078e0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily (11) 431A0722-0583-3FDD-9F00-AC5AD08F2690 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
41 16 0xfffffe0007898000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily (3.4) 5AEB1703-0B8D-35A6-90CF-7502238674C3 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
42 2 0xfffffe00078bc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.mDNSOffloadUserClient (1.0.1b8) 47EE6995-C0F1-333D-9DCB-CDBA028B112C <41 4 3 1>
43 6 0xfffffe00078e4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily (1) F4E42F9A-E1BC-3869-B691-FF8181E4EB31 <42 41 7 6 5 4 3 1>
44 6 0xfffffe0007448000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleOnboardSerial (1.0) 801A3710-D4DE-378D-A41D-A23B0410B7E8 <43 40 7 5 4 3 1>
45 9 0xfffffe0007784000 0x14000 0x14000 com.apple.iokit.IOAccessoryManager (1.0.0) 7A2D8991-5263-3DEF-A808-13B4B60DB83F <44 40 35 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
46 2 0xfffffe000704c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleARMPMU (1.0) 34190D6F-CE26-3D9D-9D94-BA7AFD22D9A2 <45 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
47 3 0xfffffe00072f0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleEmbeddedTempSensor (1.0.0) 16C69E2D-543C-36A8-A5E2-6DD13BEB50C1 <35 16 13 7 5 4 3 1>
48 13 0xfffffe0007a0c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.RTBuddy (1.0.0) BCD82761-7847-340E-8EC5-FBA178CFE7BA <38 37 16 13 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
49 9 0xfffffe00074b4000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.AppleSMC (3.1.9) A1733D39-958E-3CA9-845C-9719D057859F <48 47 46 45 38 37 35 16 6 5 4 3>
50 12 0xfffffe000760c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBCommon (1.0) 6A4EFC7B-4630-3C80-B24B-1CFF38B8C0B2 <5 4 3 1>
51 5 0xfffffe00079a8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHostMergeProperties (1.2) 659D6E3C-E285-302F-8739-284DC6C78A1A <4 3 1>
52 21 0xfffffe000797c000 0x14000 0x14000 com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily (1.2) 6CFAFC24-387A-3E4C-82F2-35F742CCB3B6 <51 50 49 7 6 5 4 3 1>
53 2 0xfffffe00079ec000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.KernelRelayHost (1) 149C14D1-91E4-3E03-8658-6039393952EE <52 5 4 3>
54 1 0xfffffe0007270000 0x10000 0x10000 com.apple.driver.AppleCredentialManager (1.0) 0D5ADDFE-EF04-35E9-9A88-F0784C31E46C <53 39 37 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
55 0 0xfffffe00072a8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleDiskImages2 (1) 552327CA-CF46-39DB-9D77-6B78496BFD5F <15 5 4 3 1>
56 3 0xfffffe00072bc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleEffaceableStorage (1.0) 608C5FF9-9F38-3E74-8CE1-F90AFF18F8ED <7 5 4 3 1>
57 0 0xfffffe0007304000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleFDEKeyStore (28.30) C729EF2D-1AC5-3E9F-8319-A44CEA633B22 <56 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
58 0 0xfffffe000739c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleIPAppender (1.0) 3B624EE0-1469-3052-9817-5B2BDCB57A7B <43 41 7 6 5 4 3 1>
59 3 0xfffffe00078c8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily (436.140.1) FACB1737-CE01-3E0C-9C75-D5E522DCFC4D <6 5 4 3 1>
60 1 0xfffffe00078cc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice (436.140.1) 68323F13-F102-378E-A85F-847410107EE1 <59 15 6 5 4 3 1>
61 14 0xfffffe00078c0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily (2.9) 663AF8F3-8DF8-346B-84B5-A116C931421D <7 6 5 4 3>
62 1 0xfffffe00079d8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOUSBMassStorageDriver (184.140.2) A8A5FECD-3428-3697-9858-2756A22AC437 <61 59 52 15 6 5 4 3 1>
63 1 0xfffffe00074f8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTDM (511.141.1) 8F28C3BD-A7F0-3594-BF11-B4E3630671CE <62 60 59 52 20 15 7 6 5 4 3 1>
64 0 0xfffffe00074a4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSEPKeyStore (2) EDAAB38E-0F13-3404-913B-676FED387E05 <63 56 54 39 37 20 17 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
65 0 0xfffffe00074d4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSSE (1.0) 4FA19BF2-2BBA-38D1-8E30-51C2BC26AAE1 <53 39 37 7 5 4 3 1>
66 5 0xfffffe0007650000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.CoreAnalyticsFamily (1) 34337684-DA05-3170-8DDB-259DFEB3D159 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
67 0 0xfffffe0007678000 0x10000 0x10000 com.apple.iokit.EndpointSecurity (1) FE98A9F5-FE52-345C-B589-BA9276B97A3D <23 20 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
68 2 0xfffffe000768c000 0x38000 0x38000 com.apple.driver.FairPlayIOKit (68.7.1) 69F6F811-15CF-39B8-BB98-9BEE5F467B44 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
69 1 0xfffffe00077f4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothPacketLogger (8.0.5d7) 83D23D29-0812-3B33-8D13-B50157988894 <6 5 4 3 1>
70 3 0xfffffe00077b0000 0x28000 0x28000 com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily (8.0.5d7) 57076FD2-32D2-3C0F-B51B-F5E229FBDAC1 <69 52 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
71 1 0xfffffe0007848000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (585.1) F8A9A41F-8051-3F65-B3EB-AE3D15E15DE8 <61 7 5 4 3 1>
72 5 0xfffffe0007854000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DiskImages (493.0.0) A1940955-A6C0-3790-BC1F-1E8F8A49843E <15 7 6 5 4 3 1>
73 0 0xfffffe0007878000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOKitRegistryCompatibility (1) 6D530330-5FB9-3688-AD82-CCDD07C9FC35 <4 3>
74 3 0xfffffe000792c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOTimeSyncFamily (985.2) 4F819029-6C89-3758-9022-6085525F3B54 <41 16 5 4 3 1>
75 0 0xfffffe00079bc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBUserHCI (1) 8F0A0B9B-715D-368E-AE4A-FD9368BB4479 <52 50 5 4 3 1>
76 0 0xfffffe00079dc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOUserEthernet (1.0.1) E0F1F143-638D-3D1B-BEF7-8B55A7EB4562 <41 20 6 5 4 3 1>
77 0 0xfffffe0007408000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleMobileApNonce (1) B34CAF19-B49C-320A-BBB3-6E38AF1B54B7 <17 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
78 0 0xfffffe00073ec000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleM68Buttons (1.0.0d1) 8DC920E8-71AA-33D6-B4A7-662D1387C478 <35 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
79 1 0xfffffe0007320000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleFireStormErrorHandler (1) 3CF71B3D-E4FF-3F6C-B4A6-4164B8BC45ED <16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
80 0 0xfffffe0007534000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8101 (1) 42914D9E-383C-35F3-A59C-C0EBB4DA4EFF <79 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
81 0 0xfffffe00074c0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSPIMC (1) 12572745-EF13-3F73-B274-3AE0D81E1C77 <16 7 5 4 3 1>
82 2 0xfffffe000732c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleGPIOICController (1.0.2) 9657738B-0DCC-3734-829A-0A516714EC08 <16 13 7 5 4 3 1>
83 0 0xfffffe000747c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleS5L8940XI2C (1.0.0d2) 4A691C40-474E-3D8B-B4F0-6D85219C9ED3 <82 16 7 5 4 3 1>
84 0 0xfffffe0007478000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleS5L8920XPWM (1.0.0d1) 8EEB192E-57B3-30F8-84FD-ABE4580C6B28 <16 7 5 4 3>
85 0 0xfffffe00073f0000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleMCA2-T8103 (540.10) 885417A0-AFCF-3E94-9BCD-25FEF43C6B53 <29 16 7 5 4 3 1>
86 9 0xfffffe0007ad0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.corecapture (1.0.4) B9F6D549-8143-3EF2-B485-1D456841CE5A <7 6 5 4 3 1>
87 3 0xfffffe0007874000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.IOImageLoader (1.0.0) EB72334F-ED40-3496-8F66-C304BA6F0AF2 <86 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
88 2 0xfffffe00076d4000 0x5c000 0x5c000 com.apple.iokit.IO80211FamilyV2 (1200.12.2b1) 73CCA844-78F1-3EC5-BD70-F7B42E535230 <86 43 41 20 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
89 1 0xfffffe00071d8000 0x5c000 0x5c000 com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANCore (1.0.0) DFA8A297-2E7B-3F56-93A1-D082BF32CB89 <88 87 86 74 66 44 43 42 41 40 20 16 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
90 3 0xfffffe000724c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothDebugService (1) E32726A8-9738-3360-AE95-CB2B2399F0F3 <5 4 3 1>
91 6 0xfffffe00072e4000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleEmbeddedPCIE (1) C333EF04-EB6A-3206-B8F2-2F76AB0FE831 <61 25 16 13 7 5 4 3 1>
92 0 0xfffffe00071c4000 0x14000 0x14000 com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe (1) 92D10E31-A654-350A-8F25-F3ADCC727936 <91 90 89 88 87 86 66 61 44 43 41 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
93 0 0xfffffe00074dc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSamsungSerial (1.0.0d1) 28EBE21E-D90F-334C-96A4-C87EC62CB07C <44 40 16 7 5 4 3 1>
94 1 0xfffffe0007438000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleMultiFunctionManager (1) A1466E4F-B11A-3A4E-91C5-ACA16FAF4D91 <91 86 44 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
95 0 0xfffffe0007250000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothModule (1) F43B8437-4FF2-3CDB-914B-6045C468F618 <94 86 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
96 0 0xfffffe0007540000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8103PCIe (1) C6523DF5-68E7-3DC1-8DAE-17A67985C812 <91 61 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
97 0 0xfffffe000752c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8020DART (1) CA7E5ECE-B7E9-3AB8-A9EF-08838AA1CAC3 <25 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
98 1 0xfffffe000744c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.ApplePIODMA (1) 60152F73-25BA-3B04-820D-F17454AC694A <5 4 3 1>
99 9 0xfffffe0007900000 0x2c000 0x2c000 com.apple.iokit.IOThunderboltFamily (9.3.2) 79D612F6-0BE5-3E1E-A7BC-4ACFF6C54C7C <49 5 4 3 1>
100 0 0xfffffe0007544000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8103PCIeC (1) AF730F72-A51B-3157-9C93-3E53C4333B24 <99 98 91 61 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
101 0 0xfffffe0007584000 0x34000 0x34000 com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltNHI (7.2.8) 39EEDBE9-291F-3316-910F-F208FF0DEF47 <99 82 61 45 6 5 4 3 1>
102 4 0xfffffe00075e0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleTypeCPhy (1) 95F17D05-D4CF-3343-A688-37D334A4555E <50 16 5 4 3 1>
103 4 0xfffffe000781c000 0x10000 0x10000 com.apple.iokit.IODisplayPortFamily (1.0.0) 152F7F10-0709-3882-8FB3-728F23C34583 <33 32 31 7 6 5 4 3 1>
104 0 0xfffffe00072ac000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleDisplayCrossbar (1.0.0) FD6C45A0-6BC1-34BD-9315-1ED193089EEE <103 102 99 45 33 16 4 3>
105 0 0xfffffe00079ac000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBHostPacketFilter (1.0) 075BC4C6-BFA5-33D8-B8C3-29A450148B51 <52 50 7 6 5 4 3 1>
106 0 0xfffffe00073ac000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleInterruptController (1.0.0d1) D15A24BC-1D17-3665-85C0-A51650EB6565 <16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
107 1 0xfffffe0007b44000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.watchdog (1) AA919758-2F6F-307D-B07C-B3FCBBA81FA7 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
108 0 0xfffffe0007488000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer (1) 6EA4F8EF-BFB1-33E1-B0AA-B61F94BA1ED9 <107 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
109 0 0xfffffe0007490000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleS8000DWI (1.0.0d1) CC5D28BF-0C36-3841-9510-55C0849E9A85 <16 7 5 4 3 1>
110 0 0xfffffe000748c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleS8000AES (1) 143CE5B9-A0A2-3F60-A054-BD1B0EDAE1E6 <17 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
111 5 0xfffffe0007450000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.ApplePMGR (1) 5AE074DE-9313-34A2-A16E-854B40FB4625 <16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
112 0 0xfffffe0007548000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8103PMGR (1) 30949E70-92B2-3F60-902D-221E8879AFB8 <111 16 9 7 6 5 4 3 1>
113 0 0xfffffe0007480000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleS5L8960XNCO (1) C6BF7E33-BB08-34D5-A74C-76D3C213DE2F <16 13 7 5 4 3 1>
114 0 0xfffffe0007494000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSART (1) 0B24F334-24FC-3312-97B5-D09FD6BBD700 <16 6 5 4 3>
115 0 0xfffffe0007640000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AudioDMAController-T8103 (1.60.5) 7E07733C-CEDF-325E-A9CE-663E51C41E46 <16 6 5 4 3 1>
116 0 0xfffffe00075e4000 0x1c000 0x1c000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8103TypeCPhy (1) 217CD6B4-B4B5-3EBB-B069-7823EAF95450 <102 5 4 3 1>
117 4 0xfffffe00079a4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice (1.2) 08CC8E60-9357-39A6-BA91-A6ACE2EED3DE <52 50 6 5 4 3 1>
118 1 0xfffffe00079b0000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBHub (1.2) 41CC449D-638B-3876-8473-CC75AEDD3653 <52 50 5 4 3 1>
119 2 0xfffffe00072f8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleEmbeddedUSBHost (1) 8EED54F3-70EF-3C33-BD39-05C195D8D99E <118 117 52 51 50 20 7 6 5 4 3 1>
120 2 0xfffffe00079c0000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (1.2) F333CCB7-EB72-34C8-89E1-19E1C8C1C09A <52 50 45 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
121 1 0xfffffe0007638000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCIARM (1) A0AE1226-4083-35A5-B6E8-8D7AB583D5D1 <120 119 102 52 50 45 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
122 0 0xfffffe0007624000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBHostT8103 (1) 09ED0C26-71F3-367E-ADBC-1B3BCC78A5E5 <121 120 119 99 52 50 45 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
123 3 0xfffffe0007950000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOUSBDeviceFamily (2.0.0) 118D9093-917B-3AE4-B5C0-6BCB2F7A404A <50 5 4 3 1>
124 1 0xfffffe0007968000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBXDCI (1.0) AA3616B7-7BAA-324C-9036-14BA3187C071 <123 5 4 3 1>
125 0 0xfffffe0007974000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBXDCIARM (1.0) 46B194B9-C1FB-326F-87F2-9E39E5DDB0E3 <124 123 102 45 16 5 4 3 1>
126 0 0xfffffe00074c4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSPMI (1.0.1) 7B008F01-2826-3657-8AD3-25561C01D35E <16 7 5 4 3 1>
127 2 0xfffffe0007880000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOMobileGraphicsFamily (343.0.0) 9980B37C-C16A-31E7-A886-9F76D3F33065 <33 27 26 20 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
128 4 0xfffffe0007324000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleFirmwareKit (1) AE1CB289-594D-32C5-88A4-805195AFCB10 <48 38 37 28 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
129 2 0xfffffe0007284000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleDCP (1) ED46E12F-D17B-3084-B7BC-54EAE3247AA5 <128 48 16 4 3>
130 1 0xfffffe000787c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOMobileGraphicsFamily-DCP (343.0.0) 0D6CC2AC-E0B1-3712-86B8-AF3EC2CBCD85 <129 127 48 37 33 27 26 20 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
131 0 0xfffffe000740c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleMobileDispH13G-DCP (140.0) 6C7594FB-FC30-3E4F-8C24-9CDA1E3E11CF <130 127 48 39 37 34 33 27 26 16 7 5 4 3 1>
132 2 0xfffffe000766c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DCPAVFamilyProxy (1) 821A32AF-3D5B-3C72-BBC7-05C14F802C9A <128 33 16 3>
133 0 0xfffffe00073b0000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleJPEGDriver (4.6.0) 6845FA70-C0A5-37B0-9AFD-FD6F47986D1B <26 16 7 5 4 3 1>
134 0 0xfffffe0007080000 0x140000 0x140000 com.apple.driver.AppleAVE2 (401.73.4) 214A5715-B28B-35FF-AF43-284859E2D83E <26 16 7 5 4 3 1>
135 0 0xfffffe000705c000 0x24000 0x24000 com.apple.driver.AppleAVD (385) 21AF9AA8-BEA1-3CB9-94B6-BC7852315BE6 <68 26 16 7 5 4 3 1>
136 1 0xfffffe0007330000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleH10PearlCameraInterface (16.15.1) 5DAB44F0-8BD9-3C22-89FC-1B656D13B419 <26 16 13 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
137 0 0xfffffe0007350000 0x1c000 0x1c000 com.apple.driver.AppleH13CameraInterface (3.58.0) C9442DAF-3880-3D76-9AC4-846956C2BA30 <136 26 16 13 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
138 0 0xfffffe0007334000 0x1c000 0x1c000 com.apple.driver.AppleH11ANEInterface (4.75.0) 660CBD3E-2C54-30EA-8113-44C49859764D <26 16 13 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
139 1 0xfffffe0007840000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOGPUFamily (21.11) 165427AB-CAEB-3A2F-A516-36CF442877EB <71 61 26 20 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
140 0 0xfffffe0007014000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.AGXG13G (173.28.7) FD66E6E3-A69C-36B6-A545-477793329675 <139 48 26 20 16 13 9 7 6 5 4 3 1>
141 0 0xfffffe000753c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8103CLPCv3 (1) 87EC4A6E-F110-3054-8106-3FCBFF333A59 <111 26 16 13 9 7 6 5 4 3 1>
142 0 0xfffffe0007530000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleT8020SOCTuner (1) 6FD757D1-BBA6-3395-BFD3-203C86E095C3 <111 16 13 7 6 5 4 3 1>
143 0 0xfffffe0007464000 0x10000 0x10000 com.apple.driver.ApplePassthroughPPM (3.0) 78336004-98D4-34C7-AF6F-95E13D73D0D0 <111 13 9 7 5 4 3 1>
144 0 0xfffffe00074e8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleStockholmControl (1.0.0) 0CDF2CB8-23EB-37D6-B668-2002ADAFDC70 <44 16 7 5 4 3 1>
145 1 0xfffffe00072a4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleDialogPMU (1.0.1) C3663E78-0C85-3873-BF9E-75EB093F7979 <47 46 35 16 7 5 4 3 1>
146 0 0xfffffe00074c8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSPMIPMU (1.0.1) ED4AC638-3BCE-35E6-AFA4-17CBC2CF4803 <145 49 47 35 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
147 4 0xfffffe0007044000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.AppleARMIISAudio (80.34.1) 638A63E1-4B5A-30FE-87B7-B3EBE37D4294 <30 29 7 5 4 3 1>
148 4 0xfffffe00072c4000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleEmbeddedAudio (442.26) DA618C5C-BE5D-3DA9-88A9-D984D01F62E9 <147 35 30 29 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
149 0 0xfffffe00072d4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleTAS5770LAmp (442.26) A72BE15E-EB89-374C-8F34-B65EDBDD9260 <148 147 35 30 16 7 5 4 3 1>
150 1 0xfffffe000725c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleCSEmbeddedAudio (442.26) 5626EF1A-A355-3992-BFAE-429262070E1D <148 147 35 30 16 5 4 3 1>
151 0 0xfffffe00072cc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleCS42L83Audio (442.26) AE68C17B-9F3A-3921-B58A-E97D66B2AB10 <150 148 147 49 35 30 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
152 0 0xfffffe0007394000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleHPM (3.4.4) 45D7D85D-F6DC-3B0F-BC0F-E8E4801C6991 <103 45 33 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
153 2 0xfffffe0007444000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleNANDConfigAccess (1.0.0) C0400330-4F3E-3FCB-8020-C28C9BD5342D <16 7 5 4 3 1>
154 0 0xfffffe00072a0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleDiagnosticDataAccessReadOnly (1.0.0) 8AF38527-24B3-3524-B370-FD953F920427 <153 16 7 5 4 3 1>
155 0 0xfffffe00072ec000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.AppleEmbeddedSimpleSPINORFlasher (1) 8C00BC85-1CA0-366A-8739-D90C58E8A82C <16 7 5 4 3 1>
156 0 0xfffffe000728c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleDPDisplayTCON (1) 63FEBBC6-82E5-34E1-97FD-202ADECF678E <33 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
157 0 0xfffffe0007888000 0x10000 0x10000 com.apple.iokit.IONVMeFamily (2.1.0) E784F71C-0FDA-36B9-9674-4F8794D929DE <153 91 61 49 48 38 37 35 20 16 15 7 6 5 4 3 1>
158 0 0xfffffe0007460000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.ApplePMPFirmware (1) 67FAF348-A4EB-380A-AD6D-AF60CDC99BA6 <48 38 37 16 4 3>
159 1 0xfffffe0007010000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.AGXFirmwareKextRTBuddy64 (173.28.7) 2A69683A-1F57-3E5A-9283-57A502BDEDFC <48 5 4 3 1>
160 0 0xfffffe000700c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.AGXFirmwareKextG13GRTBuddy (173.28.7) 6004ED2B-F593-3D69-BF5C-4909665DC1AB <159 48 5 4 3 1>
161 0 0xfffffe0007308000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless (1.0.0d1) 25688C39-3B14-3886-8D6B-D42DCCBBE1EB <7 6 4 3 2 1>
162 0 0xfffffe000730c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib (1.0.0) 29F03802-1812-3C91-943E-037624A257CA <6 4 3 2 1>
163 0 0xfffffe0007648000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.BootCache (40) 284A9B21-22D6-3A5A-9D1F-905FDF9E0526 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
164 0 0xfffffe000764c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.security.BootPolicy (1) 797DF8BD-25CE-3782-A536-3ED7325A55A3 <39 37 5 4 3>
165 1 0xfffffe00076d0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext (1) DCB285AA-1C26-3984-BE4B-6BD7799AC47C <7 6 5 4 3 1>
166 2 0xfffffe00076c4000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.filesystems.hfs.kext (556.100.11) 30DEEBC4-27C8-302F-A0EC-4052D3C3E5F4 <165 7 6 5 4 3 1>
167 0 0xfffffe00074e4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSmartIO2 (1) AC1ABCD8-31A1-38CC-90E2-1BB0F42A4655 <48 38 37 17 6 5 4 3 1>
168 1 0xfffffe0007670000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DCPDPFamilyProxy (1) 4D4B5010-6E2D-3BEC-925C-BBB4F781E3C5 <132 128 103 33 3>
169 0 0xfffffe0007288000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleDCPDPTXProxy (1.0.0) 9D5832BE-DF81-3797-966B-CBD84972E149 <168 132 129 128 103 33 32 5 4 3>
170 0 0xfffffe00078fc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.IOTextEncryptionFamily (1.0.0) 2EDED8CE-0103-3952-9D64-C6CD4EDCC6A1 <68 7 5 4 3 1>
171 0 0xfffffe0007234000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleBSDKextStarter (3) 81CBBDD4-D1A9-3D7A-B1FA-4309F38CCFE6 <4 3>
172 3 0xfffffe00074cc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSPU (1) 60E53D93-56F6-30EE-8530-2C7A725E825C <48 38 37 35 28 16 13 6 5 4 3 1>
173 0 0xfffffe000745c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.ApplePMP (1) 10835299-DD31-3E13-B494-317BC05541ED <48 38 37 35 16 6 5 4 3 1>
174 0 0xfffffe0007b30000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.filesystems.tmpfs (1) 7FDC3358-19E6-343A-A0FF-E369D97BF389 <7 6 5 4 1>
175 1 0xfffffe0007a00000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.nke.ppp (1.9) 7EE15C8B-9D45-3D08-B625-F997D15F89BF <7 6 5 4 3 1>
176 0 0xfffffe00079f4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.nke.l2tp (1.9) 75B29A1F-7718-32F3-8C1A-B3BF79410580 <175 7 6 5 4 3 1>
177 0 0xfffffe0007318000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleFileSystemDriver (3.0.1) A562687E-679B-30D5-9254-284699ECDD49 <15 4 3>
178 4 0xfffffe00073a8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleInputDeviceSupport (4400.35) 40D3257A-DE9E-36D7-B06B-376810A75A55 <66 37 28 6 5 4 3 1>
179 1 0xfffffe0007384000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleHIDTransport (4400.35) 63A78437-F3EE-35FB-BCF1-2EA81F38F2C0 <178 49 35 16 6 5 4 3 1>
180 0 0xfffffe000738c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleHIDTransportSPI (4400.35) E9C506FD-854C-3733-B80B-1E4828FD8962 <179 178 16 5 4 3 1>
182 0 0xfffffe0007040000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleAOPVoiceTrigger (11.5) 492DC023-F039-3E7E-9BF7-3713AC522053 <172 148 7 5 4 3 1>
183 0 0xfffffe0007034000 0xc000 0xc000 com.apple.driver.AppleAOPAudio (16.2) B05DA892-3333-31A9-BFB2-828BE269ACB5 <172 30 29 16 7 5 4 3 1>
184 0 0xfffffe000763c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleXsanScheme (3) BD305943-390F-3D1B-BD2F-4452D9709C3F <15 5 4 3 1>
185 2 0xfffffe0007a80000 0x40000 0x40000 com.apple.filesystems.apfs (1677.141.1) CC40AF90-D379-339D-857A-BCFCC5378DF6 <66 56 15 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
186 0 0xfffffe0007030000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleALSColorSensor (1.0.0d1) 404D661F-336E-3CEB-BC4A-EE056FEAC2C8 <172 35 16 7 5 4 3 1>
187 4 0xfffffe000785c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DiskImages.KernelBacked (493.0.0) F94DEAEC-CF4B-33D6-8839-C0938259764F <72 15 7 5 4 3 1>
188 0 0xfffffe0007858000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DiskImages.FileBackingStore (493.0.0) D524BC7E-F609-331F-AA94-BA8A520B8AD3 <187 72 15 7 6 5 4 3 1>
189 0 0xfffffe0007860000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DiskImages.RAMBackingStore (493.0.0) F2CB5099-041E-332C-BE99-B5C0F0B94AC7 <187 72 15 7 5 4 3 1>
190 0 0xfffffe00074e0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager (161.0.0) 7DEAD855-B5CA-3B60-B440-90A1757A1588 <49 7 5 4 3 1>
191 0 0xfffffe0007868000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DiskImages.UDIFDiskImage (493.0.0) 4E9FE5B7-3A35-3E5F-A315-A8991E0AB7CC <187 72 15 7 5 4 3 1>
192 0 0xfffffe0007864000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.DiskImages.ReadWriteDiskImage (493.0.0) 49DB3E5C-98BD-3814-8EB6-2DFCADCB9DEA <187 72 15 7 5 4 3 1>
193 0 0xfffffe00075b8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltPCIDownAdapter (4.1.1) 3CBA5F84-CD05-345D-9CA1-6E3294D72287 <99 91 61 5 4 3 1>
194 1 0xfffffe0007554000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltDPAdapterFamily (8.1.4) 46069DEB-B93D-341C-B0BB-1D9816DB6C90 <99 5 4 3 1>
195 0 0xfffffe000755c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltDPInAdapter (8.1.4) 02BDACC9-542F-34AC-AD44-5C2065CA9EFA <194 99 5 4 3 1>
196 0 0xfffffe00075c0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltUSBDownAdapter (1.0.4) AE601B2E-E26A-329C-8B84-A024892DE8C5 <99 5 4 3 1>
197 0 0xfffffe0007570000 0x14000 0x14000 com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltIP (4.0.3) 2796E6EF-C013-349F-90D2-23BB00F3BCF5 <99 61 41 5 4 3 1>
198 1 0xfffffe0007248000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothDebug (1) 9FBC7636-1C15-3F66-962C-28705CC1EE5D <90 86 6 5 4 3 1>
199 2 0xfffffe0007268000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleConvergedPCI (1) 0C32A33D-45D1-3456-9521-1F25B3120940 <86 61 6 5 4 3 1>
200 1 0xfffffe0007260000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleConvergedIPCOLYBTControl (1) 93CE6D9C-F771-3396-8A17-7C186DFB7DE0 <199 90 6 5 4 3 1>
201 1 0xfffffe00077e4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothHostControllerTransport (8.0.5d7) 67E34F77-F0E8-3DC7-AD23-7AEC02F8B13B <70 61 52 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
202 0 0xfffffe00077e0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.IOBluetoothHostControllerPCIeTransport (8.0.5d7) 29C78FDB-CC2D-36EB-AEE5-FFB397FB9023 <201 200 199 198 5 4 3>
203 0 0xfffffe0007238000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleBTM (1.0.1) A984EC5E-206F-321C-8A26-016BD45E8DE6 <111 35 16 7 5 4 3 1>
204 4 0xfffffe000762c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.networking (5.0.0) A9E19DC3-4177-31C8-96AA-605920299034 <52 6 5 4 3 1>
205 0 0xfffffe0007614000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBDeviceNCM (5.0.0) 79FF1E8A-8BAF-3851-8C5D-4B56F3B9FB4A <204 123 41 16 6 5 4 3 1>
206 4 0xfffffe000749c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.AppleSEPGenericTransfer (1) DCFC4435-3316-3DB6-88DB-420A8F485852 <39 37 6 5 4 3>
207 0 0xfffffe0007654000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.CoreKDL (1) 67406AC7-DD43-3A41-B1BB-0512314AD42E <206 5 4 3 1>
208 1 0xfffffe00075d8000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleTrustedAccessory (1) 1A5E827F-BB02-360D-992C-FAA3A4340265 <206 66 49 35 7 6 5 4 3 1>
209 0 0xfffffe0007a14000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.SEPHibernation (1) C1875DD0-AABF-3F75-98E4-60187890B73A <39 37 4 3>
210 0 0xfffffe00074a0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleSEPHDCPManager (1.0.1) 4A28804F-C415-3B23-9192-7D46C1536058 <39 37 32 5 4 3>
211 0 0xfffffe0007644000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.BCMWLANFirmware4378.Hashstore (1) 136C4F79-FFDB-34A8-9012-2D15739EB6F2 <87 86 5 4 3 1>
212 2 0xfffffe00077ac000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOBiometricFamily (1) 2FC211EF-4829-3BDA-9DC4-9B23026B3933 <206 39 37 7 6 5 4 3 1>
213 1 0xfffffe0007400000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleMesaSEPDriver (100.99) 71B923E6-AFB0-31C2-80BB-BB5AD670506B <212 208 206 49 39 37 36 35 16 7 6 5 4 3 1>
214 0 0xfffffe0007244000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleBiometricServices (1) C5E13745-937E-390B-A855-1984B375D29C <213 212 16 7 5 4 3 1>
215 1 0xfffffe00078b8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOEthernetAVBController (1.1.0) A026CFE6-4438-3EA4-9703-3EA4DC0F4B8E <41 5 4 3 1>
216 1 0xfffffe0007934000 0x1c000 0x1c000 com.apple.plugin.IOgPTPPlugin (985.2) 6D5438D1-5724-3535-A5DB-AC627F9CA479 <74 43 41 35 9 6 5 4 3 1>
217 0 0xfffffe0007740000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOAVBFamily (940.4) F8047A59-52A5-332F-BBE4-3A0503BBA3E6 <216 215 74 41 6 5 4 3 1>
218 0 0xfffffe00077f8000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager (8.0.5d7) AF8F2F01-16E7-310D-802E-605D8F8620D4 <40 7 5 4 3 1>
219 2 0xfffffe000743c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.AppleMultitouchDriver (4440.3) 0896D4D7-5290-3A8A-B220-D27656E4822C <178 35 13 7 5 4 3 1>
220 0 0xfffffe00071c0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleActuatorDriver (4440.3) AE0B9AC8-68D2-38F5-B7D5-887A0B839DA7 <219 178 35 13 7 5 4 3 1>
221 1 0xfffffe00077fc000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.driver.IOBluetoothHIDDriver (8.0.5d7) 51606861-2FCD-3668-9548-D58FFBC15589 <70 35 5 4 3>
222 1 0xfffffe00075cc000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleHSBluetoothDriver (4050.1) 85CA1386-7583-3C2B-84E9-C5000F704202 <221 70 35 6 5 4 3 1>
223 0 0xfffffe00075d0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleTopCaseHIDEventDriver (4050.1) AA7776C2-AB40-36AD-A696-0E3ABE65D870 <222 219 35 6 5 4 3 1>
224 0 0xfffffe0007370000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleHIDKeyboard (224) 64F7F8B1-02E6-3A00-B0E6-57BFAE5F9814 <35 6 5 4 3>
225 0 0xfffffe000731c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.fileutil (20.036.15) 37679116-ED46-3A23-9490-D7003F8F01DB <5 4 3 2 1>
226 2 0xfffffe0007b34000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.kext.triggers (1.0) 3CD48494-E41A-3478-936A-4D64D6E1E630 <7 6 5 4 3 1>
227 0 0xfffffe0007ac4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.filesystems.autofs (3.0) 4C6B2B8A-684C-3729-8849-A7AFA2D3B03A <226 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
228 0 0xfffffe0007b20000 0x10000 0x10000 com.apple.filesystems.smbfs (3.6) 103B2CE5-0DAB-35DA-907A-317301CFF066 <226 10 7 6 5 4 3 1>
229 1 0xfffffe0007b40000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.vecLib.kext (1.2.0) 13F21EA3-D106-355B-A1AF-3F7FF948F7AF <9 7 6 5 4 3>
230 1 0xfffffe00077a0000 0x8000 0x8000 com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily (300.6.1) 53781BE4-3116-3FE6-A15B-193ACF3D7D42 <229 5 4 3 1>
231 0 0xfffffe0007604000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBAudio (405.39) 0BDE00DC-C8D0-34BF-84BA-807A6EFF6194 <230 117 61 52 51 5 4 3 1>
232 2 0xfffffe0007608000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.cdc (5.0.0) A79AAA30-6C79-3561-9178-103E8D58A1DB <204 117 52 5 4 3 1>
233 0 0xfffffe0007620000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.macos.driver.AppleUSBEthernetHost (8.1.1) 8B4F3580-D10D-3F06-B7E9-617C3D2A797A <52 41 5 4 3 1>
235 1 0xfffffe0007634000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.serial (6.0.0) E8B76CFB-8EDC-3F2B-B46A-08B285B22AF0 <52 40 5 4 3 1>
236 0 0xfffffe0007600000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.cdc.acm (5.0.0) 344BBB06-FD35-3950-B7DA-24E891801CFF <235 232 204 117 52 40 5 4 3 1>
237 0 0xfffffe00079d4000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice (1.2) FEA20E6D-4E4B-3644-B9DB-9D7C30D62394 <52 50 35 5 4 3 1>
238 0 0xfffffe0007618000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.driver.usb.cdc.ecm (5.0.0) C09439BF-8404-3795-BE81-1032C2462AC4 <232 204 52 51 41 5 4 3 1>
239 0 0xfffffe000774c000 0x4000 0x4000 com.apple.plugin.IOAVBDiscoveryPlugin (940.4) E7722CE4-AFC9-3A01-8718-90D378B31E1B <41 6 5 4 3 1>

----FPS Report Legend:-----
Raw Instantaneous FPS:
30FPS delimiter: '|'
10FPS delimiter: '+'
1FPS delimiter: '-'

Defer+Work Instantaneous FPS: 'X'
Work Instantaneous FPS: '^'
Equal Work and Defer+Work Instantaneous FPS: '*'

====Frame Rate Report:====

Frame Length [SampleRange] WS Wait Length [SampleRange] Defer Length [SampleRange] WS Work Length [SampleRange] Frame Rate
6.04 ms[ No samples] 0.00 ms[ No samples] 4.45 ms[ No samples] 1.59 ms[ No samples] 165.66 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
18.92 ms[ No samples] 5.51 ms[ No samples] 10.63 ms[ No samples] 2.78 ms[ No samples] 52.85 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+--- *
16.87 ms[ No samples] 3.24 ms[ No samples] 10.67 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 59.27 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.74 ms[ No samples] 3.05 ms[ No samples] 10.67 ms[ No samples] 3.02 ms[ No samples] 59.75 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.75 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 10.73 ms[ No samples] 3.07 ms[ No samples] 59.69 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.42 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 10.58 ms[ No samples] 2.89 ms[ No samples] 60.89 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.82 ms[ 2 ] 3.13 ms[ 2 ] 10.68 ms[ No samples] 3.01 ms[ No samples] 59.44 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.67 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 10.72 ms[ No samples] 3.01 ms[ No samples] 59.98 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.71 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 10.80 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 59.83 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.58 ms[ No samples] 2.92 ms[ No samples] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 60.31 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
17.06 ms[ No samples] 3.00 ms[ No samples] 10.92 ms[ No samples] 3.14 ms[ No samples] 58.60 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.31 ms[ No samples] 2.62 ms[ No samples] 10.73 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 61.33 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.60 ms[ 3 ] 2.95 ms[ 3 ] 10.75 ms[ No samples] 2.90 ms[ No samples] 60.25 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.88 ms[ No samples] 3.02 ms[ No samples] 10.78 ms[ No samples] 3.08 ms[ No samples] 59.25 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.64 ms[ No samples] 2.88 ms[ No samples] 10.90 ms[ No samples] 2.86 ms[ No samples] 60.08 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
15.09 ms[ No samples] 2.88 ms[ No samples] 10.67 ms[ No samples] 1.54 ms[ No samples] 66.29 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
17.36 ms[ No samples] 4.46 ms[ No samples] 10.68 ms[ No samples] 2.22 ms[ No samples] 57.59 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+-------- *
17.31 ms[ No samples] 3.72 ms[ No samples] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 2.87 ms[ No samples] 57.77 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+-------- *
21.04 ms[ 4 ] 3.10 ms[ 4 ] 10.82 ms[ No samples] 7.11 ms[ No samples] 47.53 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+-------- X ^
12.41 ms[ No samples] 0.18 ms[ No samples] 9.24 ms[ No samples] 2.99 ms[ No samples] 80.57 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.63 ms[ No samples] 2.97 ms[ No samples] 10.72 ms[ No samples] 2.94 ms[ No samples] 60.12 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.72 ms[ No samples] 3.10 ms[ No samples] 10.66 ms[ No samples] 2.97 ms[ No samples] 59.81 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.69 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 10.80 ms[ No samples] 2.94 ms[ No samples] 59.93 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.62 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 10.74 ms[ No samples] 2.93 ms[ No samples] 60.17 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.77 ms[ 5 ] 2.99 ms[ 5 ] 10.86 ms[ No samples] 2.92 ms[ No samples] 59.62 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
17.22 ms[ No samples] 2.92 ms[ No samples] 11.21 ms[ No samples] 3.09 ms[ No samples] 58.08 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+-------- *
16.12 ms[ No samples] 2.35 ms[ No samples] 10.75 ms[ No samples] 3.01 ms[ No samples] 62.04 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.57 ms[ No samples] 2.87 ms[ No samples] 10.78 ms[ No samples] 2.91 ms[ No samples] 60.36 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.70 ms[ No samples] 3.01 ms[ No samples] 10.70 ms[ No samples] 2.99 ms[ No samples] 59.88 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.57 ms[ No samples] 2.97 ms[ No samples] 10.65 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 60.33 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.73 ms[ 6 ] 3.05 ms[ 6 ] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 59.79 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.71 ms[ No samples] 2.97 ms[ No samples] 10.70 ms[ No samples] 3.04 ms[ No samples] 59.86 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.53 ms[ No samples] 2.93 ms[ No samples] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 2.89 ms[ No samples] 60.50 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.73 ms[ No samples] 3.11 ms[ No samples] 10.67 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 59.78 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.68 ms[ No samples] 3.03 ms[ No samples] 10.70 ms[ No samples] 2.95 ms[ No samples] 59.96 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.70 ms[ No samples] 3.09 ms[ No samples] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 2.90 ms[ No samples] 59.87 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.62 ms[ 7 ] 2.97 ms[ 7 ] 10.74 ms[ No samples] 2.91 ms[ No samples] 60.16 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.89 ms[ No samples] 3.03 ms[ No samples] 10.78 ms[ No samples] 3.08 ms[ No samples] 59.21 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.52 ms[ No samples] 2.81 ms[ No samples] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 3.00 ms[ No samples] 60.54 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.64 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 10.68 ms[ No samples] 3.00 ms[ No samples] 60.09 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.85 ms[ No samples] 3.06 ms[ No samples] 10.65 ms[ No samples] 3.14 ms[ No samples] 59.36 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.72 ms[ No samples] 2.78 ms[ No samples] 10.88 ms[ No samples] 3.05 ms[ No samples] 59.82 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
18.03 ms[ 8 ] 0.19 ms[ No samples] 13.45 ms[ 8 ] 4.40 ms[ No samples] 55.46 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+-----X ^
15.69 ms[ No samples] 1.37 ms[ No samples] 10.77 ms[ No samples] 3.54 ms[ No samples] 63.75 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.05 ms[ No samples] 2.36 ms[ No samples] 10.71 ms[ No samples] 2.99 ms[ No samples] 62.29 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.78 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 10.72 ms[ No samples] 3.10 ms[ No samples] 59.59 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.53 ms[ No samples] 2.94 ms[ No samples] 10.65 ms[ No samples] 2.94 ms[ No samples] 60.49 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.59 ms[ No samples] 3.08 ms[ No samples] 10.63 ms[ No samples] 2.88 ms[ No samples] 60.28 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.76 ms[ 9 ] 3.07 ms[ 9 ] 10.77 ms[ No samples] 2.91 ms[ No samples] 59.67 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.89 ms[ No samples] 3.07 ms[ No samples] 10.70 ms[ No samples] 3.13 ms[ No samples] 59.20 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.46 ms[ No samples] 2.74 ms[ No samples] 10.77 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 60.75 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.72 ms[ No samples] 2.98 ms[ No samples] 10.67 ms[ No samples] 3.06 ms[ No samples] 59.82 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.81 ms[ No samples] 2.99 ms[ No samples] 10.74 ms[ No samples] 3.08 ms[ No samples] 59.50 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.67 ms[ No samples] 2.76 ms[ No samples] 10.82 ms[ No samples] 3.09 ms[ No samples] 60.00 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.44 ms[ 10 ] 2.76 ms[ 10 ] 10.75 ms[ No samples] 2.93 ms[ No samples] 60.81 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.65 ms[ No samples] 2.99 ms[ No samples] 10.73 ms[ No samples] 2.92 ms[ No samples] 60.08 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.80 ms[ No samples] 3.00 ms[ No samples] 10.83 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 59.54 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.68 ms[ No samples] 2.97 ms[ No samples] 10.65 ms[ No samples] 3.06 ms[ No samples] 59.96 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
16.60 ms[ No samples] 2.96 ms[ No samples] 10.65 ms[ No samples] 2.99 ms[ No samples] 60.25 FPS|---------+---------+---------|---------+---------+---------*
Model: MacBookAir10,1, BootROM 6723.140.2, proc 8:4:4 processors, 8 GB, SMC
Graphics: kHW_AppleM1Item, Apple M1, spdisplays_builtin
Memory Module: LPDDR4
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme, wl0: Jul 7 2021 00:48:27 version FWID 01-f5ad2691
Bluetooth: Version 8.0.5d7, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.