DevTeam / Pure.DI

Pure DI for .NET without frameworks!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rename project

MisinformedDNA opened this issue · comments

I've been learning about this project and I'm excited to try it out. I think it has great potential. Unfortunately, the name is pretty bad. It's not imaginative nor is it searchable and discovery is key. Even removing the dot and using PureDI makes it more searchable.

Some other alternatives might be:

  • PurDI (maybe pronounced purr-dee or pure-dee)
  • DIGen
  • InjectGen
  • Injectinator

Keep up the good work!

Thank you. It is good idea. Now the difficulty is only in finding this project or does the name sound really bad? What does Google search find for the search query "Pure DI"? I'm asking because there is difficulty - some customers already uses the NuGet package with id Pure.DI and I don't want to inconvenience them. Renaming the project itself to GitHub is not difficult. We can temporarily release packages with 2 IDs, new and old one Pure.DI.

Your search results have increased greatly in the last 10 days. :) And I'm not a fan of the name, but that isn't enough reason to break things. The only other issue is that DI is both a namespace and a type.

At this point, I would say, don't rename the project, but maybe rename the namespace to just PureDI.