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3 monitor

Robojob2017 opened this issue · comments

it would be nice if there's gonna be a mod for triple monitor support

Due to how it's coded it'd be very difficult to even add double monitor support.
However it's still possible so I'll leave this open if anyone wants to take on the challenge.

Due to how it's coded it'd be very difficult to even add double monitor support.
However it's still possible so I'll leave this open if anyone wants to take on the challenge.

you know there was a mod made for the 0.2 version, I am pretty sure you could pretty easily port it over to the 0.3 version

Go ahead, then.

Ha ha, i'm good, I don't know the first thing when it comes to modding the goose
i am just saying that in theory it is possible, the old mod existed, the only thing v0.3 gave us was an official way to mod the goose, i do not believe anything was changed

I want to comment that I did made the mods for multiple monitor on 0.2 it was easy and the code look like this. But I have no clue if it's possible with the mods loader on 0.3

//Program.mainForm.Size = Screen.AllScreens.Select(x => x.WorkingArea.Size).Aggregate((total, screenSize) => total + screenSize);
var screenRect = Screen.AllScreens.Select(screen => screen.Bounds).Aggregate(Rectangle.Union);
Program.mainForm.Size = screenRect.Size;
Program.mainForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
Program.mainForm.Location = screenRect.Location;

But while this work, for the goose, windows the goose is spawning are on the main monitor only because the code is not aware of the "mainForm" render space. So you will have to look at the mainForm or Recalculate Screen in this code too.
Well I hope it help.