DesignPatternsPHP / DesignPatternsPHP

Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8.x

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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'PHP_CodeSniffer\Runner' not found

laraws opened this issue · comments

When I use command to exec phpcs, erros displays like this:

root@7be0c6dcae4e:/var/www# ./vendor/bin/phpcs

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'PHP_CodeSniffer\Runner' not found in /var/www/vendor/bin/phpcs on line 17

Error: Class 'PHP_CodeSniffer\Runner' not found in /var/www/vendor/bin/phpcs on line 17

Call Stack:
    0.0002     391536   1. {main}() /var/www/vendor/bin/phpcs:0

Try execute command composer install before.

Try execute command composer install before.

I have tried it, but it doesn't work.

try vendor/bin/phpcs or php vendor/bin/phpcs

Hey @laraws could please tell the steps you did before running this? Are you using Docker? What output did composer install show?

Hey @laraws could please tell the steps you did before running this? Are you using Docker? What output did composer install show?

It solved after I ran the composer update. It may be a format problem. I copied the project from the GCP Ubuntu instance before I did . /vendor/bin/phpcs. . I'm using docker with PHP environment.


Delete /vendor and composer.lock, and rerun composer install