DesignPatternsPHP / DesignPatternsPHP

Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8.x

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AbstractFactory pattern breaks Liskov substitution principle

kopecny-shockworks opened this issue · comments

Both CsvParser and JsonParser implement Parser interface, but they are not substituable one for the other.
Imagine a client class:

class ParserClient
  private $parser;
  public function __construct(Parser $parser)
    $this->parser = $parser;
    $this->fileName = __DIR__ . '/test.json'; //just imagine this file exists and contains valid json data

  public function execute()
    $contents = \file_get_contents($this->fileName);
    return $this->parser->parse($contents);

Now the client should work no matter what parser it is passed, but the opposite is true:

$factory = new ParserFactory();
$c1 = new ParserClient($factory->createJsonParser());
$c2 = new ParserClient($factory->createCsvParser());
$c1->execute(); //ok
$c2->execute(); //error

That said, both CsvParser and JsonParser have a method with the same name and signature, but they really don't implement the same interface.
This is a common misconception.
If they really were to implement the same interface, then you could say that any class with a method accepting one argument of type string and returning an array, should name the method "parse" a implement the "Parser" interface. But here it should be even more obvious that it is wrong.

Better example would be to provide JsonParser interface, and have two implementations, one that wraps native PHP functions, and one that does the parsing fully alone without using php json_* functions.
Then they both actualy share an interface - the JsonParser interface, since they both can parse a valid json string without causing an error and cause an error in any other case.

Or maybe if the Parser interface exposed a method that would return an array of accepted formats, then both CsvParser and JsonParser could implement it and not break LSP, because the client would be expected to call such method first to check if their parser can handle their format.
The client the would look like this:

$format = $this->detectFormat($this->fileName); //maybe from file extension
if(in_array($format, $this->parser->getAllowedFormats())) {
     $contents = \file_get_contents($this->fileName);
     return $this->parser->parse($contents);
} else {
     return ['Could not handle file format ' . $format];

Now the client was well aware of the fact that the parser may not be able to parse data in the clients format and the client contains code to handle such situation. Substituing one parser for another now causes no unexpected behaviour.

But let me provide an example of AbstractFactory which IMHO is much more explanatory about the importance of AbstractFactory design pattern:

interface Shape
  public function getArea(): float

class Square implements Shape
  private $size;

  public function __construct(float $size)
    $this->size = $size;

  public function getArea(): float
     return $this->size * $this->size;

class Circle implements Shape
    private $radius;

    public function __construct(float $radius)
      $this->radius = $radius;

    public function getArea(): float
        return $this->radius * $this->radius * pi();

class UnitCircle implements Shape
  public function getArea(): float
    return pi();

class ShapeFactory
  public function createSquare(float $size): Square
    return new Square($size);

  public function createCircle(float $radius): Shape
    if ($radius == 1) {
      return $this->createUnitCircle();
    return new Circle($radius); 

  public function createUnitCircle(): UnitCircle
    return new UnitCircle(); 

class ShapeClient
  private $shape;

  public function __construct(Shape $shape)
     $this->shape = $shape;

  public function execute()
     echo "<div>" . $shape->getArea() . "</div>";

$c1 = new ShapeClient($factory->createSquare(1.0));
$c2 = new ShapeClient($factory->createCircle(1.0)); //note that this may return Circle or UnitCircle, but the client won't care
$c1->execute(); //ok
$c2->execute(); //ok

The ShapeClient doesnt care what shape it is given, it will work for any Shape implementation, it just print's the shape's area in a div.


Also, the boolean parameter -skipHeaderLine- should be removed from the createCsvParser method. It is not recommended.

Thanks for all your in put. I changed the pattern to a more simple approach.