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Composer could not find a composer.json file in /app

gustavoper opened this issue · comments

I'm getting this error just after cloning repo and running docker-compose up. Any suggestions?

screenshot from 2018-03-13 22-52-00

Hi @gustavoper,

which OS are you using? Seems like the volumes do not work correctly. Please verify running:

docker-compose run php ls /opt/php

and for composer:

docker-compose run composer ls /app

if neither of them shows up the repository contents, your volumes could not be mounted, which is then a general problem in your Docker installation. You could also run docker-compose config to verify that the lokal paths are correctly set.

Same problem for me on Windows 10. Here is an related issue: RobLoach/docker-composer#124

I am closing this one here, as it seems to be an issue with docker-composer.