DeqingSun / vnproch551

CH551 Programming software

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Note on CH549

DeqingSun opened this issue · comments

family ID 0x12, device ID 0x49
u8AddessCmd 0xA3 seems changing as well with WCHISPTool V2.9
Use IDA to open WCH55xISPDLL.dll
Search all text occurrence of rand
choose the call
Edit > Patch Program > Assemble , mov eax, 0h is 5 bytes should replace the call _rand or call _srand
Search all text occurrence of GetTickCount
It is using call edi, 2 bytes, change it with 2 nop
Edit > Patch Program > apply patches to input file
After that A3 seems OK

.text:10002899 call sub_1000AB30
seems A5 command get ready before calling, unencrypted data loaded. Encryption seems happening here!

.text:1000836F call    sub_10001E50
A1 communication (u8DetectCmd)
	.text:10001F01 call    sub_10001820 send out
	.text:10001F4D call    sub_100019A0 get response

.text:10008431 call    sub_10002E60
A7 communication (u8IdCmd)
	response located in Stack[00000CC8]:01B6EE3C db 0A7h 

.text:10008542 call    sub_1000A160
check later.
.text:100085A0 call    sub_100067F0
check later.

.text:10008637 loc_10008637:
seems family check 11~15

.text:10008688 call    sub_100032F0

.text:100087B1 call    sub_10003160
A8 communication (u8InitCmd)

.text:10008815 call    sub_10002E60
A7 communication (u8IdCmd)
.text:10008972 call    sub_10002B20
A3 communication
	before call 	.text:1000896D mov     edi, [esp+50h+arg_0]
			.text:10008971 push    edi
	.text:10002BC1 call    sub_1000AB70
		Key generated inside.
		ebx+193h ebx+194h, seems checking device and family ID
		.text:1000ABEF jb      short loc_1000ABCA this 1E times loop just put 0 into mem as we hacked the tick call
		.text:1000ABF5 mov     al, [ebx+194h]  value is 12, maybe family ID
		.text:1000AC00 lea     edi, [esp+1Ch+var_8]  Not sure what for
		.text:1000AC3B loc_1000AC3B: calculate key, the sum of ID and family ID seems not changed. But the sum of ID is 8 bytes!		

	.text:10002C5C call    sub_10001820
	send A3, step over will crash, seems A3 command is located in [esp+28h]
	modify [esp+28h] will change the send A3 command

2c27? send A3

.text:10008A19 call    sub_1000A160

.text:10008A39 call    sub_10002960
A4 communication (u8EraseCmd)

call    sub_1000A160

.text:10008C64 call    sub_1000A160

.text:10008C98 call    sub_100027D0
A5 communication 
	.text:10002899 call    sub_1000AB30 
		seems 3D get ready before calling, unencrypted data loaded.
		encryption seems happening here!

		.text:1000AB4F loc_1000AB4F: 
		XOR happens here. Key is 8 bytes long, send with address esp+4+arg_8
		if we go outside, sent by push ecx, lea ecx, [ebp+1Ch], saved_fp+1ch. Which is static

.text:10001623 call    ds:CreateFileA