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Unique constraint violation while mirroring NVD via feed files

nscuro opened this issue · comments

Current Behavior

Mirroring the NVD via feed files can fail due to unique constraint violations in the AFFECTEDVERSIONATTRIBUTION table:

 javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException: Insert of object "org.dependencytrack.model.AffectedVersionAttribution@65e2bfba" using statement "INSERT INTO "AFFECTEDVERSIONATTRIBUTION" ("FIRST_SEEN","LAST_SEEN","SOURCE","UUID","VULNERABILITY","VULNERABLE_SOFTWARE") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)" failed : ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "AFFECTEDVERSIONATTRIBUTION_COMPOSITE_IDX"

Mirroring via API does not seem to be affected. Taking an educated guess here, the logic that processes the feed files can sometimes create duplicate Vulnerability <-> VulnerableSoftware relationships. I had to deal with that while implementing the API mirroring:

// Get all VulnerableSoftware records that are currently associated with the vulnerability.
// Note: For SOME ODD REASON, duplicate (as in, same database ID and all) VulnerableSoftware
// records are returned, when operating on data that was originally created by the feed-based
// NistMirrorTask. We thus have to deduplicate here.
final List<VulnerableSoftware> vsOldList = persistentVuln.getVulnerableSoftware().stream().distinct().toList();
LOGGER.trace("%s: Existing VS: %d".formatted(persistentVuln.getVulnId(), vsOldList.size()));

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Mirror NVD via feed files

Expected Behavior

Mirroring should not fail. We should not create duplicate records that cause unique constraint violations.

Dependency-Track Version


Dependency-Track Distribution

Container Image, Executable WAR

Database Server


Database Server Version

No response


