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Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.

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Notification not triggered for existing vulnerabilities

visagansanthanam-unisys opened this issue · comments

Current Behavior

We have a Dtrack project and there are few vulnerabilities identified already
Now I have configured the JIRA notification for creating new JIRA issues whenever a new vulnerability is identified.
On re-analyzing the components or re-uploading SBOM again, I don't get any notifications. Howevere when I create a policy with and select "Policy_violation" in alerts, I get the alerts but that alert message does not include the vulnerability details.
I even tried "Project_Audit_Change", but no luck. When does the 'New_Vulnerability' or 'New_Vulnerable_Dependency' alerts get triggered?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a Project which has vulnerabilities identified
  2. Create new alert under Notifications, using org.dependencytrack.notification.publisher.JiraPublisher
  3. Select New_Vulnerability, New_Vulnerable_Dependency, Project_Audit_Change options in "Group"
  4. Click "Submit" to save the alerts
  5. Open the Audit Vulnerabilities page on the project which has vulnerabilities
  6. Click on Re-analyze

Expected Behavior

JIRA alerts should have been triggered for the vulnerabilities found.

Dependency-Track Version


Dependency-Track Distribution

Container Image

Database Server


Database Server Version

No response


Google Chrome


NEW_VULNERABILITY notifications are only triggered when a new vulnerability is identified. NEW_VULNERABLE_DEPENDENCY is triggered when a component is newly added to a project, and was found to be vulnerable. If a vulnerability was already found before, no new notification will be sent. That is entirely intentional, as otherwise consumers of those notifications would be flooded.