DeeMcCart / CI_PP5_Jeweller

Jewellery website for CI Project 5

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User Story: Site Validation

DeeMcCart opened this issue · comments

EPIC: #67
SO_06 As site owner I want to provide a website, which meets current programming, performance and accessibility standards (html, css, javascript, responsive, accessibility, performance) so that users can enjoy a high-standard experience

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:

System has reached a stable point (note that some of these valiation tests may need to be repeated prior to handover)

Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')

  • All validation tests must be completed
  • All validaton tests must pass, unless a reasonable explanation can be provided for failure


  • Task1 W3C validation of each html file (needs to be based on rendered, rather than source, html, as source includes non-html control codes)... using checker at
  • 20/02/24: ONGOING (6 errors remaining in product detail; 7 errors in products: mostly these refer to the navigation meny whcih has li as a child of nav)
  • 21/02/24:
  • NOPE using python3 -m flake8 to validate multiple files in one go
  • Task6 User Testing and feedback

18/02/24-20/02/24 Python validation: Products, Checkout, Profiles - first pass (6 hours) - picking up on coding errors (and creating them) The best command to use is: python3 -m flake8 --exclude=/migrations/
20/02/24 HTML validation (6 hours):
20/02/24 CSS Validation (1 hour)

Validation done but not satisfactory. In particular, last-minute HTML validation fix (struggled to resolve header issue relating to button/anchor within nav/ul: this was affecting all pages) caused knock-on problems which means the responsive display is now incorrect.
HTML validation - completed successfully;
CSS validation - completed successfully;
W3C accessibility validation - incomplete;
Lighthouse performance validation - done but very low scores in 70% range (even on rechecking) - this needs more investigation;
Python validation - completed with a couple of small remaining issues on 2 of the 4 apps.
Javascript validation - not done.
User testing/ test scripts - documentation presented is not reflective of the volume and variety of testing actually done. Also certain functionality is not working at time of submission

  • feedback form not sending via emailjs;
  • reviews created are submitted for moderation without pulling through the review score;
  • issues with firefox display on android phone (not seen with chrome on android phone);
  • tracker # cannot be entered on order admin console)
    HOWEVER, deadline reached therefore necessary to submit!