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User Story: SO_06, RU_06 View & Monitor Order status

DeeMcCart opened this issue · comments

EPIC: #48 #34

  • SO_06 As System Owner I want to track orders raised to ensure they progress through the shipping lifecycle
  • SO_07 As System Owner I want to link to an post tracking to provide delivery status to customers
  • RU_06 As a Returning User I want to view my order status so I know if the order has been shipped

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:

  • Base site is up & running with checkout etc
  • Order follows a logical status flow - ORDERED - PACKED - SHIPPED - RECEIVED

Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')

  • SysAdmin must have visibility on orders raised and their status
  • User can see order status, delivery method and planned ship date on order confirmation & email
  • SysAdmin must be able to update status as needed
  • Customer must receive email notification on reaching 'ORDERED' status
  • Would be nice if customer could receive email notification when order moves to 'PACKED' status
  • Would be nice if customer could receive email notification when order moves to 'SHIPPED' status


  • Task1 Add 'status' field to order model
  • Task2 Make status (& delviery method, planned ship/collection date visible on order confirmation.
  • Task2 Build a sysadmin console for order view & edit
  • Task3 Add customer email creation when ordr moves to 'PACKED' status
  • Task4 Addd customer email creation when order moves to 'SHIPPED' status

Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion

DMcC 15/02/24 have the sysadmin order maintenance console with 'view' mode working fine (can drill into order history). Only problem is that the order history returns the user to the user profile rather than where they came from ie maintenance.
Also I have a modal to move the status along for an order but it is not connected to anything yet, this needs more work.... screenprints below to illustrate


16/02/24 14:30 - Email confirmation on ordering now received; have built shipping_email_subject and _body templates, need to apply these next
18/02/24: Added item details onto the order confirmation email (at request of shop owner)
19/02/24 Sprint Review: Closing out this issue, would still like to be able to update status to PACKED, SHIPPED, RECEIVED from sysadmin console, added as ssue #44 for Sprint5 if I can get to it.