DeeMcCart / CI_PP5_Jeweller

Jewellery website for CI Project 5

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User Story: FTU_10 Product sorting

DeeMcCart opened this issue · comments

EPIC: #24

  • FTU_10: As a First-Time User I want to sort my product view by price, date added .... in order to see the items most relevant to me

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:

  • Products template is configured and there is sufficient sample data to test
  • Sorting critera are agreed e.g. price L->H; price H->L; ????

Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')

  • Sorting is applied to main products view


  • Task1 Add sorting html & js on products.html
  • Task2 Test/tweak

Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion

Worked on this 30-31/01/24: tested ok 31/01 however realised I've forgtten sort by date added (not in models field) and it would actually be nice to have a 'New' tag.... willl park this in 'Review' for now and come back to it:

Sort by Price L to H:


Sort by Price H to L :


Sort by category:


DMcC 05/02/24: End of sprint review - only thing is that there is no sorting by date added - will add as a separate Issue #37