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Implementation of the λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting

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Why dedukti forbid spaces and newlines in sident's ?

fblanqui opened this issue · comments


Lines 100 to 103 in c65e7e6

| '\n'
{ fail (get_loc lexbuf) "Unexpected new line in ident." }
| ' '
{ fail (get_loc lexbuf) "Unexpected space in ident." }

Is it really a feature to allow new line in identifier. Is there any example (in a programming language or proof assistant) where it is allowed / useful?
I am afraid that it will only lead to situation where

{| blablabla and I forget to close this identifier
Then a lot of clever things that were supposed to be a proof.
{| another (or the same) identifier |}

And all this just became a huge valid identifier, whereas it is completely unintended.

#263 Allows spaces in file names and in identifiers, but new lines remain forbidden.