Decimation / SmartImage

Reverse image search tool (SauceNao, IQDB, Ascii2D,, and more)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Issue while opening

BedBug2479 opened this issue · comments

Everytime i open an img

Exception message: Exception of type 'SmartImage.Utilities.SmartImageException' was thrown.
Exception stack trace: at SmartImage.RuntimeInfo.FindExecutableLocation(String exe)
at SmartImage.RuntimeInfo.get_ExeLocation()
at SmartImage.RuntimeInfo.get_AppFolder()
at SmartImage.RuntimeInfo.get_IsAppFolderInPath()
at SmartImage.Integration.Setup()
at SmartImage.Program.Main(String[] args)
Source: SmartImage
HResult: -2146233088
Site: System.String FindExecutableLocation(System.String)

Error adding config
----------Program Info----------
Crash log written to C:\Users\BedBug\Desktop\crash.log
Please file an issue and attach the crash log.

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Where did you place the executable?