DeanCording / node-red-contrib-fs-ops

A Node Red node for performing file system operations

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Redundant library on node-red website

sylvanoMTL opened this issue · comments

Good morning,
I have some interest in the library you developped for node-red, though I have found two libraries, containing the exact description with the same proposed nodes. The GitHub links are linked to this github. However both node-red libraries show different versions:
node-red-contrib-fs-ops-coco the most recent
node-red-contrib-fs-ops maybe the original one.

Can you please clarify this? Which one is regularly maintained, why having two different libraries. Any issues with compatibility?

kind regards,

@sylvanoMTL its a bit of a mess.

  • node-red-contrib-fs-ops-coco...
    • According to NPM, node-red-contrib-fs-ops-coco was published by @NoFr1ends
    • It has the same version number and the package.json still points back here
    • it doesnt appear to be any different (assuming the source in this fork is the code used when published to NPM)

In summary, it appears to be a clone with only a name change.

Perhaps @NoFr1ends intends on adding new functionality?
Perhaps @NoFr1ends felt this original branch was dead an intends on adding improvements?

Its hard to tell since the only immediately visible difference is the name.

For now, I will personally stick with the original (this one node-red-contrib-fs-ops)

@DeanCording what are your thoughts on this?


The node-red-contrib-fs-ops-coco is a temporary push to npm of the pr #18
That it links to the same repository and used the same version is wrong and an issue which I addressed, thanks for noticing that.

I also clarified that in the readme.

Hi @NoFr1ends thanks for the feedback.

The node-red-contrib-fs-ops-coco is a temporary push to npm

Do you mean if your PR #18 is accepted and integrated into node-red-contrib-fs-ops you will retire your fork?

The thing is, you have published it to NPM with node-red in the key words so it has appeared in the pallete for users to install - hence the confusion the op (and others) face.

Perhaps (for the benefit of everyone) @DeanCording could permit you to contribute to the original then only one version would be maintained?


It seems like @DeanCording is inactive thats why I pushed it to npm in the first place.

Thanks for these reply,
I am quite new to node-red.
What would be the best to ensure the integrity of my code for future releases? I am working with node-red-contrib-fs-ops-coco.


If you don’t need any of the fixes or added features it’s fine to stick with this one (which seems to be unmaintained).
The added features and fixes are stated in the readme of my fork.

Pull requests have been merged and a new version published.

Thanks, and sorry for the time taken to process this, what with life and everything else.