DeSinc / SallyBot

AI Chatbot coded in C#

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Include .csproj to simplify build process

adamflaigg opened this issue · comments

It would make it a lot easier to build the project if the .csproj file was included as this uses a lot of nuget packages that aren't immediately clear what they are.


My bad, done now


Generally you'll want to include the whole folder you have the project in - GitHub Desktop is a good easy interface that talks to GitHub directly (instead of uploading files to GitHub on the website)

You'll probably want a gitignore file to exclude built files, models, etc. It prevents files from being uploaded to GitHub.
A good template for Visual Studio can be found here, just name it .gitignore at the root of the folder your project is in:

Generally you'll want to include the whole folder you have the project in - GitHub Desktop is a good easy interface that talks to GitHub directly (instead of uploading files to GitHub on the website)

You'll probably want a gitignore file to exclude built files, models, etc. It prevents files from being uploaded to GitHub. A good template for Visual Studio can be found here, just name it .gitignore at the root of the folder your project is in:

yeah I've been going through I realized that there is still a lot missing that this project interfaces with (specifically the language model I've been having issues with trying to figure out how/what to import and use the interface with it). Probably would be best to upload the whole project folder and remove anything like tokens/keys and stuff.


I just added all of the discord code and the includes etc. to program.cs and also the MainGlobal.cs file that holds definitions for Server and Client vars that get used a few times.

I've been having context errors (CS0103), even with the new MainGlobal.cs file. vars "Client", "Commands", "Socket", "typing", "typingTicks", "thinking", "MainLoop", "Loop", and "IsSimilarToBannedWords" are all included. I gave Client & Server the prefix RoboSinc.MainGlobal(.Client/.Server) and it seem to fix the context error but with special cases like "Client_MessageRecieved" and many similar ones following it, the prefix RoboSinc.MainGlobal did not work. This may just be something that Visual Studio C# has issues with, though the changes made to the code since the previous version did fix a lot of the problems. I'm not completely used to C# so the problems I'm dealing with maybe easy to fix.


I just added the last pieces now to the code. Now it all builds and runs first try, give it a go. Program.cs has been totally rewritten and reorganised etc.