DaymareOn / hdtSMP64

hdt-smp for 64 bit Skyrim

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Support - Need help fixing 3BA Physics

MauVasconcellos opened this issue · comments

Hello everybody.

So, it all started after I installed "OBody" (from the OStim team):
My 3BA body physics were fine before that, but, after following their instructions manual and doing the whole "batch build with 3BA zeroed slides" step, my female Player character got wonky physics on her breasts, no matter which preset I picked for her using the "O" hotkey to swap between different mod presets. Breasts would flap to the wind even while standing still... never seen that before.

When accessing the MCM menu "CBBE 3BA" to adjust physics, we are given options to readapt physics to NPCs, but there is nothing regarding the player. Even though this isn't exactly the forum I should be coming for help (after all, you guys just handle the Faster-HDT physics), I thought about giving it a try.

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance. o/

Extra info:

  • OS: Windows 10 Pro

** FSMP**

  • Installed version: 2.2.1
  • CUDA: I don't know what that is.
  • AVX: Don't know what that is either.


  • installed version: 2.2.6


  • Installed version number: 1.6.1179

You could ask on acro discord server.

Hello, Daymarr.

Acro? Sure, I could give it a try and ask. Is that the server's exact name? A quick search has brought over a thousand different results, but none specifically related to Skyrim.

Thanks so far.

Hey MauVasconcellos :)

Huu, no, Daymarr and me are 2 different persons :D

Here's an invite, it will expire in 7 days:


S~sorry, I thought... argh... Well, ok, so, rewind... Nice to meet you, Daymare.

The invitation worked, and I'll post my question there. Thank you very much.