David-OConnor / stm32-hal

This library provides access to STM32 peripherals in Rust.

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[STM32F401] USART6, required traits not implemented

stijn577 opened this issue · comments

STM32F401 USART6, required traits not implemented

I was trying to migrate from STM32f4xx-hal to this HAL, but when I tried to use USART6, it complained about traits not being implemented, see image.


let pp = ctx.device; // unwrapping the peripherals like this because of using rtic
let usart = Usart::new(pp.USART6, 115_200, UsartConfig::default(), &CLOCK);

I had a look in the source files of the repo at util.rs where this stuff is defined and indeed, USART6 is not defined for the STM32F401 board im using, I suspect this is a bug. Just posting it here to confirm, USART1 works fine (since the traits are implemented there, so that checks out).

Try now, using the Github dependency.

It seems its having an error, in the examples/syntax_overview/cargo.toml from the git dependency, the name contains spaces, which isnt allowed. So it might not actually changing to the git dependency. I haven't worked with git dependencies yet so idk if I'm doing something wrong. Also I'm in the middle of my exams right now so my response times might be a little slow, my apologies for that.

in my cargo.toml I have it set up like this:

git = "https://github.com/David-OConnor/stm32-hal.git"
branch = "main"
features = ["f401", "f4rt"]


Example fixed.