David-OConnor / stm32-hal

This library provides access to STM32 peripherals in Rust.

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TIM8 not working in PWM Mode 1 on STM32G474RETx

gueldenstone opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone,

Disclaimer: I'm very new to rust, so there might be an obvious thing I did wrong. Sorry in advance.

I just tried to port a project from C++ to rust using this library and the STM32G474RE on the NUCLEO Board.
In the C/C++ project I used Timer8 with PA15 in AF2 as positive output. This does not seem to work with this library.
I tested the Pin working with Timer2 and the PA15 in AF1 mode. Is this a bug, or am I getting something wrong. Below you can find a copy of my main.rs of reference:


use core::panic::PanicInfo;
use cortex_m::delay::Delay;
use cortex_m_rt::entry; // The runtime
use stm32_hal2::{
    clocks::{ApbPrescaler, Clk48Src, Clocks, HclkPrescaler, InputSrc, PllCfg, PllSrc, Pllm, Pllr},
    gpio::{Pin, PinMode, Port},
    timer::{OutputCompare, TimChannel, Timer, TimerConfig},

use defmt_rtt as _;

// This marks the entrypoint of our application. The cortex_m_rt creates some
// startup code before this, but we don't need to worry about this
fn main() -> ! {
    // CPU Peripherals
    let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    // MCU Peripherals
    let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

    defmt::println!("Hello, world!");

    let clock_cfg = Clocks {
        input_src: InputSrc::Pll(PllSrc::Hse(24_000_000)),
        pll: PllCfg {
            enabled: true,
            divm: Pllm::Div3,
            divn: 20,
            divp: Pllr::Div2,
            pllp_en: false,
            divr: Pllr::Div2,
            pllr_en: true,
            divq: Pllr::Div2,
            pllq_en: false,
        hclk_prescaler: HclkPrescaler::Div1,
        apb1_prescaler: ApbPrescaler::Div1,
        apb2_prescaler: ApbPrescaler::Div1,
        clk48_src: Clk48Src::Hsi48,
        hse_bypass: false,
        hsi48_on: true,
        security_system: true,
    // Write the clock configuration to the MCU. If you wish, you can modify `clocks` above
    // in accordance with [its docs](https://docs.rs/stm32-hal2/0.2.0/stm32_hal2/clocks/index.html),
    // and the `clock_cfg` example.
    // setup timer
    let _pwm_pin = Pin::new(Port::A, 15, PinMode::Alt(2));
    let mut pwm = Timer::new_tim8(
        TimerConfig {
            auto_reload_preload: true,
    pwm.enable_pwm_output(TimChannel::C1, OutputCompare::Pwm1, 0.5);
    // Setup a delay, based on the Cortex-m systick.
    let mut delay = Delay::new(cp.SYST, clock_cfg.systick());
    let mut led = Pin::new(Port::A, 5, PinMode::Output);
    let mut duty = 0.0;
    let period = pwm.get_max_duty();
    // Now, enjoy the lightshow!
    loop {
        defmt::debug!("Our demo is alive");
        duty += 0.01;
        pwm.set_duty(TimChannel::C1, (duty * period as f64) as u16);
        if duty >= 1. {
            duty = 0.;

// same panicking *behavior* as `panic-probe` but doesn't print a panic message
// this prevents the panic message being printed *twice* when `defmt::panic` is invoked
fn panic(_info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {

/// Terminates the application and makes `probe-run` exit with exit-code = 0
pub fn exit() -> ! {
    loop {

Also: Is there a way to enable the negative Output for the timers?

Looks like a bug, but I don't know the cause yet.

To set negative output, I think you're looking for the .set_complementary_polarity() method on the Timer struct. This sets the ccxnp fields on the CCER register. Is this what you're looking for?

Does the Timer 2 / AF1 setting you use work correctly?

Just fixed a bug with Channels 2-4 PWM output. Were you using one of those (Example shows 1).

Closing due to lack of response. Possibly fixed in PWM-related fixes pushed yesterday.