DaveWoodCom / XCGLogger

A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.

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Crash when creating `AutoRotatingFileDestination` in iOS 13 / Xcode 11

PadraigK opened this issue · comments

This is possibly not XCGLogger's problem, but I wanted to share it, since I have a reliable example project, just in case anyone has a work around. Feel free to close if you feel it's an Xcode 11 / CocoaPods issue.

If I include XCGLogger in a static framework, using CocoaPods, then try to use it, iOS crashes at runtime when creating the AutoRotatingFileDestination object.

Example project here (You'll need to pod install then build and run)


hi, I am experiencing the same problem, but I can not reproduce...We observed this error happen at iOS9.3 or iOS 10.3...we archive in Xcode 11
Your example which I can't run, the blanKit has something error.
Can you solve the problem?

Some issue with xCode 12.4 and target iOS 9.3 and iOS 10.3.4. I have extra created a VM running macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) with Xcode 11 running iOS 9.3 Simulator. The App does not crash in the simulator. So this would need to be verified on a real device (which I don't have access to).

Since this is an old issue, any updates on this problem from anybody here?