DataDog / datadog-lambda-js

The Datadog AWS Lambda Library for Node

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X: Cannot decode %s traces payload: %v [v0.4 read tcp> i/o timeout]

zomgbre opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

No weird errors/warnings in the lambda log output.

Actual Behavior

Lambda log output on occasion:
"X: Cannot decode %s traces payload: %v [v0.4 read tcp> i/o timeout"

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Use CDK to add Datadog layer to a lambda with below configuration:
 this._datadog = new Datadog(this, 'Datadog', {
          env: 'test',
          service: 'test',
          version: '2022-10-17t17:58:40.514z',
          nodeLayerVersion: 84,
          extensionLayerVersion: 29,
          captureLambdaPayload: true,
          apiKeySecretArn: `arn:aws:secretsmanager:${Stack.of(this).region}:${Stack.of(this).account}:secret:xxx/datadog`
  1. Deploy lambda.
  2. Send requests to the lambda until this error is seen. (I'm not exactly sure what is causing it...)


  • Datadog Lambda Layer version: 29
  • Node version: 84


X: Cannot decode %s traces payload: %v [v0.4 read tcp> i/o timeout

@zomgbre Thank you for flagging this issue, we are looking into the root cause.

Hi, a fix for this has been in the most recent versions of the Datadog extension for some time. Please upgrade to the latest (37) and feel free to re-open if this is still an issue.
