DataDog / datadog-lambda-extension

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pedrolourencoribeiro opened this issue · comments


I'm currently monitoring some lambdas with DD and I'm getting a lot of warn messages from the DD_EXTENSION layer.

2023-04-12 10:38:54 UTC | DD_EXTENSION | WARN | Failed to identify cgroups version due to err: unable to detect cgroup version from detected mount points: map[]. APM data may be missing containerIDs.

Previously we had this warning but since I've updated to the latest version it no longer appears
DD_EXTENSION | WARN | Error loading config: open /var/task/datadog.yaml: no such file or directory

I'm using the latest versions of the layers and running node16


and these are the variables that I'm passing to the lambda

DD_ENV | dev
DD_LAMBDA_HANDLER | index.handler
DD_LOGS_CONFIG_PROCESSING_RULES | [{"type": "exclude_at_match", "name": "exclude_start_and_end_logs", "pattern": "(START\|END\|REPORT) RequestId"}]
DD_SERVICE | my-analyses

Do you guys know why this could be happening or a way to stop logging it since its costly and not really relevant for us
Thanks in advance

Same here.

Additionally I'm receiving these warnings:

DD_EXTENSION \| WARN \| Unknown environment variable: DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN
DD_EXTENSION \| WARN \| Unknown environment variable: DD_VERSION

Of course both env vars are set and recognized by DD.

Hi all, thanks a ton for reporting this. I've gone ahead and opened a pull request to remove the cgroups messages. DataDog/datadog-agent#16637

@t0mmili it seems like you are correct, those env vars are known. I've gone ahead and opened a PR for that as well. You can track it here: DataDog/datadog-agent#16662

@pedrolourencoribeiro and @t0mmili both PRs related to this issue have been merged. They will be included in the next release of the Datadog Lambda Extension.

@pedrolourencoribeiro and @t0mmili both PRs related to this issue have been merged. They will be included in the next release of the Datadog Lambda Extension.

Has this been released? I see that the issue is closed and you mentioned it was merged and would be released in the next release, but we are still seeing the "missing containerIDs" warning in our Lambda function using v43.

2023-06-08 20:46:15 UTC | DD_EXTENSION | WARN | Failed to identify cgroups version due to err: unable to detect cgroup version from detected mount points: map[]. APM data may be missing containerIDs.