Darth-Ness / AquaCSS

A CSS framework that brings modern design to your website

Home Page:https://darth-ness.github.io/AquaCSS/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A CSS framework that brings modern design to your website

How to use

First download the code. Either using git or the code button. Then, unzip it and move it to where your HTML code is. Then add the following two line to your HTML file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/'AquaMain.css">

If you would like to use the online version.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://AquaCSS.darth-ness.repl.co">

Custom Themes

There are some premade themes already (check the themes folder above) ,however, you can also make a custom theme as well. Here is a template.

@import url("https://aquacss.darth-ness.repl.co/")
:root {
--orange: #d08770;
--yellow: #ebcb8b;
--green: #a3be8c;
--purple: #b48ead;

Most of these names are self explanatory, but "bhover" is the color of the buttons when you hover over them. "text" is the text color. You can also add styling for other elements in the same file. The colors for these variables are the default values.


A CSS framework that brings modern design to your website


License:MIT License


Language:CSS 62.7%Language:HTML 30.3%Language:JavaScript 7.0%