DartCat25 / CEM-S

Shader that adds CEM to vanilla minecraft.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CEM-S: Custom Entity Models with shaders

Pack adds primitive implementation of CEM on vanilla shaders.

It ables to render geometry in fragment as there is a way to TBN matrix in it, finally.


It applies features to add or change geometry of entities with done functions ADD_BOX, ADD_BOX_ROTATE and ADD_SQUARE but you can add any intersector function or even other techniques like raymarching.

Model has no limits in size and rotations but you should consider that entity culling is still vanilla.

May be used on any mobs, block enities (like chests, beds, bells, etc.), armors, trims, arrows, tridents, etc.

Implementation (WIP)

Old implementation.


To setup pack, copy include folder from this repository to your minecraft/shaders/.

Copy one of templates (there will be more templates and some of them may be same for some shaders) to minecraft/shaders/core/. (You can find shader for your kind of entity here.)



Texture marking

Firstly, you need to check entity itself. To do this, you need mark texture by specific pixel. (you can do it with any image editor, like GIMP, Paint.net, Photoshop, etc.)
It works only for enities but not for some block-entities (chests, signs, beds) because they have atlas and this method is not so able for atlas.

Protip: you can mark entity by same pixel for one type of model (like arrows). Pixel

Detection itself (example):

//ivec2(X, Y) - coordinates of pixel
//vec4(R, G, B, A) - color of pixel 0..255 per channel
if (texelFetch(Sampler0, ivec2(31, 0), 0) * 255 == vec4(0, 0, 1, 255)) //Arrow
    //Next detection or cem declaration

UV0 and gl_VertexID detection

To find specific model element (face of model part, you need only one face for whole model's bone), you need to find specific UV and/or vertices ID (both in one gives more precise detection)

Odd UV detection
For non-atlas texture, you can use this odd form of detection of UV:

//ivec2(width, height) - texture size of element
//vec2(X, Y) - left up corner of texture
//corners[(gl_VertexID) % 4].yx - id-texture ordering (wtf)
uv - corners[(gl_VertexID) % 4].yx * ivec2(16, 5) == vec2(X, Y)

Where corners are:

const vec2[4] corners = vec2[4](vec2(0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(1, 1), vec2(1, 0));

This thing helps to get same place in texture for all vertices but sometimes they have another order and you need to find a combination that respects your element by corners[(gl_VertexID + OFFSET) % 4](.yx?)... or changing array.

ID detection

//FACE_COUNT - count of faces for whole model (for model made out of cubes CUBES_COUNT * 6)

Full example(from this pack):

if (texelFetch(Sampler0, ivec2(31, 0), 0) * 255 == vec4(0, 0, 1, 255)) //Arrow
    if (uv - corners[(gl_VertexID) % 4].yx * ivec2(16, 5) == vec2(0) && gl_VertexID / 4 % 3 == 1)
        cem = 1;
        cem_reverse = 1;
        corner = corners[(gl_VertexID) % 4].yx;
        cem_size = 1;
        gl_Position = vec4(0);

For atlas detection, combine texture detection with UV detection:

texelFetch(Sampler0, ivec2(uv) - vec2(Xd, Yd) - corners[(gl_VertexID) % 4] * ivec2(W, H), 0) * 255 == vec4(R, G, B, A)

CEM Declaration

cem = 1; //Model ID

cem_reverse = 1; //Reverse XY of model if it seems to be inversed (Y goes down) Also can be use to mirror dublicate model like boots or hands of armor (optional)

corner = corners[(gl_VertexID) % 4].yx; //Change corner ordering to found one (optional)

cem_size = 1; //Change size of area (optional)


Models are stored in switch (cem) {...}

Sculpting a model

Modelling technique is raytracing.
"Bible" of raytracing here

To make model, you have defines and basic intersector functions:

// // // Defines

//Shorthand for sSquare
ADD_SQUARE(p1, p2, p3, uv)

//Shorthand for sBox
ADD_BOX(pos, size, dSide, uSide, nSide, eSide, sSide, wSide)

//Shorthand for sBox with rotation (+Rotation matrix and rotation pivot)
ADD_BOX_ROTATE(pos, size, Rotation, rotPivot, dSide, uSide, nSide, eSide, sSide, wSide)

// // // Functions
ro = -center - pos;
rd = dirTBN or modified one;
p1, p2, p3 - points of square (0, 0) (1, 0) (0, 1);
tint - color to multiply (used for lighting);
color = color (past color to overlay on);
T = minT (past depth, new depth will be written in this);
#side - side of cube (down, up, north, east, south, west);

vec4 sSquare(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3, vec4 tint, vec4 color, inout float T, vec4 uv)

vec4 sBox(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, vec3 size, mat3 TBN, vec4 color, inout float T, vec4 dSide, vec4 uSide, vec4 nSide, vec4 eSide, vec4 sSide, vec4 wSide)

// // // Raw Intersectors

vec3 triIntersect(in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd, in vec3 v0, in vec3 v1, in vec3 v2)

vec3 boxIntersect(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, vec3 size, out vec3 outNormal)

Examples of using and some other things are in examples.

Intersectors functions: https://iquilezles.org/articles/intersectors/

Also there is useful rotation function in matf.glsl like Rotation3(angle(rad), EULER_AXIS(X|Y|Z)).
PI defined here too.

You also can use raymarching technique

Hope this doc helped.

Compatibility (DIDN'T TEST)

Most example packs probably work in 1.18.2 and above (may cause vertex reordering issues, but it's fixable).

Code snippets probably may work in 1.17 and above.

Mods compatibility:

  • Sodium
  • Iris
  • Optifine
  • Optifine (shaders)

Known Issues

  • Bobbing distortions (troubleshooting: switching out bobbing) (fixed)
  • Weird depth when camera is in box (seems to be fixed)
  • Doesn't work in GUI

Contributions, sources and licensing



Shader that adds CEM to vanilla minecraft.

License:MIT License


Language:GLSL 100.0%