Dariasteam / Cows-Revenge

Casual platform game project for learning purposes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add tag descriptions

basxto opened this issue · comments

You could add descriptions to future tags.
This is more of a gimmick and playing around with git.
Descriptions are plain text and this is how it looks like if you create them completly without github: https://github.com/basxto/gamesPy/releases


  • Works with local guis for git like gitk
  • Works in terminal like git show v1.0.1
  • Shows more on repository mirrors (but gitlab is dead, I guess?)


  • It’s obviously not suitable for distributing builds

It would look like:

git tag v1.0.1 -m "New icon

* New icon
* New level
* CRT screen retro shader
* Minor bufixes solved"

You can open your default editor for the message with:

 -m '' -e

Changing old tags is possible but not worth it, since it would need faking the dates.

Didn't know that feature, sounds good, I'll use it.