Dariasteam / Cows-Revenge

Casual platform game project for learning purposes

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Support language PT-BR

LeandroStanger opened this issue · comments

Technically translate it would be really simple, problem is none of us know portuguese, of course we could use some automatic translator but probably the result would be really low quality. Would you be interested in help us to do it?

Currently game use 117 strings which are stored in this comma separated values file so the workaround is to create a new column with the translated texts in it.

I forgot to mention: A lot of what the hens say are localized memes so many of them are different in english and spanish, and there is a couple of ideological setences (like our oposition to homeopathic "medicine" that should not change). We need to discuss how to deal with that

Adding language selection to settings menu would be nice.
I don’t understand how to open .xl files with godot.
They are hashed translation files if I understand that correctly?

They are automatically generated, the way to add a language is opening https://github.com/Dariasteam/Cows-Revenge/blob/stable/Locales/locales.csv, create a new column with the language code and put the translations. Godot automatically handle its update and there is no need to do anything more.

Oh man, translations in a csv will be horrible with git.
Git mostly thinks line wise.
I started a partial German translation in my fork. Some chickens are not translated.
Would be nice to know which quotes should be translated directly, which are related to popular films and therefore also can be translated and which just relate to memes.
I thtink meme's could be safely replaced with random memes. It’s not like the chickens have any context?

I’m not able to create locale.de.xl, the other two got updated though. Is it necessery to include xl-files in the repository? I mean they just get generated.

I also fixed a few things in English.
And changed two things in Spanish:

  • emular to simular for being consistant in all languages. At least in English simulate is more used for imitating the just output and emulate for a deeper imitation. But I think there are no clear rule for the usage of those words.
  • Recoge cencerros para obtener mejoras. -> Recoge cencerros para comprar mejoras … and English and German accordingly. On my first run it sounded to me like you get automatically upgrades.

For now I translated Ucronía as an fictional country name (Ucronia [en] and Ukronien [de]), but I guess that meant the genre of “alternate history”. Will have to change that then to Uchronia and Uchronie or rather their more common names Alternate history and Alternativweltgeschichte.

Are there any fictional names, which need to be kept?

Man, thank you so much for your interest with this and what you are doing.

Mostly the memes are random but maybe will be some tricky situations with the ideology stuff, for example the #metoo, so yes, I'll look into that and generate a consistent groups, maybe memes | pop culture | ideology.

The locale problem, checking again the workflow I think you need to press Import > Translations and when selecting the file a new checkbox for the language should appear

Totally ok with your Spanish fixes

Ucronía its refered to the genre, but those names where chosen by thinking random words, just because it has a nice sonority, for me Ucronia sounds better than "Alternate History" so I would prefer to keep it. Also R.U.B.E.N its the name of a friend written like an acronimum.

I think I need to take this more serious from now on xD

I tried to import translations in Godot 2.1.5, but I just got:

compressing keys: 116
total compressed string size: 2406 (3043 uncompressed).
bucket table size: 2408
hash table size: 772
total collisions: 47
ERROR: save: Condition ' err ' is true. returned: err
   At: core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:2108.

But those are maybe some Arch specific errors, haven’t looked into that enough.

Ruben, being a name from the bible, could actually been translated. English translation would be R.E.U.B.E.N. or R.U.B.E.M. in Brazilian Portuguese or Р.У.В.И́.М. in Russian. Funnily a name, that could even be converted to Japanese without much loss.
Some people are fine with getting their name translated, some not. I guess it’s easier to recognize it as a name if it gets localized.

I think I need to take this more serious from now on xD

As long as it’s not killing the fun of creating it.

It’s also possible to substitute what’s not translatable from Spanish.
It is important to know if you want to keep pronunciation or the writing. Otherwise one would always try to localize and translate.
Even though that wish might not be complied, sounds unknown to the target language will be lost or altered and unpronounceable writing isn’t good either.

Okay … I’m just stupid.
When I define a target path, importing works fine.

Aand it looks horrible /o\

Nice! As a temporary solution I've added a new language column with instructions for translating the hens sentences. The options are:

  • LITERAL_TRANSLATION: Translate as close as possible to the English
  • KEEP: copy the same text of the English column
  • SIMILAR_TRANSLATION (addition info for the translation): write in the most convenient way things like catchphrases of characters and similar
  • MEME (additional info for the translation)

It's important to deselect that column's checkbox when importing for the first time a new language

Have I already mentioned that “UFO Store” is hardcoded?

Nope, but definitely it shouldn't be

sound for sleep

I didn‘t use a onomatopeoetic word.
Since “Zzz…” is the most recognizable for sleeping, but does not match the sound in German.
I found one for snorring, but I’ve never seen it before and I don’t think it’ll work without context.

say yes a lot of times

Dunno sounds kinda weird.
Is this cheering?
I would intuitively use two yes, but that’s “I don’t care what you say”.

To change a number to binary you only have to divide it by 2, the result are the remainings in inverse order

It’s rather repeatedly divide with remainder, I think.

sound for sleep


say yes a lot of times

It's more like a pet phrase a professor of mine always use while thinking on a response.

To change a number to binary you only have to divide it by 2, the result are the remainings in inverse order

I thought the repetition it was implicit saying ramainings, but maybe it's unclear, yes

Thank you again for doing this.