Darep / stylis.js

light – weight css preprocessor

Home Page:https://stylis.js.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



light – weight css preprocessor

  • 3Kb

npm licence Build Status dependencies


  • Edge
  • IE 8+
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Node


direct download

<script src=stylis.min.js></script>


<script src=https://unpkg.com/stylis@latest/stylis.min.js></script>


npm install stylis --save


  • selector namespacing/isolation
  • inline global injection ex. :global(selector)
  • nesting a { &:hover {} }
  • vendor prefixing (flex-box, etc...)
  • flat stylesheets color: red; h1 { color: red; }
  • keyframe and animation namespacing
  • plugins
  • minification
  • built to support closure-compiler advanced mode


stylis('#id', `
font-size: 2em;

// line comments
/* block comments */

:global(body) {background:red}

h1 {
	h2 {
		h3 {

@media (max-width: 600px) {
	& {display:none}

&:before {
	animation: slide 3s ease infinite

@keyframes slide {
	from { opacity: 0}
	to { opacity: 1}

& {
	display: flex

&::placeholder {


#id {font-size: 2em;}

body {background:red}
h1 h2 h3 {content: 'nesting'}

@media (max-width: 600px) {
	#id {display:none}

#id:before {
	-webkit-animation: slide-id 3s ease infinite;
	animation: slide-id 3s ease infinite;

@-webkit-keyframes slide-id {
	from { opacity: 0}
	to { opacity: 1}
@keyframes slide-id {
	from { opacity: 0}
	to { opacity: 1}

#id {

#id::-webkit-input-placeholder {color:red;}
#id::-moz-placeholder {color:red;}
#id:-ms-input-placeholder {color:red;}
#id::placeholder {color:red;}



stylis(selector: {String}, css: {String})


// factory pattern
var stylis = new stylis(options)

// singleton pattern
var stylis = stylis

When using the factory pattern the if an object is passed as optional options argument, this will be passed to stylis.set(options)


// all options except compress and cascade are enabled by default
	// (dis/en)able :global selectors
	global: {Boolean}

	// (dis/en)able aggressive cascade isolation
	// true for normal cascade(default) false for no cascading
	cascade: {Boolean}

	// (dis/en)able namespace keyframes + animations
	keyframe: {Boolean}

	// (dis/en)able vendor prefixing
	prefix: {Boolean|Function(key: string, value: string, context: number)}

	// (dis/en)able aggressive minification
	compress: {Boolean}

	// (dis/en)able (no)semicolon support
	// false to enable no-semicolons (default)
	semicolon: {Boolean},

	// tell stylis to make an effort to preserve empty rules,
	// i.e `.selector{ }`
	preserve: {Boolean}

Vendor Prefixing

By default vendor is enabled, however there is an option to disable vendor prefixing, either completely or dynamically.

The following would disable prefixing.

stylis.set({prefix: false})

Alternatively you can disable prefixing on a case by case basis by providing a function that returns a boolean indiciating whether to prefixing that particular rule.

	prefix: (key, value, context) => {
		return false

The arguments correspond to the rule that is about to be vendor prefixed. For example:

// transform: none;
key = 'transform'
value = 'none'
context = 1

// :read-only {...}
key = ':read-only'
value = '...'
context = 2

// @keyframes {...}
key = '@keyframes'
value = '...'
context = 3


stylis.use(plugin: {Function|Array<Function>|null})

The use function is chainable ex. stylis.use()()()


The optional middleware function accepts four arguments with this pointing to a reference of the current stylis instance.

(context, content, selectors, parent, line, column, length)

Plugins are executed in stages identified by an context interger value.

-2 /* post-process context */
-1 /* preparation context */
0  /* newline context */

1  /* property context */
2  /* selector block context */
3  /* @at-rule block context */

Note: Since the newline context is intended for source-map plugins by default stylis will not execute plugins in this context unless enabled, this can be done through stylis.use(true) or disabled after that through stylis.use(false).

  • -2 post processed context, before the compiled css output is returned
  • -1 preparation context, before the compiler starts
  • 0 after every newline
  • 1 on a property declaration ex. color: red;
  • 2 after a selector block of css has been processed ex. .foo {color:red;}
  • 3 after a @at-rule block of css has been processed ex. @media {h1{color:red;}}

If at any context(except 0) that the middleware returns a different string the content of css will be replaced with the return value.

To remove all plugins just call .use with null/no arguments.

// removes all previously added plugins, then adds one
stylis.use(null)(ctx => {})

For example we can add a feature random() to our css that when used prints a random number.

 * plugin
 * @param  {number} context
 * @param  {Array<string>} selector
 * @param  {Array<string>} parent
 * @param  {string} content
 * @param  {number} line
 * @param  {number} column
 * @param  {number} length
 * @return {(string|void)?}
const plugin = (context, content, selectors, parent, line, column, length) => {
	switch (context) {
		case 1: return content.replace(/random\(\)/g, Math.random())

 * use
 * @param {(Array<function>|function|null|boolean)} plugin
 * @return {Function} use

stylis(``, `h1 { width: calc(random()*10); }`)

This will replace all instances of random() with a random number.

Internally Before stylis processes calc(random()*10); it passes it to the plugin if a plugin exists; If in turn the plugin returns something different from what it received stylis will replace the content of the property with the return value and continue processing that.

The same can be said for a selector block, in both contexts an argument selector is passed that contains the current array of selectors that the block of css/property stylis is working on.

This array of selectors is mutable and will reflect the output of selectors if changed.


Stylis is fast, and though it does not generate an AST you can with a plugin create an AST out of the resulting input, this and other aspects allow it to be very small(3KB).

The benchmark results are using https://github.com/postcss/benchmark

Note that the benchmark is not a one-2-one comparison because each library was developed for different goals and different set of features.

Stylis appears in all the benchmarks because by default stylis both parsers, processes and auto prefixes in one pass.


Stylis       x 54.28 ops/sec ±4.45% (58 runs sampled)
CSSTree      x 39.73 ops/sec ±9.18% (56 runs sampled)
PostCSS      x 21.11 ops/sec ±8.46% (57 runs sampled)
CSSOM        x 19.20 ops/sec ±6.53% (36 runs sampled)
Mensch       x 17.85 ops/sec ±13.39% (37 runs sampled)
Rework       x 12.80 ops/sec ±4.42% (36 runs sampled)
PostCSS Full x 8.15 ops/sec ±7.79% (45 runs sampled)
Gonzales     x 5.21 ops/sec ±7.75% (18 runs sampled)
Gonzales PE  x 3.99 ops/sec ±10.37% (15 runs sampled)
Stylecow     x 3.97 ops/sec ±9.48% (15 runs sampled)
ParserLib    x 1.79 ops/sec ±8.58% (9 runs sampled)

Fastest test is Stylis at 1.37x faster than CSSTree


Stylis    x 26.26 ops/sec ±5.95% (49 runs sampled)
PostCSS   x 16.23 ops/sec ±11.21% (47 runs sampled)
Rework    x 10.65 ops/sec ±3.86% (55 runs sampled)
libsass   x 6.83 ops/sec ±2.29% (22 runs sampled)
Less      x 4.75 ops/sec ±9.14% (29 runs sampled)
Stylus    x 3.67 ops/sec ±28.12% (25 runs sampled)
Stylecow  x 2.15 ops/sec ±6.36% (15 runs sampled)
Ruby Sass x 0.31 ops/sec ±8.12% (6 runs sampled)

Fastest test is Stylis at 1.62x faster than PostCSS


Stylis       x 45.52 ops/sec ±14.61% (77 runs sampled)
Autoprefixer x 13.32 ops/sec ±6.51% (67 runs sampled)
Stylecow     x 2.28 ops/sec ±5.97% (16 runs sampled)
nib          x 1.79 ops/sec ±25.32% (15 runs sampled)
Compass      x 0.15 ops/sec ±9.34% (5 runs sampled)

Fastest test is Stylis at 3.4x faster than Autoprefixer


light – weight css preprocessor


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 88.8%Language:HTML 11.0%Language:TypeScript 0.2%