Dansoftowner / jSystemThemeDetector

Java library for detecting that the (desktop) operating system uses dark UI theme or not

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[MacOS Catalina] NPE: Couldn't execute theme name query with the Os

DrDaleks opened this issue · comments

Just noticed this NPE, wondered if this is normal or an OS-related issue somehow.
My code calls OsThemeDetector.getDetector().isDark() at some point, and the full stack trace reads

[AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR com.jthemedetecor.MacOSThemeDetector - Couldn't execute theme name query with the Os
	at java.base/java.util.regex.Matcher.getTextLength(Matcher.java:1770)
	at java.base/java.util.regex.Matcher.reset(Matcher.java:416)
	at java.base/java.util.regex.Matcher.<init>(Matcher.java:253)
	at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.matcher(Pattern.java:1133)
	at com.jthemedetecor.MacOSThemeDetector.isDarkTheme(MacOSThemeDetector.java:96)
	at com.jthemedetecor.MacOSThemeDetector.isDark(MacOSThemeDetector.java:86)

More specifically, the NPE is due to the following call (within the isDark() method) returning the '0' byte:

Foundation.invoke(userDefaults, "objectForKey:", Foundation.nsString("AppleInterfaceStyle"))

I should mention that this happens during daytime (and luckily isDark() returns false), so no harm done (besides an avoidable(?) pollution of the logger)

Any clue where that might come from?

In case this helps: using version 3.7 @ openjdk11 @ macOS 10.15.7

Got the same error on Monterey 12.1

Also facing same error on Monterey 12.1

+1 Big Sur, JDK 17
I wonder if the matcher pattern catches the case where system Auto theme is set

Developer seems to have explored this issue:

For working with the new macOS Catalina you need to combine AppleInterfaceStyle with this new value introduced AppleInterfaceStyleSwitchesAutomatically


with a reference to https://github.com/ruiaureliano/macOS-Appearance

with apologies for possible impertinence

This library would be useful if this issue were fixed. With reference to the example project referenced above the developer quietly updated his project with the correct property for macOS > 10.15 NSApplication.shared.effectiveAppearance.debugDescription A potential PR would need to check platform version.


In the meantime, does anyone know how to silence the logger?

I don't fully understand how the logger works. I've tried using

java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.jthemedetecor.MacOSThemeDetector").level = Level.OFF
	java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.jthemedetecor").level = Level.OFF

in my code, but that does nothing.

Whenever I search "how to disable a org.slf4j.Logger" people are talking about things like log4j. It's very confusing. I don't think I have log4j installed, but just in case I tried adding a "log4j.properties" to my classpath with log4j.logger.com.jthemedetecor=OFF but that is not doing anything either.

It sounds like you don't want logging at all, in which case you should add sl4j-nop (no-op) logger to your dependencies. I only know log4j with that if you have a logging configuration (log4j2.xml) on your classpath it should ignore libraries that are not configured. This library uses logback with sl4j I have no knowledge of that but it shouldn't matter if you are not using it.

But what if I just want to disable logging for jthemedetecor without disabling logging for other libraries?

12.4 JDK18 same thing

In the meantime, does anyone know how to silence the logger?

I don't fully understand how the logger works. I've tried using

java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.jthemedetecor.MacOSThemeDetector").level = Level.OFF
	java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.jthemedetecor").level = Level.OFF

in my code, but that does nothing.

Whenever I search "how to disable a org.slf4j.Logger" people are talking about things like log4j. It's very confusing. I don't think I have log4j installed, but just in case I tried adding a "log4j.properties" to my classpath with log4j.logger.com.jthemedetecor=OFF but that is not doing anything either.

use the following two lines in log4j2.properties

logger.jthemedetecor.name = com.jthemedetecor
logger.jthemedetecor.level = off


In the meantime, does anyone know how to silence the logger?
I don't fully understand how the logger works. I've tried using

java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.jthemedetecor.MacOSThemeDetector").level = Level.OFF
	java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("com.jthemedetecor").level = Level.OFF

in my code, but that does nothing.
Whenever I search "how to disable a org.slf4j.Logger" people are talking about things like log4j. It's very confusing. I don't think I have log4j installed, but just in case I tried adding a "log4j.properties" to my classpath with log4j.logger.com.jthemedetecor=OFF but that is not doing anything either.

use the following two lines in log4j2.properties

logger.jthemedetecor.name = com.jthemedetecor
logger.jthemedetecor.level = off


In case anyone is using log4j2.xml style properties you can use this:

    <Logger name="com.jthemedetecor" level="error">
    <Root level="info">