DanielSWolf / rhubarb-lip-sync

Rhubarb Lip Sync is a command-line tool that automatically creates 2D mouth animation from voice recordings. You can use it for characters in computer games, in animated cartoons, or in any other project that requires animating mouths based on existing recordings.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rhubarb for Spine "Error performing speech recognition via PocketSphinx tools. Error creating speech decoder."

yesthisisbingo opened this issue · comments

Hello! Trying to get some lipsync done for a spine event, and Rhubarb is finding the images and files correctly, but when I go to animate the audio, I get an error that says:

Error processing file (the file path and name).
Error performing speech recognition via PocketSphinx tools.
Error creating speech decoder

The audio file is a 16-bit .wav file. My file paths should all be correct for the rhubarb and sphinx stuff - that is to say I haven't moved anything around so it should be finding the sphinx files correctly, but it's not processing the audio. Is it the audio file type causing this?

Is there any update on this issue? I am getting the same issue.

Any luck with this issue ? Having the same exact problem.

