Daniel-Abrecht / egl-gles2-linux-dmabuf-camera-texture-example

A absolutely basic example of a egl based gles2 application showing a v4l2 capture device stream as a texture mapped to a square using a linux dmabuf

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eglCreateImageKHR failed

fabienjean opened this issue · comments


I have build on debian 11.
I have an issue.

eglCreateImageKHR failed
failed to create texture from dma buffer
engine_v4l_texture_create failed

Do you have any idea ?


Unfortunately, I don't know what could cause this. This project was more of a quick test anyway.
It's possible that there are some bugs in there, and some aspects of this implementation are not ideal.
It could also be that the dmabuf from the v4l device just has a format or size or something that's not supported by your EGL implementation / graphics driver. With mesa drivers, maybe setting MESA_DEBUG=1 may provide more infos.

Using v4l directly may not be ideal anymore either. Nowadays, there are also devices with things like v4l cameras with focus controls and similar things, which need special handling in applications to work. It may be more future proof to use something like gstreamer or libcamera as an to abstraction layer which handles such things. Although I'm not a huge fan of such big programs and libraries, they become increasingly harder to avoid.