DamonOehlman / detect-browser

Unpack a browser type and version from the useragent string

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't resolve `os` in file [index.js]

shengshiqi opened this issue · comments

in line 73, required module os, but not found in package.json.

@shengshiqi Can you provide some more information around how you are trying to use detect-browser please? This shouldn't be an error that occurs when using either browserify or in node, but there may be some other package bundlers that don't like it. Happy to investigate those cases.

node version: 7.6.0, package bundlers: FIS, TERMINAL print [WARNI] Can't resolve os in file [/node_modules/detect-browser/index.js], did you miss npm install os?

Getting this as well in an Angular project. v6

workaround: installed os as a dev dependency in my project

Looks like I need to perform a better "is node" check. Currently the test is:

var isNode = typeof navigator === 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined';

Which seems to be firing false positives in particular environments (Angular v6 being one example). Alternatively, perhaps I should consider removing the ability to detect if the code is running on the server at all. I doubt it's being used by many people and as long as it's done in a major version bump that should be acceptable.

I'd prefer that you don't have to add a workaround like adding os as a dev dep to your project.

I have the same issue

@DamonOehlman do you think you can release a major version bump for this this month? Thanks!

@edaniels definitely - keen to get it through ASAP. Having a look at #70 again now. I think I can do this in a 3.1.x release anyway as it is now a non-breaking change. Going to rollout out 3.0.0 now.

Done :)


Closing as inactive.