DamonOehlman / detect-browser

Unpack a browser type and version from the useragent string

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I made a demo link for you

rayshan opened this issue · comments

Hi! Thanks for this, works really well! So much better than the giant stackoverflow posts.

I noticed that there's no demo, so I made this: https://observablehq.com/@rayshan/browser-detection-tester-using-the-detect-browser-package. Good idea to put it in README?

@rayshan Absolutely - that's a fantastic idea!

Did you want to update your URL to browser-detection rather than the current browswer-detection?

🤦‍♂️ fixed, it's a little long now but probably good for SEO.

@rayshan added to the README - thanks for putting the workbook together :)