DamionGans / ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script

[Does not work anymore!] Script to enable systemd support on current Ubuntu WSL2 images

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The USER_HOME variable might not result in a single line/value

emrahkaya opened this issue · comments

USER_HOME="$(getent passwd | awk '{ FS=":" } /'"$SUDO_USER"'/ {print $6}')"
line in enter-systemd-namespace may result in multiple entries if the value of $SUDO_USER present in multiple lines.
For example, assume that the $SUDO_USER is bus and a section of the getent passwd is as follows :


Then USER_HOME will be set to


To solve it,
the reg. ex. in awk command should be changed to '"^$SUDO_USER:"'

Great suggestion! I have made a pull request and am waiting for a review, but I think that won't be a problem!

And it's merged :-)