DamienCassou / desktop-environment

Helps you control your GNU/Linux computer from Emacs

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It's kind of hard to modify or disable some of the bindings

WJCFerguson opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this package - it seems useful.

It would be nice if the bindings were more easily modified. e.g. like many, in exwm I use super with hjkl to move around with windmove. There has been some swearing at my laptop as I accidentally locked my screen multiple times in trying to work out how to disable it, not least because slock just gives me a red screen and no option to unlock(? - never used slock before), so I had to switch to another VT and kill slock.

The neatest way I found to disable s-l was:

(use-package desktop-environment
  :after exwm
  :diminish desktop-environment-mode
  :init (progn
          ;; get rid of s-l binding
          (setq desktop-environment--keybindings
                (delq (assoc (kbd "s-l") desktop-environment--keybindings)

Or is there an easier way to remove something from an alist?

Making that list a customization item would probably be the easiest?

I'm sorry for the problems you had to face.

slock just gives me a red screen

when you see a red screen, type your password (the screen is blue while doing that) and validate with RET

The neatest way I found to disable s-l was [...]

you could try something like:

(unbind-key "s-l" desktop-environment-mode-map)
(exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-l") nil)

Maybe @ch11ng has a better idea.

Closer to your idea and maybe a bit simpler:

  (alist-get (kbd "s-l") desktop-environment--keybindings nil t #'equal)

Could you please send a PR with a change in the README explaining such a workaround?

Making that list a customization item would probably be the easiest?

why not. Would you mind doing a prototype?

Ha - that explains slock thanks. Funny the man page makes no mention of how it works.

Fair request on the customization - I'll put it in my todo list but can't guarantee when I'll get to it :).

I don't know emacs lisp very much, I have found that the following code works.

  (let (previous-keybinding)
    (use-package desktop-environment
      :after exwm
      :diminish desktop-environment-mode
      :init (progn
              (setq previous-keybinding
                    (alist-get (elt (kbd "s-l") 0) global-map nil nil #'equal))
    (with-eval-after-load 'desktop-environment
       (unbind-key "s-l" desktop-environment-mode-map)
       (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-l") previous-keybinding)

Some recent improvements made by @Ambrevar should let you do something simpler (untested):

(use-package desktop-environment
  :demand t
  :after exwm
  :diminish desktop-environment-mode
    (unbind-key "s-l" desktop-environment-mode-map)

Thank you for the tip.
It seems that your suggestion makes s-l undefined.
But with a slight change, I could obtain a solution.

 (use-package desktop-environment
    :demand t
    :after exwm
    :diminish desktop-environment-mode
       (alist-get (elt (kbd "s-l") 0) desktop-environment-mode-map nil t)

For anyone looking online, this is the solution I found in the exwm layer for spacemacs and the one which seems to be the simplest:

  (use-package desktop-environment
   :after exwm
   (setq desktop-environment-update-exwm-global-keys :prefix)
   (define-key desktop-environment-mode-map (kbd "s-l") nil)