Daddoon / Blazor.Polyfill

Blazor server-side Polyfills and fixes for Internet Explorer 11 & Edge Legacy

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Integration of ESRI Arcgis JS API conflicts with polyfill

BerndNierula opened this issue · comments

Hi Daddoon

I build a small mapping app based on the vs 2019 (v16.6.1) server template. The map is created using <script src=""></script>
So far this worked fine on clientside Blazor and works also serverside on Chrome and Edge browser (Win10). Unfortunately in IE11 the map is not displayed. Fiddler tells me, that map requests are sent to the mapping server...
My organisation still uses IE11 for many Intranet business applications, so before introducing Blazor I must have at least a basic support for IE11

Could you please have a look at this issue, hope this is a small problem. Please tell me, if you need some additional information, the VS solutiont etc.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards
Bernd Nierula

Thank's a lot for your reply. I khow, that ESRI's support for IE11 is limited, especially 3D funktions don't work well. But in my case I need very basic 2D mapping, which should work.

My example is basically a copy of an ESRI sample, which works very well in IE11. See

In my blazor server solution IE11 doesn't show any messages in console or debug window.

Please tell me if you need some more information.

Sorry, but i don't have a lot of time for now to test why it doesn't work with ARCGIS.
My advice if you want to fix this by yourself would be to:

  • Inspect the Polyfills packages included in the project
  • Try to add them separately by themselves in your project, one to one.
  • See when you ARGIS plugin break.

This way you will at least identify wich Polyfill seems to break your plugin.

Also is arcgis called before or after the blazor.polyfill.js script ? Can you inverse the script order, in case it change something ?

Closing as no feedback.