DOkwufulueze / eth-vue

Featured in Awesome Vue [], a curated list maintained by vuejs of awesome things related to the Vue.js framework, and Awesome List [], this Truffle Box provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with vue, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled. Connecting to a running Ganache blockchain network from Truffle is also possible -- for fast development and testing purposes. Built on Truffle 5 and Vue 3, eth-vue uses vuex for state management, vuex-persist for local storage of app state, and vue-router for routing. Authentication functionalities are handled by Smart Contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Migrations Issue

moranthomas opened this issue · comments


initially using:
Truffle v5.0.3 (core: 5.0.3)
Solidity v0.5.0 (solc-js)
Node v10.11.0

I unboxed the eth-vue truffle box and ran a truffle compile but got a bunch of compilation errors so I downgraded the version of solc that truffle uses by modifying the truffle.js config file to match the version of solidity "0.4.18" which got rid of all of the compilation errors (as you have previously documented).

However now at the next step, truffle migrate.... I get
Error: *** Deployment Failed ***
"Setup" -- invalid address (arg="_dbAddress", coderType="address", value=undefined).
at /Users/thomasmoran/.nvm/versions/node/v10.11.0/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/truffle-deployer/src/deployment.js:364:1

Any ideas or suggestions to what might be going wrong?

Hey, @moranthomas

I'm looking into this issue, and I'll get back to you once I get useful information.

Thanks @DOkwufulueze.
I've since I downgraded the version of solc that truffle uses by modifying the truffle.js config file to match the version of solidity in the contracts (solidity 0.4.18;) which got rid of a lot of the issues.
Only then I realised that in your description in the trufflebox website it says it works with truffle4 so I downgraded to that

  • npm uninstall -g truffle
  • npm install -g truffle@4.0.0

Then unboxed, compiled and migrated and that seems to have done the trick.
So I guess the box just needs to be upgraded to work with latest version of truffle (currently 5.0.3)?


Good to know you're good now. Nevertheless, I have begun upgrading eth-vue. I've pushed several changes which should resolve all compilation and migration issues related to later versions of Solidity, Truffle, etc.

eth-vue now compiles and migrates successfully with Truffle 5, Solidity v0.5.0, and other related dependencies.
I'll update the README once all upgraded dependencies have been fully tested and found to be OK with eth-vue.

Closing as this issue has been resolved.