DHI / terracotta

A light-weight, versatile XYZ tile server, built with Flask and Rasterio :earth_africa:

Home Page:https://terracotta-python.readthedocs.org

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PNG Tiles with DEM Format

zufryy opened this issue · comments

Hi All,

I plan to use the PNG tiles from terracotta as input for gloperations leaflet plugins.
Instead of the PNG with colormap based on range output, is it possible to have an output that follows the DEM encoding for elevation data height = -10000 + (((R * 256 * 256)+ (G *256) + B) *0.1) ?

Thank you in advance.

You can use the /compute API endpoint to do this. Please check /apidoc on your Terracotta server for available options.

If you want better performance it might pay off to compute the elevation ahead of time though and ingest that as a separate singleband raster.

Thanks for your advice, now I am using a python script based on this link to generate the singleband raster that follow the DEM encoding formula