DCsunset / pandoc-include

A pandoc filter to allow file and header inclusion

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shared library error

rien333 opened this issue · comments

Whenever I run pandoc with --filter pandoc-include I get an error about a shared library:

$ cat test.md | pandoc --filter pandoc-include
pandoc-include: error while loading shared libraries: libHSpandoc-types- cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error running filter pandoc-include:
Filter returned error status 127

I do have this file on my system however, but as a newer version:

$ locate libHSpandoc-types

This seems more likely to be a problem in my installation, although I'm not really sure how. I installed pandoc-include from the Arch Linux AUR (and pip, for that matter). I've already tried reinstalled a lot of the dependencies of this filter, in case something went wrong during linking.

Nvm, I fixed it. Really not sure how, except that I removed a similarily named package named pandoc-include-code. Maybe there is a conflict?

It seems that pandoc-include-code is installed by cabel instead of pip, which may depend on different versions of the pandoc library.
Since I'm using panflute to write the filter, there may be a conflict between panflute and pandoc-include-code that causes this error.