DCsunset / pandoc-include

A pandoc filter to allow file and header inclusion

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Could not find executable pandoc-include

espetro opened this issue · comments

Hey @DCsunset ,

Thanks for this cool Pandoc feature. While trying it on Windows 10, running pandoc paper.md --filter pandoc-include -o output.pdf gives me:

Error running filter pandoc-include:
Could not find executable pandoc-include

My paper.md file follows the same syntax as the example provided, although it seems a binary problem. If I search the other Pandoc filters I use, they're all in the Scripts/ folder inside Anaconda. However, I cannot find pandoc-include.

where pandoc-*

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Hi @espetro ,

Since this script is written in python, it doesn't have a binary file. Instead, it uses Python to execute the script.
So do you install the filter using pip and have Python installed?


I have exactly the same problem.

I did install the script using pip and I have pytton installed...

@ikalogic Could you provide your pip version and list the directory where pandoc-include is installed?

Thank you very much for your quick response!

here is what i find:

C:\Windows\System32>pip -V
pip 19.2.2 from c:\python37\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.7)

C:\Windows\System32>where pandoc-*
C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc-citeproc.exe

Doing manual search, I find pandoc-include.exe somewhere in my user/roaming/ directory... I'll try to copy paste it in the same folder as pandoc and see what happens

Yup! that fixed it, i just had to copy/paste pandoc-include.exe in the same directory as pandoc, that is, here:
C:\Program Files\Pandoc


Thanks for your information.
It seems that the pandoc-include executable should be put in the directory in PATH environment.

I will update it in the README.md.