D34DC3N73R / netdata-glibc

netdata with glibc package for use with nvidia-docker2

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netdata cloud?

CurlyFlow opened this issue · comments

Any idea what im doing wrong? Ive setup an account and added

--runtime=nvidia --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --security-opt apparmor=unconfined -e NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN=XXX -e NETDATA_CLAIM_URL=https://app.netdata.cloud

it spams the log, but netdata says it doesnt get data.. might have to do with that it has a new unqiue name after each restart...? (and thus a new claim token... what have i been doing wrong?


2023-03-09 22:33:27: 10: 350 '[]:61915' 'DATA' (sent/all = 1526/3946 bytes -61%, prep/sent/total = 0.15/0.15/0.30 ms) 200 '/api/v1/data?chart=system.net&_=1678401198273&format=array&points=364&group=average&gtime=0&options=absolute|jsonwrap|nonzero&after=-780&dimensions=sent' 2023-03-09 22:33:27: 10: 350 '[]:61915' 'DATA' (sent/all = 1534/3885 bytes -61%, prep/sent/total = 0.12/0.12/0.24 ms) 200 '/api/v1/data?chart=system.io&_=1678401198276&format=array&points=364&group=average&gtime=0&options=absolute|jsonwrap|nonzero&after=-780&dimensions=out' 2023-03-09 22:33:27: 10: 350 '[]:61915' 'DATA' (sent/all = 1689/4267 bytes -60%, prep/sent/total = 0.47/0.11/0.58 ms) 200 '/api/v1/data?chart=system.cpu&_=1678401198279&format=array&points=364&group=average&gtime=0&options=absolute|jsonwrap|nonzero&after=-780' 2023-03-09 22:33:27: 10: 350 '[]:61915' 'DATA' (sent/all = 1554/4056 bytes -62%, prep/sent/total = 0.09/0.10/0.19 ms) 200 '/api/v1/data?chart=system.net&_=1678401198282&format=array&points=364&group=average&gtime=0&options=absolute|jsonwrap|nonzero&after=-780&dimensions=received' 2023-03-09 22:33:27: 10: 350 '[]:61915' 'DATA' (sent/all = 993/3028 bytes -67%, prep/sent/total = 0.12/0.08/0.20 ms) 200 '/api/v1/data?chart=system.io&_=1678401198285&format=array&points=364&group=average&gtime=0&options=absolute|jsonwrap|nonzero&after=-780&dimensions=in' 2023-03-09 22:33:27: 10: 350 '[]:61915' 'DATA' (sent/all = 1451/4258 bytes -66%, prep/sent/total = 0.30/0.10/0.41 ms) 200 '/api/v1/dat

I've set up a new image that is currently in dev, and there is a build available in docker hub d34dc3n73r/netdata-glibc:dev

Please give that a try and let me know how it works for you.

Seems to work, what a wonderful fast fix, wtf? :D

Only thing i wonder is, wont the log fill the docker image up? does that get recylced?

No more than the standard netdata image. If it becomes a problem, I'd try to recreate using the standard netdata image, which should work identically to this one (The only thing I do is add a layer to deal with glibc linked binaries). And then open an issue with netdata/netdata.
FWIW, I haven't noticed netdata being particularly larger than other containers, but it is pretty chatty. You can set log limits for all docker containers using daemon.json.

Glad the dev image works for you, it'll move to master with the next netdata release, so the only thing you'll have to do is change the image tag to :stable or :latest depending on your preference.