CyzenDev / lingo

Acronyms for random things

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Acronyms for random things

When auditing a codebase, I tend to come across acronyms and then forget them years later. This repo is to store some of them.

  • qcacld
    • QualComm Atheros Chipset Lan (?) Driver
    • QualComm Atheros Converged Linux Driver
  • scm
    • Secure Channel Manager (Qualcomm) link
    • Source Control Management (git, svn)
  • scr
    • Secure Configuration Register (determines ARM EL and Normal/Secure)
  • smc
    • Secure Monitor Call (ARM instruction used by SCM)
  • qseecom
    • Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment Communication
  • xbl
    • eXtensible BootLoader (Qualcomm) link
  • pbl
    • Primary BootLoader (Qualcomm) link, in ROM
  • sbl
    • Secondary BootLoader (Qualcomm) link
  • lk
    • Little Kernel, used for some Qualcomm bootloaders link
  • avc
    • Access Vector Cache (SELinux)
  • edl
    • Emergency Download Mode (Qualcomm)
      • Sahara and DLOAD and DM / QCDM protocols
  • qdm, qcdm
    • Qualcomm Diagnostic Monitor (/dev/diag?)
  • qxdm
    • Qualcomm eXtensible Diagnostic Monitor
  • laf
    • LG Advanced Flasher
  • qfprom
    • Qualcomm Fuse Programmable ROM
  • gdsc
    • Global Distributed Switch Controllers (Qualcomm)
  • msm
    • Mobile Station Modem (Qualcomm)
  • qsd
    • Qualcomm SnapDragon
  • sdm
    • SnapDragon Mobile (Qualcomm)
  • spm
    • Subsystem Power Management (Qualcomm)
  • wcnss
    • Wireless Connectivity Network SubSystem (Qualcomm) link
  • smem
    • Shared Memory (Qualcomm)
  • smemsm, smsm
  • smp2p
    • Shared Memory Point-to-Point (Qualcomm) link
  • gsbi
    • General Serial Bus Interface (Qualcomm)
  • qup
    • Qualcomm Universal Peripheral Engine link
  • spi
    • Serial Peripheral Interface
  • smd, qsmd
    • Qualcomm Shared Memory Driver
  • bam
    • Bus Access Manager / Module (Qualcomm] link
  • blsp
    • BAM Low Speed Peripheral (Qualcomm) link
  • caf
    • Code Aurora Forums (Qualcomm FOSS)
  • sps
    • Smart Peripheral Ssystem (Qualcomm) link
  • uart
    • Universal Asynchronous Receiver Trasnmitter
  • cts
    • Clear To Send (UART pin)
  • rts
    • Receive To Send (UART pin)
  • dsp
    • Digital Signal Processor (e.g. Hexagon)
  • aDSP
    • Application DSP
  • slim
    • Sensor Location Interface Module
  • slimbus
  • tdm
    • Time Division Multiplexing
  • qpst
    • Qualcomm Product Support Tools
  • qfil
    • Qualcomm Flash Image Loader
  • qcat
    • Qualcomm Commercial Analysis Toolkit
  • qmi
    • Qualcomm Messaging Interface
  • ssr
    • SubSystem Restart
  • mbn
    • Qualcomm image format with signatures link
  • mdtp
    • Mobile Device Theft Prevention (Qualcomm)
  • avb
    • Android Verified Boot, specifically 2.0 which uses an avbmeta partition
  • ipa
    • Internet Packe Accelerator (Qualcomm) link
  • ssbi
    • Single-wire Serial Bus Interface
  • mtp
    • Modem Test Platform link


  • tcb
    • Trusted Ccomputing Base
  • tcg
    • Trusted Ccomputing Group
  • pcr
    • Platform Configuration Registers
  • rtm
    • Root of Trust for Measurements
  • drtm
    • Dynamic RTM
  • rts
    • Root of Trust for Storage
  • rtr
    • Root of Trust for Reporting
  • ek
    • Endorsement Key
  • aik
    • Attestation Identity Key
  • srk
    • Storage Root Key
  • txt
    • Trusted Execution Technology (Intel)
  • svm
    • Secure Virtual Machine (AMD)
  • mle
    • Measured Launch Environment
  • acm
    • Authenticated Code Metrics
  • sgx
    • Software Guard eXtensions
  • epc
    • Enclave Page Cache
  • ssa
    • Save State Area
  • aex
    • Asynchronous Enclave Exit
  • trts
    • Trusted Run Time System
  • urts
    • Untrusted Run Time System
  • le
    • Launch Enclave
  • pe
    • Provisioning Enclave
  • qe
    • Quoting Enclave
  • sme
    • Secure Memory Encryption
  • tsme
    • Transparent SME
  • sev
    • Secure Encrypted Virtualization
  • asid
    • Adress Space ID
  • pek
    • Platform Endorsement Key
  • cek
    • Chip Endorsement Key
  • pdh
    • Platform Diffie Hellman Key

Random Dump

Taken from here

  • acr
    • Access Control Register
  • amss
    • Advanced Mobile Subscriber Software (Qualcomm)
  • apq
    • Application Processor Qualcomm
  • asm
    • Antenna Switch Module
  • bsp
    • Board Support Package
  • bimc
    • Bus Integrated Memory Controller
  • blob
    • Binary Large Object
  • cdt
    • Configuration Data Table
  • ce
    • Crypto Engine
  • ffbm
    • Fast Factory Boot Mode
  • flcb
    • Fast Low Current Boot
  • fsg
    • File System Gold
  • ipo
    • Instant Power On
  • tcm
    • Tightly Coupled Memory
  • kdf
    • Key Derivation Function
  • lpm
    • Low Power Mode
  • lpass
    • Low Power Audio SubSystem
  • mba
    • Modem Boot Authenticator
  • mdss
    • Mobile Display SubSystem
  • mmss
    • MultiMedia SubSystem
  • mp
    • Modem Processor
  • mpm
    • MSM Power Manager
  • msa
    • Modem Self Authentication
  • mvbar
    • Monitor Vector Base Address (ARM)
  • pbm
    • Phone Book Manager
  • phk
    • Primary Hardware Key
  • pil
    • Peripheral Image Loader link
  • pmi
    • Primary Modem Image
  • qca
    • QualComm Atheros
  • qfe
    • Qualcomm Front End
  • qhee
    • Qualcomm Hypervisor Execution Environment
  • qcril
    • Qualcomm Radio Interface Layer
  • hlos
    • High Level OS (e.g. Android)
  • qrib
    • QuAC Re-Initialization Block
  • qsapps
    • Qualcomm Secure Apps
  • qsc
    • Qualcomm Single Chip
  • quac
    • Qualcomm Access Control
  • rffe
    • Radio Frequency Front-End
  • rpm
    • Resource Power Manager
  • rtr
    • Radio Transceiver
  • sac
    • Secure Access Control
  • sdi
    • System Debug Image
  • sfr
    • Subsystem restart Failure Reason
  • sgi
    • Software Generated Interrupt
  • shk
    • Secondary Hardware Key
  • ssd
    • Secure Software Download
  • surf
    • Subscriber Unit Reference Framework (platform?)
  • tlmm
    • Top Level Mode Multiplexer
  • tzbsp
    • TrustZone Board Support Package
  • vmidmt
    • Virtual Machine ID Mapping Table
  • unipro
    • Universal Protocol
  • vbif
    • Video Bus InterFace
  • vfe
    • Video Front End
  • wcd
    • Wafer CoDec
  • wcn
    • Wireless Connectivity Network
  • wtr
    • Wafter Transceiver
  • xpu
    • Embedded memory protected unit
  • cdp
    • Core Development Platform
  • mtp
    • Mobile Test Platform
  • qrd
    • Qualcomm Reference Design
  • qti
    • Qualcomm Technologies Inc
  • qtl
    • Qualcomm Technologies Licensing division
  • qct
    • QualComm Technologies (??)
    • Qualcomm CDMA Technologies


Acronyms for random things

License:The Unlicense