Cysharp / DFrame

Distributed load testing framework for .NET and Unity.

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Caught in breaking changes MagicOnion 5

tetsuzin opened this issue · comments

A project using DFrame references MagicOnion 5.0.2 or later, an error occurs on project execution.
This appears to be caused by a breaking changes in MagicOnion 5.0.2 .

Error message is as follows.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Grpc.Core.AsyncDuplexStreamingCall`2<Byte[],Byte[]> MagicOnion.DuplexStreamingResult`2.get_RawStreamingCall()'.

Container base image:
DFrame: 1.0.7
MagicOnion 5.0.2
Grpc.Core.Api: 2.35.0
Grpc.Net.Client: 2.34.0