Cyfrin / foundry-smart-contract-lottery-cu

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VRF v2.5 update doesn't integrate with contract

NerfZeri opened this issue · comments

as the 29th of April, with the release of the new VRF v2.5 subscription takes a much larger number for the subscription ID so will not work with the fork test contract.

all the subscription ID uints need to be updated to a uint256 and a new VRF aggregator contract needs to be imported for the fork test to work.

alternatively a v2 subscription can be launched by code,

both seem quite daunting so once i'm further along with my journey id love to come back and give it a go!

Thank you. We might have to do a bigger update to all the examples...

We've updated a comment in the github, and added an update section in Updraft.

Might need to refilm this at some point.

Closing for now.