Cycling74 / n4m-examples

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error: "No Value For Key..." in .env file

billythemusical opened this issue · comments

Nature of issue?

  • Found a bug in an example

Details about the bug:

  • Max version: Max 8.0.5 (64-bit Mac)
  • Operating System: Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6
  • Name of example: freesound-search.maxpat, freesound-sequencer.maxpat
  • Steps to reproduce this: I opened ".env-template" with Text Edit and Saved As... ".env". I copied and pasted each corresponding key and pasted them directly after the "=" sign with no additions. I saved the file. I then opened the "freesound-search" example in Max and clicked the "script npm install" message and the console indicated that the install had completed. Then when I clicked the "script start" button, I got the following errors:

node.script: No value for key FREESOUND_CLIENT_KEY in .env file. Please make sure to create a file called .env with a Freesound API Client key.
node.script: No value for key FREESOUND_CLIENT_SECRET in .env file. Please make sure to create a file called .env with a Freesound API Client Secret.

So, this should not be the case since I replaced the ".env-template" values with the values from the FreeSound API and saved the file as ".env".

Please advise :)


thanks for reporting, billy! i am unfortunately not able to reproduce. can you make sure that you saved the .env file in the folder n4m-examples/freesound? if that still doesn't work, maybe you can try emailing me your .env file (to cassie at so i can see if it is formatted correctly.

hey cassie! thanks for getting back to me. I just drafted an email to you and when I attached the .env file and it showed up as ".env.txt" ... So I got info on the file and removed the .txt from the file name and voila! The patch works as advertised :)

aha! a hidden extension ✨a suggestion for how to avoid that scenario again is to use a text editor that's optimized for use with programming, such as Sublime Text, Atom, or Visual Studio Code, which won't hide files that begin with a . and won't hide extensions.

Hey guys!
I have the same problem but I can't solve it.
Could you help me, please?

Sorry, problem solved.