CybroOdoo / CybroAddons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blank white screen after install employee_purchase_requisition module Odoo v16

peebhoiy opened this issue · comments

Hello Team,

I would really appreciate it if the plugin is reviewed. I get a blank white screen when as an Administrator, under the Settings > User

Access Rights tab I select one of the dropdown options of "Employee Purchase Requisition". Any option selected outside the blank select will result in the user getting a white screen either when actively logged in.


Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will check and get back to you.


Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will check and get back to you.


I am not much of a regular user of Odoo. But a little digging showed that the application was not actually Migrated from the previous version. More like a copy-and-paste was done here. I had to use a browser inspection tool and trace similar errors getting the link below:

I hope this is going to be very helpful.